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Supporting our soldiers

Army will only be sucessfull if local tribes will support them.GOP should invite elders of pushtoon tribes to resolve this issue politically not through use of power.

No army can defeat these puhtoon tribes ,they already defeated indian army in 1948 and liberated azad kashmir and helped PA in 1965 war.
nothing permanent can happen until Pakistani awam rise and come to consensus
on positive side the this worst situation is that awam is waking up. its time intellectuals to come fwd and help to cleanup the mess created by Taliban-mullah- elite of Pakistan once for all
and remember Pakistan was a dream...which still want to be reality...lets make this land which we got after so much sacrifice a real Pakistan which our forefathers dreamed
Army will only be sucessfull if local tribes will support them.GOP should invite elders of pushtoon tribes to resolve this issue politically not through use of power.

No army can defeat these puhtoon tribes ,they already defeated indian army in 1948 and liberated azad kashmir and helped PA in 1965 war.

we are not fighting any pashtun tribes here... these talibans have rather killed many elders belonging to different tribes. swat ppl want army to crush these a$$holes.
and we did try to resolve this issue politically and it was of no use. pashtun elders have got no control in swat and those who had they are being killed
people are now some what aware of anti pakistan agenda of taliban
army action after the failure of pact is being wildly supported by masses
as far as PAKISTAN is concerned it came in to being to live for ever [inshallah]
Now this is becoming a very unfortunate humanitarian situation. Poor people are going through too much suffering.

Best wishes to Pakistan army to take care of TTP problem.

Although there are problems between Indian and Pakistan, it is not in India's interest to see forces like TTP being successful. That could lead to very dangerous situation in South Asia.

I am saying this not because of direct TTP threat to India, but because of concern about where TTP is getting support from, and about the agenda of such supporters for South Asia.
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P.S. i wanted to post this news in 'Supportin our soldiers' thread. but im using the internet on my phone rit now and its not lettin me get into that one particular thread. reason being only ppl above 18 yrs of age can enter that thread!!!!!! Huh... though im above 18 but i didnt get the settings change but still it doesnt make any sense.. last post is of enigma. Sir wat did u post in there???:undecided:

Mainay kuch nahi kiya bhai...:bounce:

BTW this thread is the 'supporting our Soldiers' thread.

Which 'that one particular thread' are you talking about?
Hmmm... interesting. But I am too dictatorial :(

So do you really support young intelligent/independent people joining the military in today's scenario?

A worthy successor to Musharraf then ? You should totally join the army :-)

Sorry, I kid!! Could not help taking that cheap shot.

On a more serious note, there is not much criticism of the army that I can see. No one, even the US this time, is second guessing the Pak Army. Why did the ajpirzada think otherwise ?

And media is out of the area until major operations are done.
A worthy successor to Musharraf then ? You should totally join the army :-)

Sorry, I kid!! Could not help taking that cheap shot.

On a more serious note, there is not much criticism of the army that I can see. No one, even the US this time, is second guessing the Pak Army. Why did the ajpirzada think otherwise ?

And media is out of the area until major operations are done.

and that is very important... lolz...
and i didnt think otherwise. u might have mis-understood. i fully support this operation:pakistan:
And Poor Pirzada was rechecking his date of birth.

lolzzz... btw i still cant access the first page of this thread. this Orange Safeguard page (supposed to stop nudity) comes up:lol:
Onward march

Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Pakistan military is suddenly speaking with a new, more confident voice, as it goes after the militants in both Swat and Dir with a new vigour. The extent of the army's resolve is discernible in the fact that the COAS sat through much of Thursday night, discussing strategy with senior aides. Initial reports suggest the planning is working, with militants stated to be on the retreat. One hundred and forty have been killed in Swat, 80 in Lower Dir. We can predict several things at this point: As their desperation grows, the Taliban will attempt to strike back the only way they know how – through suicide bombings, and kidnappings and other acts of violence targeting mainly innocent people. The reports that the DIG Kohat is missing suggests they have already started out on such a line of action, hoping that by holding hostages they can blackmail the authorities into submission. The failure to stand up to the militants previously, most notably after 2001 as the groups we battle today first began to regroup and entrench themselves in the northern areas, is a mistake we are paying dearly for today. There are indications that this time round that will not happen. The army seems sure and determined. The government must ensure our troops receive all the support they deserve. At the right time, our prime minister, our president and our ministers need to consider visiting frontline positions in Swat and elsewhere. Such gestures have an impact in showing citizens that all arms of the state stand together and, of course, in giving a boost to soldiers locked in battle.

While the physical war continues the battle of propaganda too needs to be won. Even now we have politicians and others who claim to be patriots insisting the operation in the northern areas has been launched at the behest of the US. These people think nothing of proclaiming, quite absurdly, that there is nothing to fear from the Taliban, that they are in some mysterious way a 'noble' force and that those who condemn them as men of ignorance and violence are 'American agents'. We need to counter such thinking by encouraging the many in society who recognize the essential evil of the Taliban to speak out more boldly and more openly. There must be no ambiguity about the threat they pose. Only then can we build the united resolve necessary to wipe them out and then set about the more difficult task of re-vamping life in the northern areas so they do not find the footholds to creep back and once more hold people in a stranglehold that prevents them even from freely drawing breath.
Onward march
Sunni Tehreek lauds army operation against Taliban, terms it jihad

Staff Report

KARACHI: Sunni Tehreek has declared the army’s anti-Taliban operation a jihad and has appealed to the nation to render all possible support as they did during the 1965 war.

“We welcome the military operation against these extremists,” Sunni Tehreek chief Sarwat Aijaz Qadri said on Saturday. He announced his support for Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani’s call for countrywide Save Pakistan rallies, conventions and seminars. “The Taliban have tried to change the geography and ideology of Pakistan, therefore, it is the responsibility of all citizens to oppose them and defend our nation,” Qadri vowed.

“The Pakistan Army, through this operation, has proved that we are a peace-loving nation but will not tolerate the brutalities of the Taliban,” he said. He added that the Taliban and their allies have assassinated several Sunni scholars and custodians of shrines.

“The army’s operation is against the followers of Satan who are carrying out Satan’s work by killing innocent Muslims and bombing shrines and holy places,” he stated.

“What sort of Islam does the Taliban want to impose in Pakistan? Does their Islam allow the killing of innocent Muslims and bombing of shrines of great Muslim saints who preached the true essence of our religion?” questioned Qadri.

“The Taliban’s activities are enough and adequate proof that they are enemies of Islam. Pakistan needs true Sufism, not Moulvi Sufi Mohammad-ism,” he said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
PA does not need a 'fatwa' of Jihad from ST, what needs to be done is that all the prominent Ulema of Pakistan who also happen to be Muftis (not all the Ulema are Muftis), come forward and unanimously give fatwa of Jihad.

Second, the most disturbing thing is neither the President nor the PM or the members of the Cabinet have yet bothered to pay a visit to Sawat and Boneer. They have to pay a visit to encourage the Pakistani forces as well as to reassure the affected people who are supporting the PA there. This will definitely be amoral booster both for the forces and for the residents of the affected areas.
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