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Surveying Iranian Anti-ship ballistic missile capability

here again Legend and his belief in westrn supermacy ,honnestly have a little more faith in yourself .you remaind me of Gloom in the gulliver animation (any body remember I knew we are doomed they gonna catch us)
I am not overconfident like most Iranians. I work with facts and not propaganda.

Iran is not an impressive conventional military power, mind you. Iran is simply improving its asymmetric warfare capabilities and boasts about it as if it has developed the most lethal weapons in the world which will smash US forces in a blink of an eye. If this objective was so easy in real life..........

Bro, truth is that Iran stands no chance against USA. Reason is that US is a far greater military power in comparison and also have enormous warfare experience under its belt.

You guys stopped Iraq and build some missiles and you guys think that you are ready to defeat the greatest military power in the world? :rolleyes:

FACT is that Iran is employing scaremongering tactics to keep its opponents at bay. This is understandable because Iran has no other choice.

Seriously, don't be suicidal. I actually feel sorry for you guys. Because the NEXT major conflict may be against Iran. War is coming towards you. Your best bet is to significantly improve your diplomatic skills currently.

Ballistic missiles are easy to detect but not as easy to intercept on the other hand cruise missiles acclrding to you are hard to detect but accordig to any body easy to intercept , by the way do you knew one of the roles of AWAX is to detect cruise missiles ,even if you read about F-14 you see one of the duty of 40 year old doppler x-band awg-9 radar on it is detecting and engaging cruise missiles .
Detection is the key to all military related matters. You learn to detect the thing and then you build the counter-measures.

US have been working on countering the threat of Ballistic Missiles (of all types) since 1990s. Their is remarkable progress in this aspect. PAC 1 taught US some valuable lessons. In addition, US itself can develop Ballistic Missiles of all types and then test its ABM systems against them. And Anti-BM capabilities are no longer in their infancy as I have pointed out earlier.

I am not saying that Iranian missile arsenal is useless. However, their is lot more detail in this subject that common guys like us miss easily. Though I have learned not to jump to conclusions quickly.

It is certainly possible to defeat a US aircraft carrier. However, accomplishing this objective is the HARD PART in real life. US aircraft carrier does not moves alone. It is protected by several vessels of different types and capabilities at all times. We coin the term 'Carrier Group' for this force. A US Carrier Group packs enormous fire-power and impressive defensive capabilities. It can gather Intel of the opponent with ease in real time and project power from long distance. Overwhelming such a force is no easy feat even through missile arsenal. Because US have the luxury to fight a (conventional war) on its own terms.

Also no cruise missile move fast ,so e of them move fast in their attack phase which mean the ramjet only activate 15-20 k away from the target
The latest Russo-Indian Brahmos cruise missle can travel at speeds in excess of Mach 2.5 constantly.

By the way about your question about EO on ballistic missile or cruise missile ,do you think any operator is fast enough to control a ballistic missile or supersonic cruise missile tnrough its attack phase through monitor and a joystic no operator controlled EO only apllicable on old short range subsoni cruise missiles
Depends upon what kind of control system is in place. Cruise missile is much more controllable in comparison to any other missile. Also, time-factor might be important in case of ASBM. In case of cruise missile, its direction can be changed even at the last moment.
Classic wahabi tactics.

Eskanadari is talking missile tech, you started going into attacks against the Iranian nation.

Okay Legend, Iran is a baloon with hot air, fine. Care to explain why Iran has been left alone when we've been the biggest danger to the US out of any country in the Middle East and North Africa? For more than 3 decades in fact.

We've had hundreds of American spies in our prisons for more than a year. We've created Hezbollah and armed them to the teeth. We support them unconditionally and they're now in the Lebanese parliament. We made Iraq into an Iranian ally and have pro Iran allies in every part of the Iraqi establishment. We arm pro Iran interests in Iraq and Afghanistan. We're responsible for the deaths of many American invaders around our region. We're the first middle eastern country (ignoring Israel) to have a nuclear reactor and building more. etc...

Libya gets attacked, Saddam (America's **** buddy) gets attacked-twice!-, Pakistan gets the drone treatment, Syria gets attacked by Israel, half the arab countries have to open their countries to american bases etc...

Why are we allowed to do everything we want if we are so weak???

As Eskandari said. You worship them and you have no belief in yourself. We do, maybe too much from time to time, but that's what sets us apart. That's why we went from not being able to even make a fuel pump during the Iran-Iraq war to having our own sat launchers and IRBM's. This is just the beginning. Wait another 2-3 decades and see what we're capable of. Our missile program began when our people couldn't find milk in the stores (during the 90's). We've barely ever had a defence budget that's been above 1-3 percent of GDP. Why is it so hard for you to accept that this missile works?

The Israeli head of missile defence says IT WORKS, but your holiness says it doesn't!!! lmao

go to the end
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I am not overconfident like most Iranians. I work with facts and not propaganda.

Iran is not an impressive conventional military power, mind you. Iran is simply improving its asymmetric warfare capabilities and boasts about it as if it has developed the most lethal weapons in the world which will smash US forces in a blink of an eye. If this objective was so easy in real life..........

there is powers that can smash whole US army in blink of an eye
we dont need everyone stop by and talk about our greatness like US do.we just preparing nonstop but believe me there is powers that can smash not just US whole world .....................................

I am not overconfident like most Iranians. I work with facts and not propaganda.

Iran is not an impressive conventional military power, mind you. Iran is simply improving its asymmetric warfare capabilities and boasts about it as if it has developed the most lethal weapons in the world which will smash US forces in a blink of an eye. If this objective was so easy in real life..........

there is powers that can smash whole US army in blink of an eye
we dont need everyone stop by and talk about our greatness like US do.we just preparing nonstop but believe me there is powers that can smash not just US whole world .....................................
Classic wahabi tactics.

Eskanadari is talking missile tech, you started going into attacks against the Iranian nation.
Iranian military affairs related debates tend to involve US; You and I both know this.

When we go in to detail, we need to focus on how Iranian threats can be countered. Simple.

Of course, Iran have acquired the capability to hit a Aircraft Carrier with ASBM technology. But the story does not ends here. Their is lot more to this story that remains to be discussed.

Okay Legend, Iran is a baloon with hot air, fine. Care to explain why Iran has been left alone when we've been the biggest danger to the US out of any country in the Middle East and North Africa? For more than 3 decades in fact.

We've had hundreds of American spies in our prisons for more than a year. We've created Hezbollah and armed them to the teeth. We support them unconditionally and they're now in the Lebanese parliament. We made Iraq into an Iranian ally and have pro Iran allies in every part of the Iraqi establishment. We arm pro Iran interests in Iraq and Afghanistan. We're responsible for the deaths of many American invaders around our region. We're the first middle eastern country (ignoring Israel) to have a nuclear reactor and building more. etc...

Libya gets attacked, Saddam (America's **** buddy) gets attacked-twice!-, Pakistan gets the drone treatment, Syria gets attacked by Israel, half the arab countries have to open their countries to american bases etc...

Why are we allowed to do everything we want if we are so weak???
Depends upon priorities. For US, Iran did not registered high on its threat perception radar. But after the fall of Saddam and Gaddafi, Iran is now getting full attention. Do you think this is good sign? Do you desire war? Useless war with Iraq has taught you guys nothing?

As far as your revelations are concerned;

1. Hezbollah have taken some good spanking from Israel not long ago. It will think twice before it take chances against Israel on its own now.
2. Muqtada Al-Sadr (the Iranian backed Shia-cleric) got even better spanking from USA. He had to flee to Iran to save his life. Though US was still generous enough to allow him to return in 2011.
3. Iran-Iraq relations are improving which is good for the stability of this region. However, do not assume that Iraq is your pet state. Sunni and Kurdish factions do not like you.

As Eskandari said. You worship them and you have no belief in yourself. We do, maybe too much from time to time, but that's what sets us apart.
I do not worship them. Lot of things have shaped my perception. I also once used to believe in the myth of invincibility of Pakistan. I have no such illusions any more.

- 1965 is touted as a success story of Pakistan in military terms. But then I learned about Operation Gibraltar.
- 1971 is touted as a conspiracy of USSR to split Pakistan. But then I learned about ground realities of civil war in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), incompetency of Pakistani Generals of this time, and 90000 POWs.
- Kargil is touted as a great spanking lesson given to India. But then I learned about absence of PAF and PN in this conflit and internal Pakistani political issues that led to this blunder.
- Then came 9/11 and US has crushed Pakistani sovereignity.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud of Pakistani military accomplishments and specially the hardwork of Pakistani scientists. But this does not detracts me from 'ground realities' of the world. I have learned to look at both sides of the coin. I have matured in my perceptions. Unfortunately, many fellow Muslim brethren have not. They have harboured a false sense of security to appease themselves. Therefore, my debates to open their eyes. But then those who do not want to learn, will never learn. We learned nothing from WOT to be honest.

That's why we went from not being able to even make a fuel pump during the Iran-Iraq war to having our own sat launchers and IRBM's.
Please stop this propaganda. Countries like Russia, China, and North Korea have always helped you.

This is just the beginning. Wait another 2-3 decades and see what we're capable of. Our missile program began when our people couldn't find milk in the stores (during the 90's). We've barely ever had a defence budget that's been above 1-3 percent of GDP. Why is it so hard for you to accept that this missile works?
And you think that world will remain stagnant while Iran will make progress? Just focus on the defence budget of US as an example. It gives US much greater room to make progress and meet the challenges of the future.

And where I have stated that Iranian missile arsenal is useless?

The Israeli head of missile defence says IT WORKS, but your holiness says it doesn't!!! lmao

go to the end
Yes, ASBM probably works. But it is not a battle-tested concept yet.

And you think that Israel and USA have no answer for this threat or are doing nothing to develop a counter? This is the problem with you guys. You assume too much.

there is powers that can smash whole US army in blink of an eye
we dont need everyone stop by and talk about our greatness like US do.we just preparing nonstop but believe me there is powers that can smash not just US whole world .....................................
This is easy for you to say while sitting comfortably in your home with no idea of difficulties of such a enormous task. US military assets are scattered worldwide and capable of defending themselves.

Time to wake-up. Iran is not a superpower.

Not to forget that US can reduce Iran in to a wasteland in a matter of few seconds.

this weapon may turn into game changer
Cruise missile does better. Thanks.
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this discussion really become boring , the problem is that Legend don't accept that you must diversify your arsenal , he believe that because west country went after Cruise missiles then those missiles are supa dupa , but he don't ask himself why Russia and china still invest on ballistic missiles .
then he is talking about brahmos and say its this and that ,but he forget that brahmos or any other super or hypersonic cruise missiles are not battle tested ,also .
it is baoring and iran anti ship missile ar copy of old amarican missiles
this discussion really become boring , the problem is that Legend don't accept that you must diversify your arsenal , he believe that because west country went after Cruise missiles then those missiles are supa dupa , but he don't ask himself why Russia and china still invest on ballistic missiles .
then he is talking about brahmos and say its this and that ,but he forget that brahmos or any other super or hypersonic cruise missiles are not battle tested ,also .
This is where you are wrong. Show everyone where there have been a successful ballistic attack on a moving target. Whereas the Exocet belongs in the same category as the Brahmos and the Exocet is combat tested. We are not talking about a particular weapon but a MODE of approach or attack. You do not know what you are talking about.

Please see post #58...

This is where you are wrong. Show everyone where there have been a successful ballistic attack on a moving target. Whereas the Exocet belongs in the same category as the Brahmos and the Exocet is combat tested. We are not talking about a particular weapon but a MODE of approach or attack. You do not know what you are talking about.

Please see post #58...


wrong , 315 meters per second by no standard can be considered supersonic or hyper sonic . by the way till today I'm only aware of brahmos being tested against stationary targets (if you knew of any other test please tell me)(by the way that missile in one test missed the target by 7km thanks to USA GPS system and hit the target in another test)

by the way don't forget its not only Iranian that think they can hit a ship with something other than cruise missiles ,the chinese also have shown with df-21d that they also think they can use something different to hit ships
wrong , 315 meters per second by no standard can be considered supersonic or hyper sonic . by the way till today I'm only aware of brahmos being tested against stationary targets (if you knew of any other test please tell me)(by the way that missile in one test missed the target by 7km thanks to USA GPS system and hit the target in another test)

by the way don't forget its not only Iranian that think they can hit a ship with something other than cruise missiles ,the chinese also have shown with df-21d that they also think they can use something different to hit ships
brahmos has been tested against lakshya PTA.........but then , it is a cruise missile and can't be compared with the cost effectiveness of a ballistic one......
the iranians must be given their due there....
but considering the limited nos that can be produced and the huge tasks infront of these missiles, i doubt they can do much to deter the americans......
wrong , 315 meters per second by no standard can be considered supersonic or hyper sonic . by the way till today I'm only aware of brahmos being tested against stationary targets (if you knew of any other test please tell me)(by the way that missile in one test missed the target by 7km thanks to USA GPS system and hit the target in another test)
You really do not understand what I mean by 'mode', do you? Consider yourself fortunate that I am not as mean as some of my former colleagues who have far less patience than I.

Stop. You do not know what you are talking about.

by the way don't forget its not only Iranian that think they can hit a ship with something other than cruise missiles ,the chinese also have shown with df-21d that they also think they can use something different to hit ships
See post 58.
You really do not understand what I mean by 'mode', do you? Consider yourself fortunate that I am not as mean as some of my former colleagues who have far less patience than I.

Stop. You do not know what you are talking about.

See post 58.

well instead of telling how great you are it's better to prove it by entering the discussion and convince your opponent not telling him to stop arguing .

and about post 58 , it prove nothing . first that carrier escaped the iron bombs from b-17 because it had time to escape it and it could not escape the bombs from the diving bomber because it didn't have time for escaping it and an ASBM is not a dumb Iron Bomb , it can detect the target is moving and adjust its trajectory accordingly . and for your information we are in 21 century right now my cellphone have more calculation power than F-15 and F-18 and us space shuttle combined together and its certainly very easy to put the hardware necessary for all the calculation needed to correct the path inside the missile .

about precision and accuracy ,how hard it is , there is no need for any more animation , just look at these for picture and it show you that this missile is both precise and accurate enough to hit a corvette

and what ever is under this is not for show its what make it detect the ship and go for it

and 2d and 3d is moot discussion even a cruise missile fly in 3D environment and by advancement in calculation power of new chips its easy to calculate where were to hit even if that ship manage to move in 4th dimension.

by the way its the new launcher of these missiles and this missile uses both IR and EO to detect the target . something intresting as I cant understand how they managed to made this warhead cool enough that IR can be used there .
QUASI ballistic missile flies too low? Are you stupid?

you are so stupid yourself, he clearly mean it flies too low for SM-3 to intercept it, he did not say it flies too low in general.
man you people are retarded.
you are so stupid yourself, he clearly mean it flies too low for SM-3 to intercept it, he did not say it flies too low in general.
man you people are retarded.

LOL, you said my comment for me. atleast you see what morons I have to deal with hahah :lol:
his brain does not have the capability to process the information.
he probably did not get enough protein as Kid and now his brain is only 5% developed.
you are so stupid yourself, he clearly mean it flies too low for SM-3 to intercept it, he did not say it flies too low in general.
man you people are retarded.
Please stop embarrassing yourself with your exceptional intellect.

Defeats short-to intermediate-range, unitary and separating, midcourse-phase, ballistic missile threats with the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3), as well as short-range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase with the SM-2. (Source: US MDA)

Quasi Ballistic Missile flight is very similar to that of any other ballistic missile, except that its trajectory can be corrected during midcourse and terminal phases. The longer the range of the Quasi Ballistic Missile, the greater height it will reach until midcourse-phase when it starts coming down.

SM-3 can intercept even an SRBM, which forms a very small arc.

LOL, you said my comment for me. atleast you see what morons I have to deal with hahah :lol:
his brain does not have the capability to process the information.
he probably did not get enough protein as Kid and now his brain is only 5% developed.
Your assessment fits on you perfectly. Living in WEST and boasting about things that you do not properly understand - is your reality. And when you are corrected, you start misbehaving in return instead of learning something or doing homework.
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