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Swedish Awacs in focus again after PAF used it against India

subsidised by the US for the war on terror – Pakistan used these two critical systems to target an Indian brigade headquarter

Notice the choice of words here. India thinks USA or any European country should seek its permission to sell weapon to Pakistan. And that weapon should not be used against India if sold.

misuse of F 16 fighter jets
Yess. PDF is so good these days, free of parasites. Lets enjoys this time untill they return.
Hence, the poet has said, "Life is Good"....

However, there's no unmixed good in this Dunya!!! They'll come back, and come back with vengeance!!! Hence, the Ehl-i Iman longs for the Ahiret where it'll be like ever lasting unmixed good for them.....
It’s not randi Rona boys.

It’s diplomacy

So chill boys

To the world, this is not fair their PM was a hunk, escorted bollywood actresses, married three pretty ladies ..... why you not listen ........ isolate, isolate

And our PM well ........ he had a transplant to boast 56" ..... why you not impressed by his selfies and hugs. We will use our 56" economic might to teach all of you a lesson.

All chill baby ... all chill ....... our PM has seen some exclusive elite stuff ....... and your's he couldn't handle a single desi.

We can become partners when you become a secular democracy.
It’s obvious that religious states (Pakistan) and religious leaders(Modi) are bad for peace.

Shut the f*ck up man, don't even try taking a moral high ground. We are not impressed by your hollow secular slogans, we live right next to you ..... and very much know the kind of extremism, intolerance and hatred you harbor. Please don't ever try comparing a common Pakistani with your intolerant common superstitious war mongering indian ....... it's an insult for us Pakistanis.
Notice the choice of words here. India thinks USA or any European country should seek its permission to sell weapon to Pakistan. And that weapon should not be used against India if sold.
Its what Israel is teaching them; French and US weapons with Egypt are hardwired to self destruct if used against Israel. Just be glad we don’t have those strings.
Its what Israel is teaching them; French and US weapons with Egypt are hardwired to self destruct if used against Israel. Just be glad we don’t have those strings.

Sounds like an interesting read could you point me to this information?
Fact is sweeden should tell them we meant to sell them for keeping eye on you and it is not rocket science what was your phalcon doing playing guli danda

Pak paid money for AWACS for particular job and that job will be done
Pak can help these companies to sell their products to india. wat a way.
Laugh it out but where indian military fails indian diplomacy works..dont be surprised if saab or anyone esle refuses weapon sale to Pakistan

A time might come that even china under pressure from indian market refuses to sell us..look how taiwan was abandone by USA

Smart countries think 5 steps ahead..look at israel

Nothing is going to happen. Unless IAF also buys Gripens along with Rafael
I dont think so modern medicine have yet comeup with a name for Indian Hubris, the sense of grandeur this country on the whole seems to be suffering from is just mind boggling. They really think that just because they have some money, they can dictate the terms of sales for pretty much every other country on the globe. I think they think of themselves as Israel of Asia. Jeez, such a petty nation.
Cried to US. Done.
Cried to UN. Done.
Creid to Iran. Done.
Cried to China. Done.
Cried to Sweden. Done.
Crying to sleep everynight. Done. :partay:

Crying to mother Earth for having an atmosphere, thus allowing PAF to get airborne before crying themselves to bed.

Simple mathematics.

Pakistan moves a resolution in FATF and UNHRC. Gets a shirtfronted. China asks for restraint but doesn’t condemn Indian actions.

Poor guys pick up crumbs who think naan and bread are only made in their country and they are the biggest supplier of millets in the world.

I suggest. And truthfulness intact. Only Imran Khan knows and your airspace is shut.

You nutshells go back to your caves.

Cus anything can happen before Indian elections.

Out of the things you mentioned, only one is a concern for India. That is Rd33.

Which is a genuine concern.

Do you know that we are giving 4 Mi 17 to Afghanistan this month?
I hope you got the drift.

What did UN, Iran, Sweden say btw. I’m very curious to know!!
Only 4? Why are you being so cheap. At least give the Afghans a squadron worth of new Mi-17s ... not your used crap
Coward enemy always attacks behind the back.
They tried to destroy our SAAB's in Minhas base attack & P3Cs in Mehran attack.

We are facing a coward and cunning enemy, who has no balls to fight with courage.
They stupids don't know how ruthlessly we dealt with CIA in this 5th generation proxy war.who the hell indians think we let them go easily?? They will soon have to pay, we are waiting for USA withdrawal peacefully .. Now indians are well aware off what is going to happen with them in next coming years...
And Russia protesting to India about the lack of professionalism of IAF pilots, poor training, lack of maintenance of their high end Sukhoi 30 MKI and even Mig-21 resulting in the loss of prestige for Russia and Israel too, SPICE bombs were supplied by them and seems this is the first time SPICE missed the targets at Balakot, reason it was operated by Indians, it is not just IAF...the name India has this connotations of poor quality, lack of professionalism and 'sub chalta hai' associated with the country India.

Dont forget the rape culture in the rape capital of the world that is India
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