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Sunnis refused to identify Shias in front of terrorists-Babusar killings

Guys, sorry for asking what is probably a very silly question but I am simply unaware of the basic dynamics here. Ok there are Shia Sunni issues but what is the aim of the terrorist other than distabalisation of the country. Have they made any specific demands and are doing this to achieving that? Is it just random acts to challenge the authority of the state?

there is no Shia sunni issue, someone is trying to create one, but luckily people of Pakistan are united against our enemies and will not play their games. I salute Shias and their leader for not inciting hate against sunnis after repeated hate crimes and reason being we all know who these murderers are and they are not muslim, may God save all Shias from these terrorists and give sunnis courage to defend their brothers.
Guys, sorry for asking what is probably a very silly question but I am simply unaware of the basic dynamics here. Ok there are Shia Sunni issues but what is the aim of the terrorist other than distabalisation of the country. Have they made any specific demands and are doing this to achieving that? Is it just random acts to challenge the authority of the state?

There are no demands. Specific or otherwise.Their sole objective is to provoke a massive sectarian conflict across Pakistan, almost akin to a civil war.

As you why they are doing it, you must first understand that these killers receive their instructions & funding from Riyasati Amniyati Milli Afghanistan (RAMA).

RAMA or NDS ( National Directorate of Security ) is trained and funded by the US Homeland Security (FBI & CIA).

As you know, the Haqqani Network has killed a lot of American CIA officers in their suicide bombings in Afghanistan. In addition, the Afghan Taliban have created chaos with their bombing and killings in Afghan cities and scores of RAMA/NDS officers have been killed. And the CIA & RAMA believe that our Army/ISI controls & uses the Haqqanis & the Afghan Taliban.

So what we are seeing in Pakistan is merely their payback.

They are sending our Army/ISI a clear message: If you use the Afghan Taliban to create chaos in our country, we will use the Pakistani Taliban to create chaos in your country. If you use the Haqqani Network to provoke conflicts in our country, we will use our terror-network to provoke conflicts in your country. If our country sees no peace, neither will your country see any peace.

So what is our Army/ISI doing in response?

I suspect they are twirling their big mustaches and thinking, "Humnay bhi chooriyan nahin payhen rakhey hain".

So this is just the beginning.....
there is no Shia sunni issue, someone is trying to create one, but luckily people of Pakistan are united against our enemies and will not play their games. I salute Shias and their leader for not inciting hate against sunnis after repeated hate crimes and reason being we all know who these murderers are and they are not muslim, may God save all Shias from these terrorists and give sunnis courage to defend their brothers.

I feel it would be more correct to say that "there was no Shia Sunni issue in the past", but someone has already created one. There are already indications that the situation is getting worse at the middle to lower sections of our Society in Pakistan. For example, the sad views below indicate the deteriorating relations at the common people-to-people level:

In my personal experience being a shia i remember in my early days in 90's we use to have niaz at our house and many people from our neighbourhood use to come .. i remember it from years and it was a routine , there were no invitations people knew the dates they use to pop in on the perticular day it self. Than suddenly people stopped coming , there were wall chalkings in the neighbourhood calling food cooked some real bad names calling niaz haram etc etc ... I gues it was zia sunni islamization which took effect. Even our freinds avoid eating at our homes i dont know what is it they are fed but definatly the mosque mulla has a role here

radicalization is going to destroy us all. the sectarian divide has grown and continues to grow. i would say that 20 years ago many sunnis were okay with shias. but now its to the point where they wont even eat at their house. when we first moved to canada we stayed with a shia family. and now my dad refuses to even see their faces...

I feel we should not be in denial and must do all we can as individuals to improve community-to-community relations. If we can heal the schisms in our society, then ill-intentioned people will not be able to take advantage of them.
They are desperate to prove two nation theory was not right.

Who is they? From what I've read on this very website from Pakistani posters is that Sipah E Sahiba type Sunni organisations enjoyed close ties with the state and some gulf patronage and some Shia organisations received their inspiration and money from Iran. This has gone on for over two decades.

Why would any of the entities involved be interested in disproving the two nation theory? Sorry if its off topic but your comment is baffling.
The aim is to show thew world that in Pakistan minorities even when they are muslims are not safe. So how can a hindu, a christian or sikh be safe? Giving a bad name to Pakistan of being a intolerable society.


Wow that's really sad and just so awful. Hope a solution is found without further pointless loss of life.

I just can't intellectually grasp it. Even terrorism has a goal like boko haram in Nigeria but this is just nuts.

The reason you cannot grasp it is because Slayer is not quite correct in his analysis. Here is why:

1) Have you ever heard of a terrorist attack on Christians (2%) or Hindus (1%)?
2) Why are all these terrorist attacks against Shias (20%), Sufis (30%), Barelvis (30%)?

I mean if they really wanted to "give a bad name to Pakistan", they would simply have done the following:

1) Carry out truck-bombing of a large, famous Church on Sunday.
2) Carry out a suicide-bombing in a crowded Hindu-Temple.
3) Send agents to Europe/US to gun-down people in a packed Shopping Mall.

Acts like these would get them immediate global media attention and Pakistan's name would be even more sullied than it is now. But that is not what they are doing. Because their aim is not to "give a bad name to Pakistan".

If you look carefully, you will notice that their attacks are almost always against Muslims. These Muslim-on-Muslim terrorist attacks do not get that much media coverage on the global stage, as they are viewed as local or regional news items.

So why then are they killing Muslims?

Because their objective is to promote a Sectarian War.

Think about it. Can you imagine the 1% vegetable-eating Hindus "hitting back"? Can you imagine the 2% Jesus-is-love Christians "hitting back"? Of course they are not capable of fighting back. Therefore, there is no point in attacking them. These terrorists are deliberately attacking groups who have suffice size to "hit back", like the Shia, Barelvi, Sufi Muslim Sects.

Once the Shia, Barelvi, Sufi retaliate, then the terrorists will finally have attained their objective: The Sectarian War is now ON. Everything will then escalate (chain-reaction) in a self-sustaining cycle of violence (automatic tit-for-tat acts) from there on.

I hope this helps you grasp the reality of the situation. I assure you the terrorists are not insane, even though they are inhuman killers. They are working towards a specific plan. It is up to us to understand their plan and then work to defeat their evil intentions.
Because their objective is to promote a Sectarian War.

Think about it. Can you imagine the 1% vegetable-eating Hindus "hitting back"? Can you imagine the 2% Jesus-is-love Christians "hitting back"? Of course they are not capable of fighting back. Therefore, there is no point in attacking them. These terrorists are deliberately attacking groups who have suffice size to "hit back", like the Shia, Barelvi, Sufi Muslim Sects.

Once the Shia, Barelvi, Sufi retaliate, then the terrorists will finally have attained their objective: The Sectarian War is now ON. Everything will then escalate (chain-reaction) in a self-sustaining cycle of violence (automatic tit-for-tat acts) from there on.

I hope this helps you grasp the reality of the situation. I assure you the terrorists are not insane, even though they are inhuman killers. They are working towards a specific plan. It is up to us to understand their plan and then work to defeat their evil intentions.

Is this sectarian war an end in itself or a means to something else. And WHAT is that something?
Is this sectarian war an end in itself or a means to something else. And WHAT is that something?

See my previous post #17 with ID# post3332322

Who is they? From what I've read on this very website from Pakistani posters is that Sipah E Sahiba type Sunni organisations enjoyed close ties with the state and some gulf patronage and some Shia organisations received their inspiration and money from Iran. This has gone on for over two decades.

Why would any of the entities involved be interested in disproving the two nation theory? Sorry if its off topic but your comment is baffling.

By "They" I think he means the large number of Indian posters who keep creating threads about the Shia-Sunni violence. I think he means that Indians like to highlight the Shia/Sunni Muslim-on-Muslim violence because (he feels that) "they are desperate to prove two nation theory was not right".

I don't think he was talking about the terrorists themselves. What could they have to do with the Two-Nation Theory?

I could be wrong. This is just how I interpreted his comment.....
SKARDU: Bodies of three, out of the twenty-two who were slaughtered at Babusar, were brought from the site of the carnage to Skardu and buried amid immense sorrow and grief.

The funeral prayer, led by leading religious leader Sheikh Hasan Jafri, was attended by about 50,000 people.

In his address on the occasion, Sheikh Hasan Jafri said that this is a heinous crime committed by terrorists as no sect allows such a despicable act. He said that these terrorists are not Muslims, let alone they belong to any sect. He urged the people to follow the true spirit of Islam and remain calm and restrained.

Those buried were identified as Hamid, Qari Hanif and Shabbir Husain.

According to an eye witnesses of the horrific incident, on August 16 some buses on way from Rawalpindi to Astore were intercepted at Babusar by about 14 terrorists wearing commando uniforms and carrying walkie-talkies while dozens of their fellow terrorists stood on the nearby hills.

They ordered the passengers to step down and started enquiring about their sect.

Those who belonged to Shia sect were taken aside and later shot dead in cold blood.

The total killed were 22, including four Sunni Muslims, who protested and pressed the terrorists not to kill innocent Shia Muslims.

One Sajjad who luckily saved his life said that fellow Sunni passengers did a good job by saving many lives otherwise all Shias would have been brutally murdered.

The terrorists even beat Sunni passengers and forced them to help in identifying Shias so that they could kill them.

In spite of that, the Sunnis did not cooperate with them, he added.

The same tactics were used in Kohistan in March in which a Gilgit bound bus was intercepted and 18 Shia passengers were slaughtered by terrorists wearing army uniforms.

Thirteen of those killed in the latest incident belong to Astore, three to Skardu,

two to Karachi, and one to Gujar Khan in the Punjab and three to Gilgit.

The Ulema of Gilgit, Baltistan and from all schools of thought condemned the incident and termed it a heinous crime and declared that terrorists are not Muslim, rather they are anti Muslim and anti-Islam.

Babusar killings Sunnis refused to identify Shias in front of terrorists - thenews.com.pk

The Red Line Clearly shows that they are not Muslims let alone Sunni. They are just paid terrorist who want to make chaos in GB so they can turned against Pakistan.
If you guys realize, this is a great example of recklessness, bravery and muslim brotherhood...even if that all was not present still a great human gesture that makes us superior from other creatures...

but sadly this is not the answer to this problem, the govt is responsible.
Riyadh Haque,

Thanks very much for the detailed response. It was illuminating and unfortunately the nightmarish pieces fit.
Is this sectarian war an end in itself or a means to something else. And WHAT is that something?

You will probably dismiss this as an conspiracy theory but the reason as to why is obvious. The Islamic world controls 50% of the worlds resources so they are trying to break down all the Muslim countries into smaller and smaller states so that they will be much easier to control. It was done to the Soviets (although the Federation of Russia came out with a large mass of land they were in economic ruin for a couple of decades) and will be done to anyone else who gets in the way. China is in the cross hairs after the Muslims are dealt with (think Tibet, Xinhiang) although for now India is being propped up as a counter weight until that time comes (I am sure Indian leaders know this I don't take them as naive rather they are just milking the support for what it is worth) and trust me they won't spare India either (the aspirations of India to be a superpower are well known). This is classic Western World versus Eastern World and since the powers are shifting East the West gets more desperate to cling on for all it is worth. :coffee:
No such examples were set in Iraq or Afghanistan by their native population this is the BRAVESTT of all stories we have hear whilst Pakistan is fighting WOT ... Man if this is true and has happened Pakistanis have failed the rat talibans badly
Guys, sorry for asking what is probably a very silly question but I am simply unaware of the basic dynamics here. Ok there are Shia Sunni issues but what is the aim of the terrorist other than distabalisation of the country. Have they made any specific demands and are doing this to achieving that? Is it just random acts to challenge the authority of the state?
aim? You think these wahabis have logic? Have you ever seen a hardcore salafi/wahabi from up close? I have, and it wasn't a pretty sight/experience. You're basically dealing with a more uneducated version (by a factor of 100) of orthodox Jews. They have no aim. They're just thought to hate the infidels and that they must kill shias, who are agents of Iran and even worse than the Jews, who they must push into the seas. lol
aim? You think these wahabis have logic? Have you ever seen a hardcore salafi/wahabi from up close? I have, and it wasn't a pretty sight/experience. You're basically dealing with a more uneducated version (by a factor of 100) of orthodox Jews. They have no aim. They're just thought to hate the infidels and that they must kill shias, who are agents of Iran and even worse than the Jews, who they must push into the seas. lol

They kill Sunnis as well, and they tried to kill more but couldn't as we rejected them. The problem here is that you call Sunnis ""Wahabis" or Salafis. Killing innocents is forbidden in Islam and it doesn't matter what is their religion or beliefs unless they attack you first, then you should fight back without killing innocents. You are playing the victim card here, although there are many Shea terrorist groups who cruelly slaughterer Sunnis by their names in Iraq. Those terrorists you are talking about deem Al-Saud as their biggest enemy and tried several times to assassinate/ undermine them and failed. So, if they were "Wahabi"=Sunni, then why do Al-Saud have them? And why are those pray for Al-Saud?
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