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Syria aftermath/ Israel/ Hezbollah

Hazzy when you say Assad and his gov repesentative needs to go, how can you be sure that the people who did support them (and its very significant portion of the population), will not raise arms against new rebel government?

Btw Hezbollah involvement was very late in the conflict. And it came at the behest of the Syrian gov., which is their ally.
Let us not forget the foreign militans from Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia etc. Are we to enitrely disregard that fact and assume they have a right to speak and act on behalf of Syrians?

My point still stands, let it be decided by the Syrians themselves in elections, and based on that have power-sharing. If the majority says they dont want Assad and/or Baath party, then so be it.
Its not important what you and I think of Assad.
Hazzy when you say Assad and his gov repesentative needs to go, how can you be sure that the people who did support them (and its very significant portion of the population), will not raise arms against new rebel government?

Btw Hezbollah involvement was very late in the conflict. And it came at the behest of the Syrian gov., which is their ally.
Let us not forget the foreign militans from Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia etc. Are we to enitrely disregard that fact and assume they have a right to speak and act on behalf of Syrians?

My point still stands, let it be decided by the Syrians themselves in elections, and based on that have power-sharing. If the majority says they dont want Assad and/or Baath party, then so be it.
Its not important what you and I think of Assad.

Dude, elections are useless when he wins 99% of every election. I'm not sure where you get your numbers. But everyone knows this well it's at least 75/25 and the 25 is with the Baathist party. I want a cleanup.

The militants don't have a right to speak for the Syrian people. The rebels aren't going to decide but some of the originally Syrian rebels and rebel leaders may have prepared a government coalition which I believe will be fair to everyone.

My concerns are what happens next with certain groups as I've stated. :)
Propaganda. It was confirmed by the main faction FSA and Ahrar Sham that ISI didn't fight them and two weeks ago the main Colonel Akdi said they would never turn into Sahwa militants. Also, FSA founder Colonel Riad said they didn't do anthing wrong to us and we have strong ties with them. That's why US never gonna arm them. BTW, FSA sold 200 anti aircraft guns and concourse anti tank weapons to ISI two weeks ago to fight the Kurds in the North saying they are trusted.
Just leave your takfiri mind for a second and think clear. What happened after Soviet Union left Afghanistan?
Dude, elections are useless when he wins 99% of every election. I'm not sure where you get your numbers. But everyone knows this well it's at least 75/25 and the 25 is with the Baathist party. I want a cleanup.

The militants don't have a right to speak for the Syrian people. The rebels aren't going to decide but some of the originally Syrian rebels and rebel leaders may have prepared a government coalition which I believe will be fair to everyone.

My concerns are what happens next with certain groups as I've stated. :)

If he wins majority vote, maybe it means the he actually has support from the majority of the people?
But if you are saying they are fraud, then my point still stands about internationally supervised elections. Why make it harder than it should be?
Im not sure where you get the 75/25 number from. Some sources its the other way around, that Assad has over 70% support.
But this kind of speculation is moot.

And btw, when we are talking about new government under opposition. My question would be, which part of the opposition?
Are you under the impression it is a unified entity?
Several factions fighting amongst themselves. Does that sound like something which would be able to run a state, much less oppose US and Israeli hegemony? Be realistic about this.
Point taken, but Assad is the heart and mind of the regime, if he falls down, everything wil change dramatically. As for the Bath party, trust me, those who side with Assad while he's alive wouldn't side with him after his death, or overthrow.

But, at any right, I say what you're getting at :-) ....
Assad is ONE person. If he dies, it will change nothing on the ground.
You need to take out, not just Assad. But the enitre entity of the Baath party, the military and other state institutions.
Frankly, Assad is not so important that the outcome of the entire war rests on whether he is alive or dead. You must realise how illogical that sounds.
Point taken, but Assad is the heart and mind of the regime, if he falls down, everything wil change dramatically. As for the Bath party, trust me, those who side with Assad while he's alive wouldn't side with him after his death, or overthrow.

But, at any right, I say what you're getting at :-) ....

Well maybe from a PR point of view. He is the face of the Baath.
But again, he is only one person/ official of that party.

If he were to die, I believe pretty much nothing would change stratetically. I guess we can agree to disagree. :)
Perhaps the whole equation won't dramatically change, but all what we know now is that Syria is divided in terms of political stance with Assad, so yeah, Ic.
Well maybe from a PR point of view. He is the face of the Baath.
But again, he is only one person/ official of that party.

If he were to die, I believe pretty much nothing would change stratetically. I guess we can agree to disagree. :)

Just leave your takfiri mind for a second and think clear. What happened after Soviet Union left Afghanistan?

The Taliban took over and things were a bit ugly.
Did post 'words' and now posting basic understanding of the videos/pics of Iran-American alliance :sniper:

Compare the difference between the Shiite rhetoric on pre and post invasion of both countries and America decided to bring an Iranian actor who would make Iran popular and that was Ahmedinejad.
An explanation how Iran supported America by allowing them to bring Abrams, F16s and Bradleys to Iran to open a front in both Iran-Iraq border to Baghdad and Iran-Afghan border.
"If it weren't for the Iranian co'operation. Kabul and Bahgdad would not have fallen" - Mohammad Ali Abtahi

you can see...
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border guard
alliance with Israel publicity

Note: Mass numbers of Iranians on the net like blogs/YT and living outside says Isreal is not our enemy
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I think it'de be very interesting if Israel enters this war on behalf of western powers like they did to Lebanon in the 80s , that would be truly amusing.
Iranian scholar fled to Britain after recieving death threats from Iran explaning how Muslims were treated in Iran by majos.
Iranian clergyman threatened Suuni Iranians in Iran because the Suuni population is growing there.

Iranians executing Suuni Iranians only because they are Suuni, there chants is "Death to Wahhabi". Wahhabi means Suunis to them.
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Iranian scholar fled to Britain after recieving death threats from Iran explaning how Muslims were treated in Iran by majos.

What a load of nonsense you mutter dude , where I live sunni Iranians like balochs and arabs come to have fun with Persian girls and no one complains eventhough people like myself have not befriended a single Persian girl !
One of ahmadinajad's policies was to reach out to the minorities like the arab and baloch sunnis
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What a load of nonsense you mutter dude , where I live sunni Iranians like balochs and arabs come to have fun with Persian girls and no one complains eventhough people like myself have not befriended a single Persian girl !
One of ahmadinajad's policies was to reach out to the minorities like the arab and baloch sunnis

Tehran is the only capital with no Suuni mosque. There is religious restrictions for Suuni Iranians.

Anyway this is enough for today. There are so many more; all you need is to search them on Google and YouTube. This is about the alliance of their enemy sectrely, not religion but Suuni Muslims around the world needs to be aware of their condition living in Iran under the regime. The regime is in the verge of collapse. We know there are large numbers of Iranians who hated their govt's. Freedom will come :sniper:
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Tehran is the only capital with no Suuni mosque. There is religious restrictions for Suuni Iranians.

Tehran is where there exist several churches and jew synogauges , so i'm more than sure the authorities don't have a problem with sunni mosques ; what about your cairo where Coptic girls get raped?

Anyway this is enough for today. This is about the alliance of their enemy, not religion but Suuni Muslims around the world needs to be aware of their condition living in Iran under the regime. Allah already exposed them, they are in the verge of collapse.
Freedom will come :sniper:
not for the sunnis
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Tehran is where there exist several churches and jew synogauges , so i'm more than sure the authorities don't have a problem with sunni mosques.
Won't happen, if Shah was here then possible yes he would support Iranian Suuni Muslims but now you are living under anti Suuni regime who spread corruption through terror all over the Muslim world so not until your mini god (ayatollah) falls and set up a monarch or electoral leaders who is trusted. I'm pretty sure GCC would give $30+ billion to Iran as a gift like they did to Egypt if that happens. :D

not for the sunnis

There you go mate you finally exposed it. This is what I want to hear. :tup:
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