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Syria Children's Torture By Security Forces Revealed

Iraq and Lebanon has significant Shia population, so it is understandable that they have their mind clouded, but I doubt this is true for Egypt. You are a German national residing in the US, but your views do not match with German or US point of view, what gives? Any ethnic origin that we may not be aware of?

My bro, Egypt doesn't have a president yet to gear up Egyptian external politics. Egypt has a lot of internal problems that distract it from anything else going on outside. The majority MB parliaments have clearly supported Syrian revolution several times. But you shouldn't judge Egyptian policy until they elect a president. Egyptians have staged demonstrations with millions of protesters showed solidarity and support to Syrian revolution.

If real Egyptians know about those who claimed to represent Egyptians, they will repudiate them: so those two don't represent but themselves, you will find a mole in every country.
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yeah but folks in thahir square wanted US to come make sure that you would not have any armed conflict - should you have had one then you would wanted us to help you out. I think this BS line about no armed conflict after 10,0000 people are killed! ~ is rather convenient of you and others. The people of Syria protested with clapping hands and dancing till 10,000 were slaughtered!

It's time the one true savior of the Muslim population from their evil dictators - USA comes in and ends this massacre. They are asking for us to come help and save them- let me know when they come to ask any of the " other " countries .

Nope the Egyptian Military would not fire on the protestors this is the difference between Syria and Egypt. If your going to arm the people of Syria then a no fly zone is required otherwise no amount of arms is going to make a difference. As long as the Russians and Chinese Veto no one is going to help.

Thank you, I appreciate that. You are a part-Arab brother after all. No one support an armed conflict. But how do you calm down a population that want to protest and get their democracy, just like they have done in Tunisia and Egypt. If they stop now, they will be killed anyways slowly and methodically by Shabiha. I think they are thinking that they would rather die fighting trying to get their freedom from this brutal regime.

This is not going to be Libya, as there is no oil and Syria is bigger and more complicated than Libya. So you have Assad with his big Alawi Army and Shabiha with license to kill and that is what they are doing, killing with impunity. This vicious regime will kill half the population or more, if they have to, just to stay in power. Is that what you want? Or do you want the killing to be stopped. In my opinion, the best way for the killing to minimize and stop is to arm the rebel FSA. That is why I support KSA and GCC efforts, although I do understand that there is some sectarian overtone. This Assad will go on killing people till he is overpowered with a greater force. A continual arming of the opposition will bring a tipping point, when others might step in and put Assad out of his misery. It would be nice if Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and GCC could step in at the right moment and do humanity a favor, so we do not have to see this slaughter go on.

You have made a few errors Syria has oil just not the same as Iraq or the Gulf, of course like all the people the syrians should decide their own fate however you are not aware of a treaty between arabs that we won't meddle in each others countries this is one thing I have to respect, ok lets say if you arm the FSA and they have no buffer zone as in libya the east however no fly zone they would be crushed also Russia is not going to give up their base nor allow another no fly zone, Egypt could meditate for peace talks it has done this with hamas however if an Arm Conflict is in Place Egypt Might as well Stay out. Syria has accepted the Annan peace plan hopefully it works.
Nope the Egyptian Military would not fire on the protestors this is the difference between Syria and Egypt. If your going to arm the people of Syria then a no fly zone is required otherwise no amount of arms is going to make a difference. As long as the Russians and Chinese Veto no one is going to help.

yeah I've seen how they were not going to attack till they allowed men come in suddenly to attack your guys at the square- while the tanks watched. slippery slope your dictators have and you know it. But I agree we will have a no fly zone as soon as they start using aircrafts - till then only US pressure will save them through arms . They rather die in dignity than with empty hands. enough is enough.
yeah I've seen how they were not going to attack till they allowed men come in suddenly to attack your guys at the square- while the tanks watched. slippery slope your dictators have and you know it. But I agree we will have a no fly zone as soon as they start using aircrafts - till then only US pressure will save them through arms . They rather die in dignity than with empty hands. enough is enough.

The only ones attacking were the mubarak supporters, the tanks were merely a show of force, Mubarak himself if he did not step down would have be killed. Unlike Libya Assad is smarter hence a no fly zone cannot be put without using the syrian airforce, US has put much pressure on Syria however Assad ignored and went ahead I'm Reminded of Obama calling Assad a Reformer which was a joke.
Can I ask for all that " religious connotations" you add to every post here- at least on this thread " . Why did you chose the majority Judea Christian country of USA to come live in ? every post of your is laced with a religious tone. I don't get this about you guys- why not live in the beautiful freedom afforded to you in your religious ruled countries? . you know among your "brothers"

How religious my posts sound or where I choose to live is none of your business.
How religious my posts sound or where I choose to live is none of your business.

Practicing what you preach adds to the credibility.

And credibility is sort of important. ;)

Especially when one wants to preach big time.
:blink:will someone from pakistan tell me in urdu what the story of whole issue of syria crisis????what is story of rebels and security forces???plzzzzzzzzzzzz
yes you really care for syria i think all syrians should sleep easy at night knowing that they have a good friends and i think that usa and isreal and ksa will solve all mankind problams starting with syria and then bringing peace to the world i dont know what will mankind do without these great freedom fighters you should be proud of yourselfs all of you ...............................lol

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln
Egypt was VERY lucky that their revolution succeeded with minimum bloodshed. The only reason that Mubarak didn't massacre you like sheep is because the army was planning to "retire" him but didn't know how. 01/25 was golden opportunity for them. Its not our problem that Egypt is insignificant in international affairs, I suggest you read the first quote carefully.
George Friedman - The Next Decade - YouTube
after reading 3 pages of this - not one person thanking the great Americans who are saving the slaughter from continuing with Arab spring at first and Syria will be next? wow... oh well we know when they get slaughtered they all come on TV saying " where is the US, where is the UN- save us , save us" … they don't go to any of these internet warriors countries asking them to save them. Judea Christians asked to come to the rescue because it becomes about humanity and strength and we know who has the real power to enforce both - U S OF A baby!

Edit: Graphic




Is that an Iranian known for their 7 year war where they tortured, butchered civilians and innocent people 99.99% of times showing us images of a few misguided soldiers in the greatest Army in the world? Are you trying to to have the audacity to come at us when your soldiers break the Geneva conventions 99.99% of times?

You support the butchering of women and children in Syria, promote terrorism and you want to post me a handful of images to soldiers posing after a body is dead? Or the rare instance that a handful soldiers do something unbecoming of being a member of the US military?
7 year war
8 years war.

where they tortured, butchered civilians and innocent people 99.99% of times showing us images of a few misguided soldiers in the greatest Army in the world? Are you trying to to have the audacity to come at us when yoursoldiers break the Geneva conventions 99.99% of times? You support the butchering of women and children in Syria, promote terrorism

You clearly have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You mean what Saddam and his Iraqi army did in Khoramshahr in 1980 ? or those WMDs Saddam launched at civilians (Halaleh and Neykhazar) or Halabja massacre in 1988...?

and you want to post me a handful of images to soldiers posing after a body is dead? Or the rare instance that a handful soldiers do something unbecoming of being a member of the US military?

It was an example where an "innocent boy" was involved dipshit, there's plenty of such images/videos of incidents like this on the internet. Not to mention, I'm well aware of US war crimes in its fucked up history, from Agent Orange to recent massacres in Iraq and Afghanistan and its 100 years of slavery. Human Rights? Yea, we have tasted american kind of human rights in 1988 too(where they shot down Iran air flight 655). Promoting terrorism ? Give me a break, moron even the first terrorism act such as today's car bombings comes from your beloved country, the US (Saigon in 1965) :wave:
Practicing what you preach adds to the credibility.

And credibility is sort of important. ;)

Especially when one wants to preach big time.

India and many of its people, including diaspora Indians are not a neutral or unbiased party for judging actions or words of Muslims from Bangladesh or elsewhere in the world, this website and many similar websites are testament to this fact. My preaching is reserved for the rest of world.
8 years war.

You clearly have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You mean what Saddam and his Iraqi army did in Khoramshahr in 1980 ? or those WMDs Saddam launched at civilians (Halaleh and Neykhazar) or Halabja massacre in 1988...?

It was an example where an "innocent boy" was involved dipshit, there's plenty of such images/videos of incidents like this on the internet. Not to mention, I'm well aware of US war crimes in its fucked up history, from Agent Orange to recent massacres in Iraq and Afghanistan and its 100 years of slavery. Human Rights? Yea, we have tasted american kind of human rights in 1988 too(where they shot down Iran air flight 655). Promoting terrorism ? Give me a break, moron even the first terrorism act such as today's car bombings comes from your beloved country, the US (Saigon in 1965) :wave:

If it aint the the Iraq version of Baghdad bob ala Tehran bob preaching revisionism in history according to his ayotollah . That was a terrorist shot dead , just had no reason to be pictured like they did. But again, the one preaching is from a country known as the world's pariah, treated like one and a terrorist's supporter. It's always so amusing to read bravado from Iranians who could not win "8" years of war against a pissss poor Iraqi army but to hear them preach about how they will take on the US. Barbaric country that is shame to its great past history centuries ago. an international joke and world's whipping post. How do you love them sanctions? what is the vaule of your currency today :D :usflag:
India and many of its people, including diaspora Indians are not a neutral or unbiased party for judging actions or words of Muslims from Bangladesh or elsewhere in the world, this website and many similar websites are testament to this fact.

Everyone has his or her biases. All that matters is being factual or objective about the issue at hand.

So the issue raised still stands! ;)

My preaching is reserved for the rest of world.

Unless there is credibility behind the preaching, it will fall on its face whatever the audience.
How is it our Bangladeshi Bhai, supporting the butcher Assad, what gives? If you are a Muslim Bangladeshi, are they not fellow Muslims and innocent civilian human beings? Is this because of some urge to show loyalty to China? Some explanation please.
I have yet to find any Bangladeshi who supports Assad openly! But came across hate speeches or facebook status against Assad.... We are friends of china, admirer of Iran's courage... But supporting mass killing in syria for china is like betraying brother to save friendship!!!
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