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Supporting our soldiers


Mar 4, 2008
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United Kingdom
Friday, May 08, 2009
We are a difficult-to-please nation. When the government announced the 'peace' deal in Swat, we panicked and instantly blamed the army for not doing anything. Now, an operation has been started and you would think that the people would be satisfied but we have instead found other faults with the army. Yes, our army is not perfect but since when are we? I, for one would be disheartened to fight for a people who are so ungrateful, we cannot appreciate that our troops are sacrificing their lives so that we can live ours. Those brave men, who courageously face bullets for their country, are the reason you can tuck your kids in bed at night.

So, the next time we criticise our soldiers or try to find loopholes in the strategies used to fight the Taliban, we should remember that our troops do not need our criticism right now. What they need is our support and our faith in them. What they need is to be honoured, those who return home from battle but especially those who don't.

A Javed


Supporting our soldiers
Your Freedom he fights for you to keep
So you will be safe while you sleep

You condem him for being wrong
Yet the Soldier always stands strong

While you have the right to complain
A Soldier will fight for you, in the pouring rain

While he leaves his family behind
They are never very far from his mind

Remember every negative word you say
for YOU a Soldier keeps terror at bay

(Denise Girod )
Your Freedom he fights for you to keep
So you will be safe while you sleep

You condem him for being wrong
Yet the Soldier always stands strong

While you have the right to complain
A Soldier will fight for you, in the pouring rain

While he leaves his family behind
They are never very far from his mind

Remember every negative word you say
for YOU a Soldier keeps terror at bay

(Denise Girod )

very moving indeed!:pakistan:
Your Freedom he fights for you to keep
So you will be safe while you sleep

You condem him for being wrong
Yet the Soldier always stands strong

While you have the right to complain
A Soldier will fight for you, in the pouring rain

While he leaves his family behind
They are never very far from his mind

Remember every negative word you say
for YOU a Soldier keeps terror at bay

(Denise Girod )

Okay, for a change I'll say: Good one indeed!!!!
Well, according to ISPR source of funding to these militants are as follow.
Bank robbery
Drug lord financing

Now basically Pakistan need very vigilant police and security agencies in city limits.
The soldier will still fight even if the people criticize him, he fights, first for the country and then for someone else. If the people support him he will fight will zeal if they don't he will fight with covenant!

Thankyou all for supporting the warriors!
Well, according to ISPR source of funding to these militants are as follow.
Bank robbery
Drug lord financing

Now basically Pakistan need very vigilant police and security agencies in city limits.
i friend of mine told me yesterday that his class fellows father had been kidnapped by these suckers a few days before. The reason:ransom!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Farahat Taj

It was retaliation par excellence. A convoy of the Pakistan army was ambushed by Taliban terrorists in the Kanjo area in Swat. The convoy had intended to go to Mangora to reinforce the army units there. Several soldiers died on the spot. The army responded with robust force and attacked the Taliban holding strategic positions on the heights containing Mangora emerald mines. From those heights the Taliban used to attack the Mangora circuit house, where the army was stationed. All the militants on the heights were killed and the state property, the emerald mines, was regained. Moreover, the army conducted successful attacks on other strongholds of the Taliban in Rahimabad and Takhtaband, and killed them there. "I am so pleased to see the forceful attacks. It is like avenging a slap in the face with a kick in the face," said a resident of Swat from Mangora. He also informed me that all the people in Swat were very happy with this retaliatory response of the army. "This is what we expect from the state army and this is how the army must deal with the Taliban beasts," he said further

Moreover, hundreds of Taliban terrorists have besieged the police station in Matta, a stronghold of the Taliban, for three days now. All roads leading to the police station have been mined by the militants so that the security forces could not reach the police station. Policemen and FC soldiers are within the police station. Entire Pakistan should be proud of them. They are resisting the militants, despite the fact that they are short of food, water and fuel. "The resistance of the besieged policemen and soldiers is very reassuring. Our prayers are with them. We love them. May God be with them," people of Swat who I contacted told me.

A wonderful achievement of the besieged policemen and FC soldiers is that they have killed Ibn-e-Aqel, the Taliban leader who was leading the siege of the police station. He was one of the cruelest Taliban leaders. He had mercilessly beheaded civilians, soldiers and policemen in Swat. He was the man who excavated the body of Pir Samiulla, the man who had led an armed resistance against the Taliban. Ibn-e-Aqel was the brother of Ibn-e-Amin, the top Taliban commander in Ber Swat area. Both the brothers have been strong opponents of Afzal Kahn Lala, a leader who stood up to the Taliban in his native village in Swat.

People of Swat say enough is enough. They have suffered enough atrocities. All those in Swat that I am in contact with told me they want the Pakistan army to eliminate the Taliban once and for all. For that purpose, they told me, they were ready to suffer as IDPs for some time. But the army operation must be swift, targeted and must kill the Taliban.

Indeed most Pakhtuns want the Pakistan army to annihilate the Taliban. The army would do itself a good if it crushed the Taliban. The Pakistan army has always had a high reputation in the eyes of the people of NWFP and FATA. This reputation is battered now. The army is seen as unable to eliminate the Taliban, or as ready to kill Pakhtun civilians but tacitly supporting the Taliban. Once Afzal Khan Lala, a veteran ANP politician, told me that he had clearly told Chief of Army Staff General Kayani that people in Swat believed that the army and the Taliban were one and the same. The same is the perception of people all over NWFP and FATA. Retaliations against the Taliban, like those in Swat in the last couple or so days, would improve the reputation of the army among the Pakhtuns.

But retaliations and reactions against the Taliban here and there in bits and pieces are just not enough. The army needs to deal with them all over Pakistan. The Taliban must be eliminated. They must be crushed for good. There are no moderate or good Taliban. There are no Taliban that can be engaged in dialogue. They all are mad beasts.

Look at the track record of the Taliban. They occupy a place. Unleash a reign of terror on the civilians there. Then they give it up and run away for life when faced with huge might. They did that in Kabul when the US bombed them and they will do so in Swat, Buner and Dir, where the army is conducting an operation against them. They will abandon the area and run away to FATA. They will wait in FATA for an appropriate time to reoccupy parts in NWFP.

The army need to be in a proactive mode. It must chase the Taliban in the tribal area and kill them in operations that are offensive not defensive. It must destroy the Taliban and Al Qaeda installations and training camps in FATA. The army must restore the sovereignty of Pakistan and retake the areas in FATA and NWFP that have long been occupied by the Taliban. The Pakistan army must free the Pakhtun citizens of Pakistan, who are forced to live under one of the most brutal occupations of our time.

Pakhtuns are loyal citizens of Pakistan. But they feel abandoned by the state to the Taliban. The Taliban, whether Pakhtun or non-Pakhtun, are the enemies of Pakhtun. The army must show that it stands with the Pakhtuns by eliminating the Taliban. The Taliban understand the language of violence only. The army must aggressively communicate with them in that language.

Moreover, there are Taliban and Al Qaeda hideouts and installations in other parts of Pakistan, especially in Balochistan and southern Punjab. They too have to be taken care of. The state must take control of all jehadi madrassas and must use force, if necessary.

The writer is a research fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, University of Oslo, and a member of Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy. Email: bergen34@yahoo.com

The army finally gets it right
wat makes me even more happier is the fact that ppl (of swat), for whom these soldier are layin down their lives, are happy and supportive
May Allah help our soldiers against these cults

P.S. i wanted to post this news in 'Supportin our soldiers' thread. but im using the internet on my phone rit now and its not lettin me get into that one particular thread. reason being only ppl above 18 yrs of age can enter that thread!!!!!! Huh... though im above 18 but i didnt get the settings change but still it doesnt make any sense.. last post is of enigma. Sir wat did u post in there???:undecided:
Eight parties form alliance against Talibanisation

Saturday, May 09, 2009

By our correspondent

LAHORE: Eight parties of the Barelvi school of thought have formed an alliance under the banner of Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) to wage a joint struggle against the growing Talibanisation in the country.

The alliance has demanded of the Pakistan Army to speed up its operation to eliminate the Taliban from the NWFP and the Fata, and appealed to the nation to get united against the menace.

Addressing a press conference at the Lahore Press Club on Friday, central leaders of the SIC component parties announced the launching of the “Save Pakistan Movement” all over the country to stem the menace of Talibanisation. They said all SIC parties would fully participate in the All Pakistan Ulema and Mashaikh Convention being held in Islamabad on May 17 at the invitation of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan, while the first meeting of the SIC would be held on May 18 in Rawalpindi to chalk out its future strategy.

They termed the Taliban a product of global anti-Islam conspiracies, adding that it was the reason the Taliban were playing in the hands of Washington to divide the Muslims and bring a bad name to Islam. They said the Taliban belonged to the same school of thought that was opposed to the creation of Pakistan and they destroyed 10 shrines of holy saints in the NWFP besides killing hundreds of Sunni leaders so far.

The press conference was addressed by Pir Afzal Qadri (Aalmi Tanzim Ahle Sunnat), Qari Zawwar Bahadur (JUP), Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali (Markazi Jamaat Ahle Sunnat), Shadab Raza Qadri (Sunni Tehrik), Mufti Mohammad Khan Qadri (Karawan-e-Islam), Sahibzada Ghulam Murtaza Shazi (Markazi JUP), Mian Khalid Habib Elahi advocate (Nizam-e-Mustafa Party) and Safdar Shah (Jamaat Ahle Sunnat).

The SIC leaders said Sunni Muftis would soon issue religious edicts (Fatwas) against the anti-Islamic practices of the Taliban, and asked the nation to publicly disown the Taliban. The SIC leaders demanded immediate halt to the military operation in Balochistan and ensure administrative rights to the province according to the 1973 Constitution. They asked the political leaders to undertake visits to Balochistan to express solidarity with the Baloch people and announced that a delegation of Ulema and Mashaikh would soon visit Balochistan.

They also demanded an immediate end to US drone attacks and withdrawal of the US army from Afghanistan and Iraq. They said the SIC would provide immediate relief, including food, clothes, shelter and other basic needs, to those who have become homeless as a result of the military operation in Swat.

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