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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

why T-50 04 has 'danger radiation' signs on the tailboom ,is it going to have radar there?

Interesting, radar was rumored, but most people said that there wouldn't be enough space left, since it also houses IR sensors and the brake parachute. Will be interesting to see more reports on this.
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Interesting, radar was rumored, but most people said that there wouldn't be enough space left, since it also houses IR sensors and the brake parachute. Will be interesting to see more reports on this.

I thought a rear-facing radar was always the plan, The Su-30MKI also has a NO12 rearward facing radar which is housed in the same place- the end of the center section spine.


Tail Radar was always in the plan... The Indian version might have a few more radars on wings and other places in different bands to provide almost 360 degree coverage of the space around the plane.
I thought a rear-facing radar was always the plan, The Su-30MKI also has a NO12 rearward facing radar which is housed in the same place- the end of the center section spine.

From Indian sources you always heared about 360° passive surveillance, but not active and NO12 is just an old speculation, because it was developed for Flankers but never was confirmed and is actually doubtful.
For Pak Fa / FGFA front, side and L-Band arrays in the wingroots were clear, rearfacing radar only speculated.

Examples for radars and radar detection:


It's still only a prototype version with stopgap engines, the later versions (especially FGFA) will come with different engines, coverings and most likely also different nozzles.

But generally why dont the cover it like su27 su30 su33 su35 all these jets engine are uncovered. its a treat to i-missilez...
thanks for this info sir
For India, I don't think it matters if Pak-Fa is better than F-22 or not.What India wants from Pak-Fa is to deter China and intimidate Pakistan.Something is easily capable of doing imo.
Interview with General Designer of NPO "Saturn" Yuri Shmotin
Страна, создавшая лучшие двигатели, будет иметь лучшие самолеты - генеральный конструктор НПО "Сатурн" Юрий Шмотин / АвиаПорт.Дайджест

You mentioned earlier the engine for future aviation complex tactical aircraft. I understand that the issue is sensitive in terms of technical solutions and is reluctant to give the designers comments on this account. One wrong word can be said about many professionals who do not want to report a new product. Still, a few words on the participation of the "Saturn" in the project.

- In the new projects, "Saturn" is actively working on a second stage engine for the PAK FA. Although we present the ODC Division civil engines, "Saturn" did not terminate in cooperation with the Yakovlev Design Bureau. "A.M.Lyulki" work on the engine. From 2006 to the present in the KB was created significant technological advance over the engine of the second stage for the PAK FA. This has allowed this year to reach an agreement with the leadership of military engines division that "Saturn" will be responsible for the high-pressure compressor and the high pressure turbine. These nodes are actually the heart of aviation engine. Achieve just such a solution was possible thanks to the fact that you have already created a demonstrator engine components, which fully meets the specs. We have experimentally confirmed it. I can say honestly and calmly, that today all the critical decisions that need to be tested experimentally for the engine tested. And the engine will be a target date by the competent organization of labor.

- You said that the aircraft engine is one of the most difficult and perhaps the most difficult in engineering terms the product. What is the difficulty?

- Aircraft engine - is a heat engine. In it, the higher the temperature of combustion, the higher the compression ratio of the compressor, the higher the efficiency. For these numbers to improve, you need heavy-duty, ultra-light, heat-resistant materials and alloys that can withstand high temperature and pressure. Suffice it to say that the temperature at the outlet of the combustion chamber may exceed 2,000 degrees. The turbine rotates at a rate of tens of thousands of revolutions per minute. Such temperatures and such speed to withstand turbine parts - wheels and turbine blades. Tear off one of the blades when the engine is under the wing of the plane in the air, and the flight may stop ... To avoid this, we need modern materials technology, which in nature and technology did not previously exist, which do not yet have names. CB now getting ready to offer not only new modifications and improvements have already mastered the engine, and innovative solutions to the very design of gas turbine engine.

Forming a technological advance, we first of all, are working to create high-temperature materials. "Saturn" today - one of the few organizations which, besides the use of materials on the market, is developing a high-temperature materials that can operate at gas temperatures up to 2050 degrees Kelvin. There are several patented "Saturn" alloys, which allows for their implementation to raise the temperature before the turbine more than 100 degrees. This is in fact already a revolution in engine. No new high-temperature alloys can not create a new generation of engines. This, in turn, requires new technologies, new equipment. New grade need not in itself, but as a material to create complex three-dimensional parts such as cooling the turbine blades. Turbine blade - a very important detail, which has a very complex three-dimensional surface, not only outside but inside in order to keep it running. It is no accident aircraft engine - "flaming engine" - is compared to the well-known anthem aviators with the human heart.

credit:Austin @ Keypubforums.
@sancho : what will be the better option for IN ??? FGFA or AMCA ??? Assuming everything promised as of now comes true.

Discussions about this might fit here better...

...from what we know so far, I think by capability an N-FGFA would be a perfect carrier, since it offers very long range and endurance, without the need to refuel, all of it internally and we see at the F22 currently what happens when you calculate the internal fuel too limited. The wide field of view of it's radar arrays makes it more to a mini AWACS that what had been speculated about MKI in the past, since it will have way more detection range, to nearly 360°, advanced passive sensors and datalinks to divert this data to other aircrafts too.
However, for IN a N-AMCA might be the more suitable fighter, since IAC 2 will not be comparable to USNs Supercarriers in size, which makes the space for aircrafts limited. Also IN wants CATOBAR carriers, while RuN might remain with STOBAR carriers and that makes a joined naval design impossible. Not to mention that having Indian radar, engines and other systems might be prefered, compared to the Russian counterparts in FGFA, although they are more capable.
So I do expect the AMCA to come to IN, but sadly ADA/DRDO seems not to have learned from N-LCA program, otherwise they would make a naval fighter and re-design it later for IAF, if they want it, because that's the much easier and more effective way to develop a CATOBAR carrier fighter (Rafale M => Rafale C/B vs EF => Sea Typhoon).
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That is a highly misleading illustration.

For any antenna/array, true sweep capability is never the same as physical dimension.


For an ESA, individual T/R elements are excited and precisely modulated.

A beam is formed based upon the 'wave superposition' principle. As the beam sweeps towards one side, the main lobe begins to collide with the smaller side lobes who have nowhere to go. If the main beam continues to travels, both main and side lobes will begins to compress into each other. Interference will develop and contamination of the main lobe will occur.

So the reality is that if an array is 180 deg, maximum effective sweep capability is about 120 deg.
Ð*оссийские самолеты будут строить из уникальных материалов / АвиаПорт.Дайджест

The head of the United Aircraft Corporation Mikhail Pogosyan sure that the domestic aviation can compete on the world market, the President of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Mikhail Pogosyan announced that all future domestic aircraft will be actively used composite materials. According to him, for example, a passenger MS -21 wings designed on the basis of composites. "They are sometimes called black color carbon fiber, which is the foundation of this synthetic material. To aircraft manufacturers have not experienced problems with the new materials, and of the highest quality, we are building two plants" AeroComposite "in Ulyanovsk and Kazan," - said in an interview to "Rossiyskaya newspaper "Pogosyan. According to him, the assembly of the first composite wing of the MC-21 is planned in the next year. "By the way, the main elements of the wing for the aircraft will be made ​​on a fundamentally new, so-called infuznym technologies", - said the head of the KLA. According to experts, the main difference between composite materials - the presence of the reinforcing elements: yarns, fibers or flakes of more durable materials. Combining volume of components can be produced with materials necessary values ​​of strength, resilience, resistance to high temperatures and so on. Production technology elements of the wing, fuselage and other structures made ​​of composite materials are currently considered among the best in the world aviation industry. The experts added: "black wing" provides significant gains in aircraft weight, improves aerodynamics, which will make flying more efficient. Responding to a question on what output is needed to aviation industry has become a profitable industry in our country, Mikhail Pogosyan, in particular, noted that "we must have a production capacity of the industry is not less than three hundred billion rubles a year." "This is our plank. On it, we have to get out in 2015. This year we plan to enter the 220-230 billion. Next year - at 260-270 billion, and since 2015 have to operate at a profit," - said Pogosyan. According to him, the Russian ships can be quite competitive. "We are monitoring world trends and try to be at a high level" - confirmed the head Aircraft Corporation. He also assured that in the domestic aviation is now being actively implemented the most advanced technology. For example, the president of the KLA, "one of the basic requirements for a fifth generation fighter, which distinguishes them from the fourth - a low level of visibility." "So we try different spraying and coating, reducing the visibility of aircraft systems, including gold," - said the head of the United Aircraft Corporation. He also said that the fifth-generation fighter, which will be established on the basis of test samples PAK FA will be really embodies "the most advanced technology." "It will be really disruptive plane" - not without pride, said Mikhail Pogosyan. recall, the newest Russian fighter Su-35 will be demonstrated for the first time abroad - at the 50th Air Show at Le Bourget (France). Aviation Salon will be held in June this year. On this day, April 5, the official representative of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Boris Krylov. According to him, "the KLA in Paris will present two combat aircraft: Yak-130 and Su-35, previously had never been shown abroad." "It will be a foreign prime minister" - said Krylov. He also noted that these aircraft will take part in the flying program of exhibitions.
Credit: Austin @ keypub
So Golden canopy is on the way. :cheers:.
So the reality is that if an array is 180 deg, maximum effective sweep capability is about 120 deg.

That's what it shows! The side arrays most likely will have a 120° FOV, which is overlapping to the frontal area with the nose array, while won't be able to detect targets directly behind it. That's why the F35 in the picture will only be detected by the right Pak Fa, but not by the left one.
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