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Superpower China: inevitable or fragile?

Its better to be overconfident than to be underconfident.

When reality hits the overconfident, they are usually slapped into action - note Japan and the Meiji restoration. The opposite effect of not accepting reality happens very infrequently.

When the underconfident get hit by reality, they naturally cower and assume their position as weak colonial slaves naturally and meekly - see Iraq, Saudis, Philippines, Korea, etc etc.

If we are going to become weak colonial slaves, might as well cut the BS and invite the US to set up military bases in Shanghai and Beijing, give them extraterritoriality like Japan does, and maybe even have government run brothels for them like South Korea.

There is a saying: A soldier that doesn't want to be a general is a failure of a soldier. Therefore, the same applies for nations: a nation that does not want to be a superpower is forever destined to be a 3rd rate, colonial slave nation whose citizens should be killed, mocked, laughed at and ridiculed.

Yes, but a superpower race is like a bicycle race -- it's best to be in second place.

The guy in front takes the brunt of the resistance and has the tremendously tiring psychological burden to keep up the pace. The guy behind just has to keep pace with the leader.
They are really struggling now. :tup:

"Yellow peril" is not PC enough for them to use nowadays. And it's hard to label China as an "evil Communist nation" with a straight face, while we're pulling the fastest growing market economy on Earth with the largest trade surplus.

They've hit the jackpot with "human rights" though.

The scare mongering is based on race, not ideology.

In the 80s, the big scary monster was 'Japan, Inc.'. Everybody was talking about Japan buying up American companies even though the biggest foreign owner was Britain, not Japan.
The scare mongering is based on race, not ideology.

In the 80s, the big scary monster was 'Japan, Inc.'. Everybody was talking about Japan buying up American companies even though the biggest foreign owner was Britain, not Japan.

Notice a trend. When China was weak a few decades ago, everyone came to us with an open hand of friendship and investment, even Japan. America was more friendly with us in the 1970's when we were fully Communist, than today when we are hybrid capitalist/socialist.

Now we are getting stronger, suddenly they are worried.

Same with Japan. When Japan's economy was booming in the 1980's, the Western world was afraid. Now that their economy is stagnant, it turns out they make awesome TV shows and have a culture that makes Americans want to buy Katanas and get Kanji tattoos.

But of course when America surpassed Britain as the world's pre-eminent power, very few people were worried.
But of course when America surpassed Britain as the world's pre-eminent power, very few people were worried.

Well, to be fair, there's a LOT of resentment and jealousy in Europe towards America.

The whole idea behind the EU is to try and restore some pride to France and Germany and make them relevant again.
Notice a trend. When China was weak a few decades ago, everyone came to us with an open hand of friendship and investment, even Japan. America was more friendly with us in the 1970's when we were fully Communist, than today when we are hybrid capitalist/socialist.

Now we are getting stronger, suddenly they are worried.

They are not the same people who invested in China.
Distance from New Delhi to Beijing - 3500 KM

Distance from New Delhi to nearest CHINESE BASE - 500 KM ( Wagah Border )
( Actual Road distance = 493 KM )

How do you like them APPLES ?


From when there is a Chinese base at Wagah?
I just checked the East Turkestan Movement...is it true that China is forcefully occupying East Turkestan and the people are going through the same brutality as in Kashmir and Palestine...May Allah have mercy on our brothers the Umaah must rise

China can do whatever they want with Tibet and Inner Mongolia but what are they Xingjiang and why is the international community silent about it??????????
I just checked the East Turkestan Movement...is it true that China is forcefully occupying East Turkestan and the people are going through the same brutality as in Kashmir and Palestine...May Allah have mercy on our brothers the Umaah must rise

Brutality is many times more as there is no free press and access to those regions. Chinese Communist Party ( not being a denocratic institutiuon) is in the same league as North Korean, Libyans and some ruthless African dictators. ..just that they have more resources to cause massive pain to the world. There is hardly any brutality in Kashmir...waht you hear is lot of propoganda

China can do whatever they want with Tibet and Inner Mongolia but what are they Xingjiang and why is the international community silent about it??????????

..basically you are saying that you are O.K. if the brutality is against non -muslims but are deeply pained to see muslims being at receiving end..is it?
I just checked the East Turkestan Movement...is it true that China is forcefully occupying East Turkestan and the people are going through the same brutality as in Kashmir and Palestine...May Allah have mercy on our brothers the Umaah must rise

China can do whatever they want with Tibet and Inner Mongolia but what are they Xingjiang and why is the international community silent about it??????????

WTF are you talking about? False flag again?

China can do whatever they want with Tibet and Inner Mongolia and Xingjiang and the international community should keep silent about it because it's Their InTernal Matters ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Brutality is many times more as there is no free press and access to those regions. Chinese Communist Party ( not being a denocratic institutiuon) is in the same league as North Korean, Libyans and some ruthless African dictators. ..just that they have more resources to cause massive pain to the world. There is hardly any brutality in Kashmir...waht you hear is lot of propoganda

Mr. False Flag, Indian Kashmir is in no way short of brutality.

Chinese Communist Party may be in the same league with NK, but it is this Party has been continuously support Pakistan in all hard times. Without China(CCP), this nation might be long engulfed by your evil country of India.
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