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Sweden asks India to clarify arms presence in Myanmar

Yes this is very much possible BUT again how the Indian weapons slipped into hands of the rebels?

When the Maoist raid the arms depot they could have stolen the weapons, plus the international black market for weapons where one can find SAMs, and other weapons from US and other countries, so who to say they can't get a Carl gustav from the black market.
Hahaha look who's talking :D
People from the country having history of Nuclear proliferation are talking about some anti tank guns. Guess whats worse ???

You can't stop and blame any Nation for slip through of any conventional weapons. You can see lot of US arms in Pak and Afgan which aren't legal. You can find Pak made weapons in India. You can find Chinese weapons in India and Pak. Yu can find ww2 British weapons in India Pak and Afaganistan. There is full scale black water market.
Swedish Government are very tight on controlling military sustance (Not oly weapon, but down to a single Water canteen), when an item is Kornmarken and have the military or serial number, chances are they need to stay in procession of the Military.

I was sneaking out a military parker from sweden once, got caught and fined by the Swedish Border Police.......

Anyway, back to the topic.

We should not aim or point our finger to Indian yet as the circumstance is still unknow as of this moment. How many Carl Gustav M3 are involve and how long ago it was done is a factor, as well as how the arms coming to a banned nation hand.

The investigation is still on progress, until the result become clear, we should hold our blame on any party involve. But that said, Indian have something to explan to Swedish paliarment. That's for sure.
It proves Indian involvment in Myanmar and thats why we had seen uncalled for offending by Indians on this very forum as well whenever Myanmar is discussed
Hell yeah! India is and always has been involved with Myanmar!
But to note here, Europe's interpretation, of Human Rights, especially those of Nordic countries, is on a totally different plane. They would rather support the Burmese rebels than the now legitimate elected govt trying to suppress the rebellion. Myanmar is NOT a pariah country anymore. India first supported Su Kyi, then the military Junta, and now again Su Kyi. Its a diplomatic game. Even US now recognizes Myanmar what with the recent visit of POTUS there.
Maybe we loaned a few .

Military assistance is negligible between Indo- Myanmar when u consider Myanmar -China honeymoon during the military juntas golden ages.

The media caught hold of a picture of a single gustaf gun and ammo... it could be from anywhere, world is vast ,

World is never enough and tommorow never dies. If somebody has a licence to kill whether its skyfall or he is at her majesty's secret service carrying a gold finger, the person is destined to die another day in quantum of solace nomatter what.... you only live twice.

hahahhaah Spark in 007 mood :D
It proves Indian involvment in Myanmar and thats why we had seen uncalled for offending by Indians on this very forum as well whenever Myanmar is discussed

GOI is buying the arms so that they will not end up in Maoists, these days Myanmar border has become an arms supplier to Maoists, there are some illegal AK 47 manufacturing facilities which are being set up with Chinese help.

India is trying what it can, to deny arms to Maoists, recently they have also recovered M16 American made.
Yes this is very much possible BUT again how the Indian weapons slipped into hands of the rebels?

Do you know what happens to the weapons of an Indian paramilitary soldier who is killed be rebels? It gets picked up by them and then there is no control of where it can land. I'm not saying that's what happened in this case since the picture isn't clear yet. But given your hypothesis, that's the most accurate answer I can give.
When the Maoist raid the arms depot they could have stolen the weapons, plus the international black market for weapons where one can find SAMs, and other weapons from US and other countries, so who to say they can't get a Carl gustav from the black market.

:agree: indeed they can get from black market and seems India has become part of the black market?

Do you know what happens to the weapons of an Indian paramilitary soldier who is killed be rebels? It gets picked up by them and then there is no control of where it can land. I'm not saying that's what happened in this case since the picture isn't clear yet. But given your hypothesis, that's the most accurate answer I can give.

Thank you i know what happens to the weapons of dead soldiers. I was asking because Indians members have been denying presence of any millitary/para-Military in NE.

There can be SL and LTTE angle too.
:agree: indeed they can get from black market and seems India has become part of the black market?

Well then let's see there are Chinese arms used by Maoist, Pakistani weapons used by insurgents/terrorists and even US made M16, and Russian made AK's in Afghanistan by the taliban does this mean all these countries are also part of the black market and the groups they are supplying weapons to?


There can be SL and LTTE angle too.

Yes and no, I doubt the weapons would come all the way from Sri Lanka. Myanmar already bought some Carl Gustav back in the day so they might be manufacturing them, or they might have captured these from the insurgent that operate near the border with India.
Oh its a CG rocket launcher only! Damn, I thought it was a Tactical Nuke.
Thank you i know what happens to the weapons of dead soldiers. I was asking because Indians members have been denying presence of any millitary/para-Military in NE.

I'm not aware of who denies their presence there. Paramilitary forces are present in every strategic location including the NE, Mumbai and Delhi.
The European Union has had a weapons embargo against Myanmar since 1996.

dont know if there is NON-Proliferation strings but if these are then its a violation

The European Union has an embargo, India doesn't. If these weapons were bought from Sweden after the embargo was in place & if that was mentioned as a condition of sale, only then would India be in violation. Otherwise, just some usual hand wringing.
Its just a photo, where one weapon is showed. There are several ways and angles to be looked into.

Also, Indian records of executing our defence agreements are very well. We do not 'copy' or no history of selling key technologies to other states.
In another thread these ignornat indians were blaming Pakistan for providing Russian SA7 manpads to LTTE, which were at that time in indian armys use which it acquired from Russia, and provided to LTTE rebels accross the border. Now it's proved which filty country is involved in illegal arms trade in violation of not only international laws but direct violation of purchase agreement sna dterms.

By illegally smuggling weapons to Maynamar, india not only supported terrorist activities of mascare of Rohangya muslims, it also became guilty of interfereing in internal matters of a small neighbour.

These indian scums are supporitng terrorism in all neighbouring countries. shame on you india

Yep, that swedish weapon purchased by indian government for indian army use, must have walked across the border.

You have no idea of what you are talking, Indian army bought these weapons to prevent proliferation. India is facing the weapons smuggling from Myanmar and these weapons are ending up in Maoist arms.
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