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Suspected Israeli Informant Arrested In Lahore

Apparently he was caught when Agencies found someone is exchanging too many emails with a aspecific person in Jerusalem. He was put under observation, Security agencies monitored his online activity and his emails and was caught after connection was made that something is definitely fishy in there contact

If he was an informant he would be definitely using encrypted VPN and PGP email.
Not an accomplishment but rather facepalm by PK security agencies - he will not be made into an escape goat.
That is only your speculation to save face from humiliating surrender of 90000 soldiers..Capturing Bangladesh was never a plan by india,we promised mukti bahini their freedom when we trained them.Our objective was achieved by humiliating surrender of pakistan and breaking it up...Even we returned 13000 km sq of macho west pakistani land that we captured,clearly showing that capturing land was not our aim..

Tactical retreat or tactical surrender is no cause for shame especially if the cause is lost due to the tyranny of a whole nation. Even Afghanistan could have done what you did, we defeated a major super power the same way so what is 90,000 pow's (that included many civilians).

Like I said,we see war as a final option after every other options have exhausted..Not for the kicks of it or out of eagerness to become martyrs..That is the realm of you guys and all your terrorist organisations.

That's what you say, but you initiated war of 1948 when you knew that Kashmir belonged to Pakistan, you forced a war on us in 1965 and it does not matter who started it as you forced it on us one way or the other, yet again in 1971 you thrust a war on us when you should either have remained neutral or should have supported stabilization of Pakistan, something like Benazir did when she gave Rajiv Gandhi the details of the Khalistan movement and it's leaders, we too could have utilized that to cause major havoc in India but well I guess we have your share of the tyrants too!!
Ḥashshāshīn;3810753 said:
Pakistanis have a reason to favour Arabs and Iranians, they are Muslims.
What do Israel and India have in common? Just weapon selling...

Conspiracies and hatred towards Muslims. Have you not heard that enemy of the enemy is a friend.
Tactical retreat or tactical surrender is no cause for shame especially if the cause is lost due to the tyranny of a whole nation. Even Afghanistan could have done what you did, we defeated a major super power the same way so what is 90,000 pow's (that included many civilians)

Tactical retreat is not a shame..."tactical surrender" sure is...In afghanistan,You were a mere pawn and middle man of USA..It was the money and weapons of USA and fighting spirit of the mujahideen which resulted in soviet retreat..[/QUOTE]

That's what you say, but you initiated war of 1948 when you knew that Kashmir belonged to Pakistan, you forced a war on us in 1965 and it does not matter who started it as you forced it on us one way or the other, yet again in 1971 you thrust a war on us when you should either have remained neutral or should have supported stabilization of Pakistan, something like Benazir did when she gave Rajiv Gandhi the details of the Khalistan movement and it's leaders, we too could have utilized that to cause major havoc in India but well I guess we have your share of the tyrants too!!

We got involved in 1947 after we got official request from Maharaja to save his people from rampaging bands of pakistani tribals..In 1965 we didnt force you,you just hoped to take kashmir by taking advantage of our weakened situation after india china war,and ended up defending lahore.
No dude we dont kill him. we extract all possible infos, then train him further and send him somewhere to do it all again for Paksitan and thus cleansed himself of his sins.
Every week or so, Obama and his team get a 'kill list' of drone targets; the only "evidence" and "due process" involved is their own judgement. The victims get killed, along with anyone else who happened to be nearby, posthumously classified as a "suspected militant".

Israel assassinates anyone whom they consider a security threat, along with any family members who happen to get in the way.

Without getting into the details of this particular case, and assuming the Pak security forces made the right assessment (after all, no one questions the American or Israeli establishment when they identify national security risks), the Pak security forces should use the drone strikes as a cover. Specifically, they should dump these traitors' dead body into the next drone strike site and claim he was killed in the drone strike. If anyone asks for "due process", they can ask the White House.

No muss, no fuss.
Pakistan is suffering from the fangs of snake created by American Invasion in afghanistan.

Israeli Agents posing as CIA Agent helped Jundullah in recruitng it's manpower. And that was done in Balochistan, Pakistan.

Ignore it bahi, according to some even this guy was just a misunderstood tourists, bullied by evil pakistani polis.

And i supposes those contractors arrested from the house near Khosar market were innocent US expats working on an innocent "US DOD" program in Pakistan?

For all those nay Sayers, just google Human Terrain Team, open secret lol.
Tactical retreat is not a shame..."tactical surrender" sure is...In afghanistan,You were a mere pawn and middle man of USA..It was the money and weapons of USA and fighting spirit of the mujahideen which resulted in soviet retreat..

So what was it when we ripped Pakistan from India, tactical surrender or retreat? the 50k odd soldiers were no match against the resolve of millions of Mukti Bahini & supporters....India, playing the typical role of a vulture waited for the last breath of East Pakistan before striking as we have seen throughout our history that India is capable only of that and of big claims. Shame on a country so much larger then Pakistan and still not being able to claim Azad Kashmir!! And the nerve, taking victory away from true victors shamelessly even though the role of India was that of a discarded ****** used after a very pleasant night!!

The super power that you speak of states that victory in Afghanistan could not have happened without complete support from Pakistan and they still say the same thing! Furthermore, it wasn't just the money from USA, the money also was from Saudi Arabia, UAE and Libya etc. Finally, there were not only skirmishes but Air to Air combats b/w PAF and Soviet too!!

We got involved in 1947 after we got official request from Maharaja to save his people from rampaging bands of pakistani tribals..In 1965 we didnt force you,you just hoped to take kashmir by taking advantage of our weakened situation after india china war,and ended up defending lahore.

The letter of succession was never produced, apparently it got lost!! And what a country that could not retake 'its' territory by force from Tribals!! In 1965, the beating you got was apparent from the fact that you could not cross an in of LoC in Kargil or after Parliament Attacks despite deploying almost all your military at our border. Not only that, were you not so eager that you signed the ceasefire a day earlier than Pakistan? Did not the humiliating defeats in 65 cause a fatal heart attack to your prime minister???

As I have said so many times just because there are more mouths in India that say the same lie does not make it a truth!

Every week or so, Obama and his team get a 'kill list' of drone targets; the only "evidence" and "due process" involved is their own judgement. The victims get killed, along with anyone else who happened to be nearby, posthumously classified as a "suspected militant".

Israel assassinates anyone whom they consider a security threat, along with any family members who happen to get in the way.

Without getting into the details of this particular case, and assuming the Pak security forces made the right assessment (after all, no one questions the American or Israeli establishment when they identify national security risks), the Pak security forces should use the drone strikes as a cover. Specifically, they should dump these traitors' dead body into the next drone strike site and claim he was killed in the drone strike. If anyone asks for "due process", they can ask the White House.

No muss, no fuss.

The saddest thing is that even our own Newspapers and Media print/speak the exact same thing as the west. They too call the martyred men/women/children as 'militants'. That's how free and impartial our media is.
So what was it when we ripped Pakistan from India, tactical surrender or retreat? the 50k odd soldiers were no match against the resolve of millions of Mukti Bahini & supporters....India, playing the typical role of a vulture waited for the last breath of East Pakistan before striking as we have seen throughout our history that India is capable only of that and of big claims. Shame on a country so much larger then Pakistan and still not being able to claim Azad Kashmir!! And the nerve, taking victory away from true victors shamelessly even though the role of India was that of a discarded ****** used after a very pleasant night!!
Indian Army played a greater role than Mukti Bahini,In securing the pak surrender..And ultimately our objectives are met..And regarding Azad kashmir,as i said earlier,we dont believe in solving the issues by war..And we are happy with status quo.

The super power that you speak of states that victory in Afghanistan could not have happened without complete support from Pakistan and they still say the same thing! Furthermore, it wasn't just the money from USA, the money also was from Saudi Arabia, UAE and Libya etc. Finally, there were not only skirmishes but Air to Air combats b/w PAF and Soviet too!!
I am not denying the role played by pakistan as a middle man for their masters..But the facts remain that it was not the valor or fighting skills of Pak army that caused soviet retreat.But the money and weapons of USA and fierce fighting by the afghans..So much for macho pakistanis defeating soviets..

The letter of succession was never produced, apparently it got lost!! And what a country that could not retake 'its' territory by force from Tribals!! In 1965, the beating you got was apparent from the fact that you could not cross an in of LoC in Kargil or after Parliament Attacks despite deploying almost all your military at our border. Not only that, were you not so eager that you signed the ceasefire a day earlier than Pakistan? Did not the humiliating defeats in 65 cause a fatal heart attack to your prime minister???

The instument of Accession-exists to this day..
1965 war:It was a humiliating defeat to us because we didn't cross LOC???Wtf is this thinking..?You started the war to capture Kashmir and not us,and ended up defending lahore...Even at the time of ceasefire India had captured more than 700km of pakistani land as oppossed to about 220 km captured by pak..And you call that humiliating defeat for india because india didn't cross LOC!!!

Every week or so, Obama and his team get a 'kill list' of drone targets; the only "evidence" and "due process" involved is their own judgement. The victims get killed, along with anyone else who happened to be nearby, posthumously classified as a "suspected militant".

Israel assassinates anyone whom they consider a security threat, along with any family members who happen to get in the way.

Without getting into the details of this particular case, and assuming the Pak security forces made the right assessment (after all, no one questions the American or Israeli establishment when they identify national security risks), the Pak security forces should use the drone strikes as a cover. Specifically, they should dump these traitors' dead body into the next drone strike site and claim he was killed in the drone strike. If anyone asks for "due process", they can ask the White House.

No muss, no fuss.

Do you believe this incident happened in the first place..?No mainstream media reporting the incident,No comments from pak/Israeli govt regarding the arrest..
we love arabs as they are our fellow muslims and they belong to the land which is Holy to us.
we can die for that soil
but israel is not your holy place
as well as they are not even hindus
u guys like israel bcz enemy of ur enemy ... is ur friend
The saddest thing is that even our own Newspapers and Media print/speak the exact same thing as the west. They too call the martyred men/women/children as 'militants'. That's how free and impartial our media is.

That's because a certain segment of Pakistani society is still mired in the colonial mindset: they measure their self-worth by how well they can parrot the West.

By comparison, India has matured into the post-colonial era. Indian elite, including their media, are not pro-West or anti-West; they are pro-India. If the West agrees with India, they are pro-West. But if a Western country goes against India, (e.g. Italian marines, British PM, etc.), then the Indian media gives them lashing.

One can never imagine the Indian media applauding foreign drone strikes on their own civilians, no matter what the alleged justification.

Do you believe this incident happened in the first place..?No mainstream media reporting the incident,No comments from pak/Israeli govt regarding the arrest..

The Israelis rarely acknowledge their assassinations. Let the victim and the world keep guessing...

Muslim is not a nationhood!

Correction: the hardcore Islamophobes around the world see all Muslims as one group. They don't distinguish between the "good guys" and the "bad guys".

How many times have you heard the phrase "Muslims do this", "Muslims do that", "Muslims must do this", "Muslims must do that", "Muslims can't integrate", "Muslims are not doing enough"?
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