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Ok, Dravidian. Arabian beauty is world famous and well-known across the world. Your likes on the other hand are ignored. There is a reason why you are desperate to marry Arab women from the GCC.

Arabs are Caucasians and Europeans (Southern Europeans) are our neighbors. We share many of the same haplogroups.


You on the other hand are located next to the Dravidian hotspot that is South Asia. Home to almost 1 billion Dravidians.

Afro-Arabs are also better looking if you ask me.

And no, Arabs have always been envied for their beautiful olive skin and Arabs have always written poetry about our beautiful skin color. A skin color that White people are seeking whenever they tan.

There are plenty of descriptions of Arabs throughout history, including Prophet Muhammad (saws), his family, Sahabah and 1000's of Arab Islamic personalities whether scientists, scholars, poets, generals etc.

Arabs were always known as Caucasians which DNA, history, geography and everything else confirms. Afro-Arabs are due to the Arab slave trade which was not limited to Africans but included people from your region:


So stick to your Gypsies and we will stick to our beautiful women. The last people on the planet that we have to impress is your likes as we see the ground reality every day in the GCC. Millions of your likes claim Arab ancestry while I am yet to see a single Arab claim your ancestry or proudly try to display it. That's the harsh reality. Not to say that you have been influenced by us 1000 times more than the other way around. So we understand your obsession about the 500 million Arabs. A lot of butthurt and inferiority complexes is involved. After all millions of your likes are feed by us directly.
People of Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East and Indian sub continent(India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) are known as caucasoids...

There has been more mix of races in Indian subcontinent than Middle East....
Hence the bengalis you generally see are well, mixture of mongoloid and other sub category races...
But in the Indian subcontinent specially on northern parts... people with lighter skin color, caucasoid facial features are more prevelant.

And people being banned in malls in Saudi, first time hearing bullshit like this.
As far as I'm concerned there is no discrimination based on ones skin color in Arab countries but rather social status.... mostly due to the oil money, let that dry and we'll see the arrogance.
Saudi crown prince looks like a villain in Bollywood movies of India


Its not just complexion, their facial features are also quite Indian-ish

And our obese Saudi friend thinks Circassians of Caucaus (famous for beauty) are related to Arabs. Here is photo of a Circassian woman, a consort of an Ottoman Sultan


Saudis posting photo-shopped Photos of their models prove that they are in inferiority complex about their looks
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Everyone knows about the beauty of Arab women. No need to impress some South Asians here, lol. Their men in the GCC are desperate to marry local Arab women.

Just visit any forum and Arab girls are always mentioned as one of the most beautiful along with the likes of Latin women (30 million Latino people have Arab ancestry) etc.

In the West Arab women are very much sought after. Never heard anything about South Asian women.

Just take a look at the avatar of that user below. That's how they look on average. We don't need any confirmation as there are enough of them in the GCC for the time being until they will be deported.
While that is true on some cases.... Arab men generally are marrying more asians particularly East Asians now while the women are reportedly marrying either European or south Asian men... end of the day it's also based on personal preference.

Also on my recent travel I came across a Pakistani man whose ancestors are surely from the people who migrated during Alexander the greats time.... particularly greeece.... blue eyed, brown hair and overall Northern European caucasoid features...


Another example how non European caucasoids look based on their region....
Cranial structure for the most part is similar...it's just the variation in skin tone.
This thread on Omani military turned into Balochs vs Arabs and now people are posting pics if famous models lol
@Hell hound @The Sandman
To my conclusion... saudian women aren't marrying saudian men, more and more Arab girls are getting married with people from Europe and Asia.... while many Saudi men are doing the same...
Some butt hurt people obviously have problem with that... and that's not our problem. People should be allowed to get married to whoever they want. Be it the smallest on average penis North Korean or Koreans or the biggest in average penis people from Congo. Now cut the race crap because while some of it is accurate some aren't and that's going to cause confusion among the young demographic. And I for sure won't take time of my vacation from med college to talk and explain four main types of race, their mixture according to region and sub category races which are not as prevelant but still have distinct characteristics.
To my conclusion... saudian women aren't marrying saudian men, more and more Arab girls are getting married with people from Europe and Asia.... while many Saudi men are doing the same...
Some butt hurt people obviously have problem with that... and that's not our problem. People should be allowed to get married to whoever they want. Be it the smallest on average penis North Korean or Koreans or the biggest in average penis people from Congo. Now cut the race crap because while some of it is accurate some aren't and that's going to cause confusion among the young demographic. And I for sure won't take time of my vacation from med college to talk and explain four main types of race, their mixture according to region and sub category races which are not as prevelant but still have distinct characteristics.
Nice try you troll arabs don't marry outsiders that's because we want to save our identity
Trolling aside but come on now, pathans are lighter and more caucasian looking then arabs in general. Only Syrian/Levant are lighter then pathans. This is because of better preserved proto-indo-european ancestry which give them hint of european look. Considering todays world beauty standard is european.. as accepted by arabs themselves.

To prove this I just need to look at FATA politicians and compare them with GCC leaders, difference is obvious. This doesn't mean pathans don't have darker looks influenced by tribal Indian DNA or arabs don't have african influenced looks. This is troll fest but in general pathans are lighter. And northern Pakistanis are lightest. Islamabad isn't northen Pakistan but federal capital with all type of people living in it, but that single picture with bad light isn't representative of ISB anyway.

Good luck finding any pure GCC arab who look like these, not models but pathan politicians.




GCC leaders

idiot thinks pic of saudis hes posting are white.. :lol:

What we call "wheatish" or dark is "white" for him... suffers from some deep rooted issues..

True, in Pakistan light skin mean pakhtuns like Afridi, Junaid Khan, Yasir Shah etc Common look among them. You don't see that type light skin among GCC arabs in general even in photos posted by him.
Arabs are Semitic people, just like most of the Jews, the very people that they hate. Semitics are not exactly the kind of white people that Arabs want to be.
Trolling aside but come on now, pathans are lighter and more caucasian looking then arabs in general. Only Syrian/Levant are lighter then pathans. This is because of better preserved proto-indo-european ancestry which give them hint of european look. Considering todays world beauty standard is european.. as accepted by arabs themselves.

To prove this I just need to look at FATA politicians and compare them with GCC leaders, difference is obvious. This doesn't mean pathans don't have darker looks influenced by tribal Indian DNA or arabs don't have african influenced looks. This is troll fest but in general pathans are lighter. And northern Pakistanis are lightest. Islamabad isn't northen Pakistan but federal capital with all type of people living in it, but that single picture with bad light isn't representative of ISB anyway.

Good luck finding any pure GCC arab who look like these, not models but pathan politicians.




GCC leaders

True, in Pakistan light skin mean pakhtuns like Afridi, Junaid Khan, Yasir Shah etc Common look among them. You don't see that type light skin among GCC arabs in general even in photos posted by him.
Please shut up just shut up [emoji4][emoji38]
Nice try you troll arabs don't marry outsiders that's because we want to save our identity
Don't argue with me kiddo. Ive countless examples but would rather not post without considering the permission and privacy of the subject.
like the time Saudi king married a white Christian woman.... ofc to save your "identity" right?
Don't argue with me kiddo. Ive countless examples but would rather not post without considering the permission and privacy of the subject.
like the time Saudi king married a white Christian woman.... ofc to save your "identity" right?
Shut up
You're not an Arab.... just a wannabe white supremacist. So fack off somewhere else. Don't beat your clit till you bleed.
You're not an Arab.... just a wannabe white supremacist. So fack off somewhere else. Don't beat your clit till you bleed.
White supremacist [emoji23] so you want to tell that white people are not white people or what
This thread on Omani military turned into Balochs vs Arabs and now people are posting pics if famous models lol
@Hell hound @The Sandman
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ all those Pakistani posters who feel superior in their color, facial features etc and pass off extremely racist comments towards other nationalities from S.Asia should see this thread anyway if one is Muslim than he should know that we all are equal in front of Allah this racism won't get you anywhere.
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