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Because there is no general rule stating that India cannot be brought into the discussion, afterall, we must all learn from India, where Indian men like you are paid to write crap to earn a "centralized" blowjob from you govt, since there aren't money to go around... Sad... Btw, what cents are you talking about? No evidence=no truth

Actually there is truth in that and I can give you deductive logic.

All Chinese people that I have come across so far in my life (and trust me there have bee a lot) are very well behaved, they are very well mannered, they are very respectful and also very knowledgeble about the ways of the world.

However, most of the members who are claiming to be from China on this forum are not like that at all and in fact in most cases are exactly opposite.

So it is then difficult to believe that such members represent Chinese culture. In fact they are just degrading it by writing such things here.
i think ample time (ten to twenty years for long term chronic problem solving, look at one specific timepoint will only lead to misconception, most importantly is what they people plan and execute currently for future) is needed to see how the beijing leadership to perform their wisdom to resurrect this ancient giant to its former glory, it is achieved exactly by overcoming these sturdy problems...all the rising powers in the past faced challenges and opportunities, you just expect a country without experiencing harsh environment to evolve to its greatest form?? comparatively china now is in a much crucial moment than india, which now enjoys with much ''friendly international community friendship'', but who knows what will happen to india if the international community interests started to get hurted by rising india seeking for more scarce resources for its rising...will india then be trapped in a fiercer state of international conflict than current china?? can india stand and solve the international conflict alone with its own unified strength and wisdom like china does now during its pathway of rapid evolution??? or you just want to stay in comfortable current ''friendly'' situation now???
Meh just stereotyping I guess. Sheep are generally mindless, and the stereotypical American is, well, not "smart" per say right?

Actually to me, Sheep are more close to a definition of people who have no say in what they are told to do. They are just led like a herd.

And what makes you say that Americans are not "smart"?
You've got to be joking me.

Whats the joke kindly share and before commenting anything, read and understand what I have written and if you still do not belive what I wrote then theres something called GOOGLE
Actually there is truth in that and I can give you deductive logic.

All Chinese people that I have come across so far in my life (and trust me there have bee a lot) are very well behaved, they are very well mannered, they are very respectful and also very knowledgeble about the ways of the world.

However, most of the members who are claiming to be from China on this forum are not like that at all and in fact in most cases are exactly opposite.

So it is then difficult to believe that such members represent Chinese culture. In fact they are just degrading it by writing such things here.

No, I don't see anything wrong with our personalities here. We are all patriotic and that's good. What you didn't see before, however is when those Chinese people are angered/tipped off. In this case, some annoying Indian members tipping others off with degrading posts such as No this no that in such and such country, so on and so forth. THAT, is an embarrassment to India, because so far, I've only encountered friendly Indians, whom are all very open and warm. What I see here, is a totally different story and leads me to see it from a totally different perspective.
Actually to me, Sheep are more close to a definition of people who have no say in what they are told to do. They are just led like a herd.

And what makes you say that Americans are not "smart"?

Yes exactly. If you tell a puppet to jump off a bridge, it'll do so. You get the point.

Stereotypically speaking, chubby farmers from Middle USA, you know what I mean...
Without being emotional to the issue, do chinese PDF members can give some reasons for a NO to embrace a DEMOCRATIC setup in Republic of China?

It seems to Indians that you people are being so much expolited politically, don't you want a CHANGE?

Without being emotional to the issue, do chinese PDF members can give some reasons for a NO to embrace a DEMOCRATIC setup in Republic of China?

It seems to Indians that you people are being so much expolited politically, don't you want a CHANGE?


how does democracy work out for the 2 million children that starve to death in india every year? you don't know anything about the republic of china nor anything about chinese history.

it seems to us in china that the real people being exploited are the indians. the genocide india perpetuates with poverty, for example, is completely foreign to us. we cannot imagine allowing our children to starve and be mal nutrition. similarly, we cannot imagine our country being plagued by armed insurgencies. we also cannot imagine vote buying, mafia extortion and systemic police corruption.

ask yourself: a farmer in china owns his land and farms tax free. a farmer in india pays the land lord, pays taxes and may be kicked off the land any time. just looking across the border they can see on one side farmers are safe and secure in their land and job, while on the other they live in constant fear of police oppression and landlord extortion. is it any surprise then that millions of indians are embracing communism and fighting to remove the landlord parasites?

without emotion, i'd like to ask you 1 simple question: why is it that not many chinese are "embracing democracy" but millions of indians are embracing communism, and willing to fight and die for the cause of communism?
Without being emotional to the issue, do chinese PDF members can give some reasons for a NO to embrace a DEMOCRATIC setup in Republic of China?

It seems to Indians that you people are being so much expolited politically, don't you want a CHANGE?


It's not the time to embrace real democracy in china, we are still developing country and we have 80million people living under poverty line, the literacy rate is not 100%, and people who got high level educated is low compairing to developed country, so it is not the time. And we dont wanna become as mess as some caste democracy country.;)So, for real democracy it is not the right time, for fake democracy, we have a bad sample in the world, we dont wanna try it.:D
2 front war and now this drama.
Sheesh talk about hipocrisy and tears of a croc.
It's not the time to embrace real democracy in china, we are still developing country and we have 80million people living under poverty line, the literacy rate is not 100%, and people who got high level educated is low compairing to developed country, so it is not the time. And we dont wanna become as mess as some caste democracy country.;)So, for real democracy it is not the right time, for fake democracy, we have a bad sample in the world, we dont wanna try it.:D

why does no indian dare answer me:

no chinese person is "embracing democracy" and willing to fight and die for democracy

but millions of indians are embracing communism and willing to fight and die for communism.

i wonder whose system is going to collapse?
why does no indian dare answer me:

no chinese person is "embracing democracy" and willing to fight and die for democracy

but millions of indians are embracing communism and willing to fight and die for communism.

i wonder whose system is going to collapse?

Let me answer your query.

The answer lies in the bolded part. It is not true. Millions or possibly hundreds of millions want democracy but it is the nature of communism, that doesn't allow any pro democracy people to act.
In communism, anyone who is against the govt is supressed and since the media is also in control of the govt, no one knows about it. People could be massacred in one part of the country and the rest of the country could be unaware drinking champagne.

But in democracy, free press prevails, even if a single person wants communism, he can fight his way, enjoy the rights given to him by the constitution and no one, not even the president himself can stop him unless he violates the constitution.
Let me answer your query.

The answer lies in the bolded part. It is not true. Millions or possibly hundreds of millions want democracy but it is the nature of communism, that doesn't allow any pro democracy people to act.
In communism, anyone who is against the govt is supressed and since the media is also in control of the govt, no one knows about it. People could be massacred in one part of the country and the rest of the country could be unaware drinking champagne.

But in democracy, free press prevails, even if a single person wants communism, he can fight his way, enjoy the rights given to him by the constitution and no one, not even the president himself can stop him unless he violates the constitution.

and yet the fact is, the democracy is sending soldiers to kill those that fight for communism, and why is that? why is your democratic government silencing those that fight for communism? it even silences those that say "I hate sonia gandhi".

Hate Sonia Gandhi and you might just get arrested on ...Clueless

where are their human rights?

it is not farmers in china that have to pay landlords or risk being kicked off their land. it isn't farmers in china that have an armed insurgency against the government. it isn't children in china that have 2 million deaths per year due to starvation.

long live india - the Communist Party of India (Maoist) that is.
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