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Surface To Air Missiles | Terror in the Sky.

if we can have cruise missiles then i m prettty much sure we can also have SAM systems, NESCOM i think uptil now has not invested much in this field and we r seriously lagging in the field of ground based defenses n SAMs long range SAM batteries along border can give us a capability to engage the incoming enemy planes well within their own air space :agree: its good to know that China is involved in R&D for S-400 we can eventually get these systems with ToT inshallah :pakistan:
indian request for S400 battries was denied by the russians and china is reported to be a 50% partner in R&D and financing of this project. we may well see the chines build S400 system and then try our luck to procure them. at the moment it seem to be very unlikely and all our hope are pinned upon FT000 and SPADA and they too do not seem to be comming!!
well, for the air defence units, all that canbe asaid at present is,, Best of Luck Guys!!

indian request for S400 battries was denied by the russians and china is reported to be a 50% partner in R&D and financing of this project. we may well see the chines build S400 system and then try our luck to procure them. at the moment it seem to be very unlikely and all our hope are pinned upon FT000 and SPADA and they too do not seem to be comming!!
well, for the air defence units, all that canbe asaid at present is,, Best of Luck Guys!!


any link to defend your claim
FT2000 inducted???

what about SPADA,, where have the deals gone????

nay updates!!

if we can have cruise missiles then i m prettty much sure we can also have SAM systems, NESCOM i think uptil now has not invested much in this field and we r seriously lagging in the field of ground based defenses n SAMs long range SAM batteries along border can give us a capability to engage the incoming enemy planes well within their own air space :agree: its good to know that China is involved in R&D for S-400 we can eventually get these systems with ToT inshallah :pakistan:
there is a hell of difference between designing SAM and CM. SAM needs a much more developed tech than CM. the Agility,Speed, seekers all need improvement that require a much developed industrial based which unfortunately we dont have. Look at China, they have built S-300 but still they have to rely on Russia for S-400 and furthermore Russia is in the final stages of S-500 the most advanced SAM system on earth:coffee:
For the poster who said S-400 is denied to India:
I will appreciate if you can provide the respective link. or else know the facts.India got few squads of S-300PMU and by the time S-400 went online India was busy with its own long range SAM projects and simply put the S-400 offer on the side and reserved the chance to buy the same whenever it requires.

future SAM`s will be having multi-sensors which include (radar,large bore sight opto electrical ~180deg,laser,..)currently research is going on in mating all these types together to have a kill probability of 1.this is only regarding the sensors,but also includes the major guidance during the initial flight untill the target cords is passed over to the onboard sensors.The future SAM`s will be hypersonic with unprecedented G load capabilities.
there is a hell of difference between designing SAM and CM. SAM needs a much more developed tech than CM. the Agility,Speed, seekers all need improvement that require a much developed industrial based which unfortunately we dont have. Look at China, they have built S-300 but still they have to rely on Russia for S-400 and furthermore Russia is in the final stages of S-500 the most advanced SAM system on earth:coffee:

India has also developed Akash Long range SAMs, ABms and Astra AAms. So does India possess that kind of industrial base in these high tech technologies which u have mentioned or external help is being provided?
India has also developed Akash Long range SAMs, ABms and Astra AAms. So does India possess that kind of industrial base in these high tech technologies which u have mentioned or external help is being provided?

Akash (Sanskrit: आकाश meaning Sky) is a medium range surface-to-air missile developed as part of India's Integrated Guided Missile Development Program to achieve self-sufficiency in the area of surface-to-air missiles. It is the most expensive missile project ever undertaken by the Union government in the 20th century. Development costs skyrocketed to almost $120 million which is far more than other similar systems.[24]

Akash is a medium-range surface-to-air missile with an intercept range of 30 km
we have recently developed our own SAM with same range




An IDC Analysis

(With inputs by Sayan Majumdar)

New Delhi, 10 February 2005

With the Aero India 2005 in full swing the IAF would do well to take a look at the European MBDA Consortium’s Meteor BVRAAM, suggests our analyst Sayan Majumdar.

The European MBDA Consortium has made persistent offers to integrate the Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM 80+ nautical miles range) with the Indian Air Force (IAF) Sukhoi-30MKI fighters. The present Russian BVRAAMs like R-27 (AA-10 Alamo) and RVV-AE (AA-12 Adder) in service with the IAF Sukhoi-30s and MiG-29s are also in service with the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). Thus their performance spectrum would be compromised to a potential adversary, which is bound to “relatively blunt” the effectiveness of these otherwise excellent AAMs to a certain degree.

Meteor is slated to enter operational service by 2010 and as MBDA has hinted on a technology transfer arrangement, this project is bound to have a positive impact on the indigenous light (150-kg, 80-km range) Active-Radar Homing (ARH) Astra BVRAAM project, guided and led by the Hyderabad-based Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL).

Born out of the multi-national Project S225X examining the future BVRAAM technologies such as ram-rocket propulsion, two way data-links, dual-band and dual-type seekers, stealth technology and improved resistance to Electronic Counter Measures (ECM), MBDA Meteor sports a stealthy, low drag, lightweight body with two wings mounted centrally on the upper body and four fins mounted at the rear. The missile radome encloses the MBDA/Thales X or Ku-band radar seeker following the “fire-and-forget” Active Radar Homing (ARH) mode.

Meteor is capable of engaging air targets autonomously, whether fighters, bombers, transport aircraft, AWACS or cruise missiles by using its active radar seeker by day or night and in all weather or dense EW (Electronic Warfare) environments. Meteor’s solid Boron fuelled Variable-Flow Ducted Ram-rocket (VFDR) propulsion system will ensure a range well in excess of 100-km and a speed of more than Mach 4 and high terminal velocity. Thus even when launched from extreme stand-off ranges, the missile will have the energy in the end game to defeat fast, manoeuvring targets. The need for controlled airflow to the ramjet ducts ruled out the “skid-to-turn” manoeuvring of a conventional rocket-powered missile, as it will risk masking an intake and instead “bank-to-turn” manoeuvring is adopted. To ensure total target destruction, the missile is equipped with a combination of SAAB Dynamics laser proximity and impact fuzes and a fragmentation warhead that is detonated at the optimum point to maximise lethality.

For mid-course navigation guidance Meteor utilises Inertial Navigation System (INS) combined with information provided by the launch, or any friendly aircraft via the two way data-link, to adequately offset Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) complexities or challenges. During the terminal phase the active-radar homing method employs advanced proportional based navigation software. It can receive targeting data after launch from the launching fighter, another fighter, or Airborne Warning & Control Systems (AWACS) platforms. The two-way data-link partially solves the IFF problem at long ranges.

Since IFF remains a problem because of incorrect and absent returns and "spoofing", AWACS platforms are presently deployed for reconfirmation of enemy airborne targets at extended ranges and in this respect the IAF will naturally be benefited by induction of PHALCON AWACS platforms. The fighter pilots need not follow the risky "eyeball/shooter" sequence any more, where the flight leader comes unacceptably close to the enemy formation for positive identification and passes the data to other fighters to fire the BVRAAMs.

In the long term, work is in progress for development of electro-optical seeker technology coupled with on-board threat database that will let the missiles themselves determine the legitimacy of the target and this seems to be the logical option. Whether this futuristic option is being considered for the Meteor Project is not yet certain.

However Meteor is sure to “posses” provisions for the futuristic concept of “Cooperative Fighter Operations” or Mixed Fighter Force Concept (MFFC) that is essential for future BVR engagements and optimum performance and results. Pairs of aircraft will be data-linked; as one illuminates the other launches the missiles against the targets. In such engagements the “striker” fighter will be able to impart the greatest kinetic energy to the Meteor BVRAAM by accelerating up to Mach 2 and then manoeuvring out of the engagement. The illuminator fighter such as the Sukhoi-30MKI with powerful radar capable of performing like a mini-AWACS would remain firmly subsonic keeping a decent distance from the target, and providing either command-guidance updates or illuminating the target. The IAF have absorbed the MFFC well and superbly demonstrated his during Cope India 2004 air exercise with the United States Air Force (USAF).

Hitherto our indigenous anti-aircraft missile development have repeatedly encountered technological complications and thus close cooperation with the European Consortium MBDA, the manufacturer of Meteor high-performance BVRAAM will prove to be beneficial. The protracted delay in attainment of Initial Operational Capability (IOC) of anti-aircraft missiles like Trishul and Akash are partly because of absence of joint-cooperation with an established foreign manufacturing consortium.

This mistake should not be repeated during development of Astra especially as MBDA now enjoys very close relationship with the Indian defence industries. As USAF officials have hinted, the sophisticated MBDA MICA BVRAAM already “silently” serves under the wings of IAF Mirage 2000s with suitably updated radars. A transfer of technology arrangement in relation to the Meteor BVRAAM may prove to be the optimum logical step. Subject to critical decisions, in the long run the Meteor and Astra BVRAAM may complement the Russian ultra-long-range (400-km+) R-172 BVRAAM and R-73RDM2 or possibly Israeli Python 4/5 Near Beyond Visual Range/Within Visual Range (NBVR/WVR) AAMs in the IAFs formidable and fearsome AAM inventory.
they were still looking towards MBDA for astra development
2 squads of Akash are already inducted.
IAF is looking for 3 more in next 2 years.

Akash can take down enemy aircraft/cruise missiles/UAV`s/UACV`s with the ramjet interceptor attaining a speed of ~Mach 4

India is ready to test its new cruise missile which is high sub-sonic speed.Its Nirbhay with a 300+kg payload and 1000+km range with .8+ Mach speed.

The spin-off of AAD is similar to SLAMRAM with a range of ~100km and speeds of 5+Mach(i.e hypersonic)
there is a hell of difference between designing SAM and CM. SAM needs a much more developed tech than CM. the Agility,Speed, seekers all need improvement that require a much developed industrial based which unfortunately we dont have. Look at China, they have built S-300 but still they have to rely on Russia for S-400 and furthermore Russia is in the final stages of S-500 the most advanced SAM system on earth:coffee:

very accurate...SAM systems need...multiple seekers(thermal,active radar,passive radar,etc),good land based radar systems and good missiles which are very maneuverable...and capable of mid-course correction...and have very capable on-board computers that maintain target flight path records...
they are not easy to design...the russians have the S-400 which is IMO the best...don't know about the S-500...
India has also developed Akash Long range SAMs, ABms and Astra AAms. So does India possess that kind of industrial base in these high tech technologies which u have mentioned or external help is being provided?

we even have the PAD system or the Prithvi air defense system which the military people like very much it's accuracy was praised a lot...
it is basically an ABM system and is different from the Prithvi SSM...
specification of FT 2000

a passive seeker that homes in on a target that generates radiation through radar waves..like an AWACS...on a capable missile that maintains good lengthy target flight paths so that in case the AWACS shuts down it's radar..it's approx position can still be computed to target it.
in short it's a stealth missile...as it doesn't have an active seeker(which gives out radiation of it's own..doesn't come as a blip on the Radar screen at long ranges)...however it's mere existence would make it visible to a powerful radar or at short ranges to a not so powerful radar...as it's body would reflect microwaves...
it's like trying to spot a black colored bat flying in a dark room...with the aid of a flashlight...very much possible but difficult.
and the other thing that gives the missile away is the heat signature of it's exhaust plume that can be detected by IR warning sensors aboard most planes...
good missile though.

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