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Syria Is Now Saudi Arabia’s Problem

Oh poor me! That's not what your mother said :lol:

You must have gotten an A in your geography class :lol:
KSA is one country and the UAE is another :rofl:

Beside, I have no doubts whatsoever that some countries are willing to sell their wives and daughters in exchange for some paper :omghaha: ,don't you ever dare and talk to us like this boy.
Last time when KSA did go to war they got their *** kicked by Houthis. There is a reason why many (all) Gulf states hire western military advisors to serve in their armed forces... or mercenaries like Academi (blackwater).

Advisors come from as far away as Finland.
Suomen Sotilas 4/2012 | Suomen Sotilas
That is a pretty strong statement, do most of countrymen feel the same way?

His words, his affections. His emotional sentiment is similar to John Baird toward the nation of Israel.
His words, his affections. His emotional sentiment is similar to John Baird toward the nation of Israel.

Big difference, US has surplus defence capacity, they dont need all those A/C patrolling the seas to protect the US mainland, nor all those overseas bases. Pakistan is facing internal security challenges, not to mention SA is better armed and economically dwarfs Pakistan. It makes no sense what the poster said, the most I see is them sending some jihadists, and thats about it.
This shia sunni argument, aggravated primarily by Saudi Arabia is going to rip apart the Muslim world. It will be weak and fighting among itself for decades to come. This will be such a blessing for their enemies in the region and worldwide.

Rfidiah are fire worshippers/zoroastrianism and have nothing to do with Islam. Shia is a religion not a sect.
This shia sunni argument, aggravated primarily by Saudi Arabia is going to rip apart the Muslim world. It will be weak and fighting among itself for decades to come. This will be such a blessing for their enemies in the region and worldwide.

With all due respect but you are so shallow when it comes to the ME. I would like to debate you but I really don't know from where to start, I mean, we start debating most people from some point but you are different, it's like we need to start with you from the beginning, long years of background so you get it. I'm sorry but you're wrong, that's all I can tell you.
Man, you are insane... :lol:

Really ?

Craziest than those that Shiite Alawites with the help of their Persian brothers, HezboShaitan and their Russian allies massacred, raped, tortured and shredded. More than 100 000 young men, women, children and old people just because they were all Sunni.

Thank you, it's a real honor.
Big difference, US has surplus defence capacity, they dont need all those A/C patrolling the seas to protect the US mainland, nor all those overseas bases. Pakistan is facing internal security challenges, not to mention SA is better armed and economically dwarfs Pakistan. It makes no sense what the poster said, the most I see is them sending some jihadists, and thats about it.

I see what you're implying

First of all, speaking about the US, to the best of the knowledge that I know is that the USN patrols international waters which means they can patrol the Mediterranean Sea, South East China Sea, as well as the Arabian Gulf, without a single permission from any X or Y states. Secondly, I believe that the US DOES offer defense-agreement for as many as 50 nations such as NATO, Asia Pivot, and The Gulf Cooperation council, so I don't really see any difference between what the US is offering for the Qatari's to the Vietnamese or Afghanistan -to protect it from becoming a heaven for terrorists like Bin Laden or Haqqani- ,so to speak.

You see when Baathist Iraq invaded Kuwait in the early 90s, Sadam's military was the 5th strongest in the world, therefore, Kuwait sought the help from its friends to be liberated from the tyrant Sadam. When the republican guard of Iraq crossed into our territory we launched a full-fledged counter attack that had lead to set his forces back to the level of ineffectiveness, the whole opt took less than 73 hours BTW.

Credits go for the SANG and the Qatari's land forces for knocking off Sadam's guards.

However, I would still consider the US a friend of ours anyway. I happen to be an American myself.

I still don't see any difference between the comments he made and your FM's Both have an emotional affection for what they believe to be a true friends of theirs. I'm also not quite sure wether you know that KSA harbors the two holiest site for the religion he adheres to, and according to Islam, anyone is obligated to defend their two holiest sites, and no one can prevent him from doing it.

I don't really appreciate the word Jihadists especially when such word is being used for a nation that suffered from terrorism at the hand of the barbaric Jihadists, I don't think the Pakistani people here would like it either.

Alright man, thanks for coming don't forget to come back again

:wave: adios

Pakistan better stay out of this cluster F@#k! its not our war let them decide their self!

Could not agree more Sir.
Credit goes to

Qatari forces meen wel nas naymeen

1 brigade of the republican guard would burn the entire qatari armed forces during those days.
Credit goes to

Qatari forces meen wel nas naymeen

1 brigade of the republican guard would burn the entire qatari armed forces during those days.
Point taken ,and I fully agree with you bro.
They came with 10 tanks, so sorry but we were brought up to tell the truth and the truth only.
Point taken ,and I fully agree with you bro.
They came with 10 tanks, so sorry but we were brought up to tell the truth and the truth only.

Qataris came with a few tanks and a few fighters to steal all the glory.
With all due respect but you are so shallow when it comes to the ME. I would like to debate you but I really don't know from where to start, I mean, we start debating most people from some point but you are different, it's like we need to start with you from the beginning, long years of background so you get it. I'm sorry but you're wrong, that's all I can tell you.

I m willing to debate and learn as well. I have never said I m Middle East expert but I m here to learn as well. Being an outsider, it hurts me to see so many issues, which to me at least arenot worth fighting over.

By the way I had been to your country last month and it was a great trip. :) :) :)
Qataris came with a few tanks and a few fighters to steal all the glory.

Like I said, it was a symbolic move and all.

Yes, pretty much. We get all emotional when it comes to Makkah Mukarramah and Madina Al-Munawwara.

Please correct me if I'm wrong,

Haven't you been given an obligatory god given right to defend the holiest of the holiest sacred places you spiritually belong to?
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