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Sunni ISIS murdered 500 Yazidi, make 300 women sex slave

Yes i know that........but u seem to have forgotten that most of the peaceful nations are shia.
If they are not peaceful then its due to the foreign funding by sunnis,,,,case in point iraq and syria.:coffee:

Any counters to that??

I don't get this sectarian stuff. Does Sunni/Shia really matter that much?

And Iraq and Syria seem to be primarily sectarian battles.
I don't get this sectarian stuff. Does Sunni/Shia really matter that much?

And Iraq and Syria seem to be primarily sectarian battles.

Unfortunately they do man,,,u i think are oblivious to whats happening in karachi, syria and iraq


Shia vs sunni,,,there is no other reason

I don't get it,how can people be so fucking stupid:hitwall:
Stupid as in people fighting,not u.........lol
. .
ISIS is the fault of the Syrian and Iraqi governments,if they had given the sunni's their rights,this woud have never happened so blame Asad and Maliki.
You reap what you saw!
Bloody hell .What is this Saudi doing down there?
. . .
ISIS is the fault of the Syrian and Iraqi governments,if they had given the sunni's their rights,this woud have never happened so blame Asad and Maliki.
You reap what you saw!

Not entirely, same groups like ISIS exist in many places over the world like Nigeria, Pakistan.

Syrian conflict could have been prevented. ISIS existed before Maliki came to power, doesn't matter if you put Saddam back in power ISIS will remain, they might have less support among locals but they will continue with the terror.
. .
Disgusting savages that deserve the sword.

As for Sunni, don't you mean Salafist, Wahabi and Jihadist.

I'm Sunni and a Sufi, like most Sufis are and we don't do this my friend.


So what is happening is Sunni's are dividing among themselves to distance themselves from a part of their regressive bunch. This is unique to Islam though. I don't see Christians divorcing their extreme right wing or for e.g. Hindu's divorcing their right wing or the Buddhists divorcing their right wing.

This, I think is the reason why Muslims aren't able to get to grips with the extremist elements within their community. I assume divorcing doesn't help, disowning them will not go the issue go away...what's your take?
-35 rating tells you all you need to know about the OP.

Stfu with your bakwas against Sunnis day and night, bring proof that all Sunnis silently cheer on the ISIS fucks or gtfo.

I have my own fan. Not to worry.

Nope. I make a mistake, Sunni do not cheer ISIS. Everyone are cursing them. Wonder why I never hear them.


Fan of ISIS in Europe. Allah hu Akbar.
He is the best they got,,,look at the alternatives man.:angry:
You are thinking from a non Muslim POV. Put yourself in the mindset of a hardcore believer. Assad is everything that should not be. He is Shia, hell even an Alawaite, a secular elite and even irreligious. That itself will make him a sworn enemy. :D

Saddam also belonged to the same socialist movement of the Baathists. With time and increasing isolation Saddam became more outwardly Islamic (personally he never managed to). But Assad proved to be a far tougher nut to crack.
It is the fault of Israel, USA, British, German, Alawite, Shia, Chinese, Russians, Indians, Myanmese... and everyone in the world, including Singapore.

Allah hu Akbar. Sunni are good.

He can be As-Sufyani that has been told by our Prophet

The Sufyani (Arabic: السفياني), is an apocryphal character of Islamic eschatology. The Sufyani will emerge before the Mahdi from the depths of Damascus.

The term "Sufyani" is a term referring to his descent from the progeny of Abu Sufyan. He will be one of many Muslim tyrants that the Mahdi will have to face in the Middle East. The Sufyani is not the Dajjal. The Ahadith regarding the Sufyani specify that he is a tyrant who will spread corruption and mischief on the earth before the Mahdi. He will be such a tyrant that he will kill the children and rip out the bellies of women. The Sufyani will murder those from the household of the Prophet and will rule over Syria. When he hears about the Mahdi, he will send an army to seize and kill him. However the earth will swallow this army before it even reaches the Mahdi.

The Sufyani's army will go to Kufa; a city in Iraq, and from there he will launch an attack against the people of Khurasan. At the Gate of Istakr, Shuayb bin Salih and the Hashimite under the black banner, will join forces and engage the army of the Sufyani. The battle will be extremely fierce with a tremendous loss of life and the army of the Sufyani will suffer a temporary defeat. It is at this time that a yearning for the Mahdi's appearance is on the lips of everyone.

The army of the Sufyani will march from the direction of Iraq to seize the Mahdi, however, when they reach the desert near Dhi Hulayfah the ground will swallow them up. However, two will escape to convey the news but even when he learns of the occurrence he will not be deterred. There will be some people from the Quraish who manage to escape from him to Constantinopel, which will be at that time under the control of the Non-Muslims. When the Sufyani asks for their return they will be returned whereupon not only the escapees' throats will be slit but those like them.

Khalid bin Ma'dan said:

The Sufyani will emerge with three staffs in his hand. Anyone whom he strikes with them will die. (Nu'aym bin Hammad)

The Sufyani is a man whose trial involves his person, his power, his speed and his fighting. One of his wonders consists of his staffs, which kill anyone he strikes with them. The hadith about the Sufyani confirms that he is a tyrant who will spread corruption and crime in the Earth immediately before the appearance of the Mahdi.

Sufyani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are thinking from a non Muslim POV. Put yourself in the mindset of a hardcore believer. Assad is everything that should not be. He is Shia, hell even an Alawaite, a secular elite and even irreligious. That itself will make him a sworn enemy. :D

Saddam also belonged to the same socialist movement of the Baathists. With time and increasing isolation Saddam became more outwardly Islamic (personally he never managed to). But Assad proved to be a far tougher nut to crack.

Unfortunately they do man,,,u i think are oblivious to whats happening in karachi, syria and iraq


Shia vs sunni,,,there is no other reason

I don't get it,how can people be so fucking stupid:hitwall:
Stupid as in people fighting,not u.........lol

Well yeah, Sunni and Shia are fighting each other, but why blame that on one sect specifically.

Isn't that the whole reason behind sectarianism?

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