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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

AB thrust for shorter takeoff.

Yaar @DARKY why did you opened this new thread ? There is already similar thread and you are just pasting the same pics from that thread....
Yaar @DARKY why did you opened this new thread ? There is already similar thread and you are just pasting the same pics from that thread....

Which one......I don't know about that thread......the Images I got are from knaapo and russian defense forums.......and early ones are latest,
I made the thread as it was asked by webmaster if we wanted to have a sticky PAK FA/FGFA thread......Initiated by an Indian member Pandora in Suggestions sub forum......If any such threads exists then It would be nice on the part of mods to merge this one and stick it in India defence.
Feel free to post latest imges.....I even provided the links from knaapo in case I miss the latest developments on my part.

among lasted available of second prototype tests going on in Russia.



Three X-Band AESA radars located on the front and sides of the aircraft, accompanied by L-Band AESA radars on the wing leading edges.

Here's an old article describing Su PAK FA

First flight of the T-50 will be held in Zhukovsky before the New Year.

Just a short time left before the start of flight testing of fighter T 50. This is the most mysterious and most anticipated military aircraft project Russia in recent years. Heavy multifunctional fifth generation fighter aircraft developed by Yakovlev Design Bureau. PO Sukhoi.

He created the program "Prospective complex Frontal Aviation" - PAK FA, so often called himself a plane. The appearance and technical characteristics of fighter aircraft are now the military secret. Nevertheless, something already known, and the rest you can invent. So, what will the future "master of heaven" - T-50? For a long time about how the jet will look, nothing was known. But now, on the basis of several semi-official figures and some official statements can be understood as follows. The appearance of the aircraft would be very unusual.

T-50 is a heavy twin-engine fighter aircraft with maximum takeoff weight of approximately 32-35 tons. It has a variable sweep delta wing and a large area. Wing loading is less than its overseas rivals F-22A Raptor. This, together with other aerodynamic properties allow it to surpass the maneuverability "Raptor". It is not only in the wing, but in an integral arrangement of aircraft in general, when the fuselage also creates a lifting force. Most modern fighters are forced to reach supersonic speeds include afterburner, several times faster than wasting fuel. The new aircraft will be able to fly at supersonic speeds without the inclusion of Afterburner - the so-called supersonic cruising. Now this can only ultrafast MiG-31 and American F-22A and F-35. This is an important quality allows the fighter to go faster than the line interception, quickly change the position for the attack, covering large areas quickly leave the battle, or to break away from the enemy, without risking to remain without fuel ahead of time.

T-50 will be hardly noticeable to the enemy radar. It has two keels small area set with the break to reduce radar visibility. The shape of the nose, cockpit, air intakes, stabilizers, too, would reduce the visibility of the aircraft.

To be slight, the plane should carry arms in the inner compartments. For this task the designers seem to have coped well - T-50 has at least 2 large storage compartments range air-to-air ": very large-scale, large and medium-range (they can be used for bombs), and compartments for missiles near the air baffle. If you perform a combat mission low profile is required, the weapon can be placed on the external suspension, including adjustable, bombs and guided missiles. The combat load the aircraft with the deployment of weapons within the reach up to 2,5 m, and the total - 7 tons. Range without refueling is not yet known, but it should be nothing less than the new Su-35C - 3,6-4 thousand kilometers.

However, to determine the appearance of T-50 has only relatively. Statements by officials are often very contradictory. Although one can not exclude deliberate disinformation competitors and adversaries. The combat effectiveness of the T-50 depends on the "stuffing" almost more than on the aerodynamics.

This is particularly the engines. The first flying prototype equipped with two engines of production NPO Saturn. In the future, are likely to be tested and the development MNPP "Salute". Their engines are already being installed on the Su-35C. This is a modern powerful engine with variable vserakursnym thrust vector. Serial car will have a completely new engine design which is now. In the conduct of air combat these engines provide the T-50 extremely high thrust-weight ratio. Management will be fully digital, integrated into the overall control of the aircraft.

There will also be included and a set of weapon control aircraft. It will become a powerful on-board radar (radar) with the active phased array created NIIP them. Tikhomirov. Radar antenna will have approximately 1,500 units with total capacity of about 20 kW. Prototype antenna has already demonstrated at MAKS-2009. With the help of the aircraft can detect targets at ranges of over 400 km (for large targets), both accompanied by up to 60 air targets and fire at once to 16.

Of course, just 60 goals to fire the aircraft can not, he would convey these neighbors who can fly with the radar switched off. To do this it will be installed multi-channel system of information exchange.

T-50 will be equipped with a new set of electronic surveillance and control, which is able to detect the enemy, not including the radar and demaskiruyas, and "crush" the enemy's interference. All this will allow him to see everything around him, attacking in different directions, while often remain invisible. Judging from the cockpit of Su-35C, which worked through part zadumok for a new jet, to fight in the T-50 pilot to be comfortable. All information will be displayed on the large color LCD screen, display on the windshield and helmet display and sighting system.

First and foremost important for a fighter missiles air-to-air missiles. T-50 missiles will be armed with extra high-range (420 km), able to turn the plane in the "flying C-400". Inside, he will be able to carry them at least 2 pcs., From the outside - more. This missile is ideally suited for the interception of critical and hard targets. Also new aircraft arm the missiles with ranges of 120 and 230 km. For melee fighter will have a new highly maneuverable missile with thermal homing head. This will give her an exceptional opportunity to capture even missiles. These missiles are being developed and will appear in the series in 2014. On the inside of the suspension will be up to 12 pcs. and more at external location. Not forgotten, and weapons to destroy ground targets - Radar, antiship missiles, bombs adjustable with different guidance systems. Will and air gun, 30 mm, which can destroy the enemy in melee burst of 3-5 rounds with high accuracy. At the moment, completed the first flying prototype, built several boards installation party. The first flight will take place in Zhukovsky quite soon - before the New Year.

The tests will last a long time, almost five years, and only in 2015 the first production T 50 will go on air, first for military trials, and then drill a squadron. Overall, the Air Force of Russia are interested in buying 450 to 600 of these machines. To release a T-50 will be in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and at dozens of allied enterprises in the country. These aircraft will replace the 2025 obsolete by the time the MiG-29 and Su-27. Planned and changed the deck for new aircraft carriers.

Irina Makarova based on military publications
Amazing pics, the Russians build the most amazing planes, thank you all.
The most interesting aspect, not mentioned as much, are the monstrous engines. PAK-FA should be able to do supercruise easily.
India to Buy 250-300 Fighter Jets From Russia

NEW DELHI - India has agreed to buy up to 300 advanced stealth fighter jets from Russia that it will help jointly develop and manufacture, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said Oct. 7.

“INDIA WILL RECEIVE 250-300 most advanced FGFAs,” Indian Defence Minister AK Antony said. (AFP)
Antony told a press conference with his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov that Russia would supply the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) as well as 45 multi-role transport aircraft.

"India will receive 250-300 most advanced FGFAs," Antony said. "These are the two major projects for the next 10 years which will be a shining example of Indian-Russian cooperation."

Hindustan Aeronautic Ltd (HAL) and Russia's United Aircraft Corp and Rosoboronexport signed a joint venture last month to develop the multi-role transport aircraft in a project worth $645 million.

Serdyukov said previous success in the co-production of the BrahMos cruise missile would spur the FGFA's joint development by India's HAL and Russia's state-owned Sukhoi Company over the next 10 years.

"The FGFA have been designed by us, the price has been fixed and the draft of the agreement has been given to India. Once it is signed, HAL and Sukhoi will participate," Serdyukov said.

He did not disclose details.

Experts say each 30-ton FGFA is worth up to 100 million dollars.

Indian Defence Production Secretary R.K. Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages.

"At present a 300-million dollar preliminary design contract for the FGFA program is currently under the (Indian) government's consideration," Singh told AFP.

The draft agreement is likely to be signed during a trip to India by President Dmitry Medvedev in December.

Moscow is New Delhi's largest military supplier but recent frictions over cost escalations and delays in the delivery of a refurbished Russian aircraft carrier have strained cosy bilateral ties.

"We have a great volume of (military) projects and so it is natural to have some delays," Serdyukov said.

The minister also said Russia was waiting for New Delhi's clearance to supply 22 attack helicopters and 15 heavylift helicopters.

"As soon as we get the contract we will provide them," Serdyukov added.

India plans to mothball its mainstay MiG-21 Soviet-era fighter jets, which have earned the sobriquet "flying coffins" because of their dismal safety record.

India is also in the process of acquiring 270 Sukhoi war jets worth 12 billion dollars and is poised to hand out a contract for 126 fighter planes as part of a separate 12-billion dollar deal for which six global aeronautical giants are in the race.

The announcement of the FGFA agreement came a day day after Antony, in a clear reference to China, warned of the danger posed by regional "neighbours" who were building their military capabilities at a "feverish" pace.

"Some nations are keen to incite threats to our unity and integrity (and) thus to successfully meet such challenges, the need for us to be vigilant and prepared at all times goes without saying and is unquestionable," he said, without naming any specific country.

India has longstanding territorial disputes with China and is suspicious of Beijing's close relations with Pakistan.

India to Buy 250-300 Fighter Jets From Russia - Defense News
India to Buy 250-300 Fighter Jets From Russia

NEW DELHI - India has agreed to buy up to 300 advanced stealth fighter jets from Russia that it will help jointly develop and manufacture, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said Oct. 7.

“INDIA WILL RECEIVE 250-300 most advanced FGFAs,” Indian Defence Minister AK Antony said. (AFP)
Antony told a press conference with his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov that Russia would supply the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) as well as 45 multi-role transport aircraft.

"India will receive 250-300 most advanced FGFAs," Antony said. "These are the two major projects for the next 10 years which will be a shining example of Indian-Russian cooperation."

Hindustan Aeronautic Ltd (HAL) and Russia's United Aircraft Corp and Rosoboronexport signed a joint venture last month to develop the multi-role transport aircraft in a project worth $645 million.

Serdyukov said previous success in the co-production of the BrahMos cruise missile would spur the FGFA's joint development by India's HAL and Russia's state-owned Sukhoi Company over the next 10 years.

"The FGFA have been designed by us, the price has been fixed and the draft of the agreement has been given to India. Once it is signed, HAL and Sukhoi will participate," Serdyukov said.

He did not disclose details.

Experts say each 30-ton FGFA is worth up to 100 million dollars.

Indian Defence Production Secretary R.K. Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages.

"At present a 300-million dollar preliminary design contract for the FGFA program is currently under the (Indian) government's consideration," Singh told AFP.

The draft agreement is likely to be signed during a trip to India by President Dmitry Medvedev in December.

Moscow is New Delhi's largest military supplier but recent frictions over cost escalations and delays in the delivery of a refurbished Russian aircraft carrier have strained cosy bilateral ties.

"We have a great volume of (military) projects and so it is natural to have some delays," Serdyukov said.

The minister also said Russia was waiting for New Delhi's clearance to supply 22 attack helicopters and 15 heavylift helicopters.

"As soon as we get the contract we will provide them," Serdyukov added.

India plans to mothball its mainstay MiG-21 Soviet-era fighter jets, which have earned the sobriquet "flying coffins" because of their dismal safety record.

India is also in the process of acquiring 270 Sukhoi war jets worth 12 billion dollars and is poised to hand out a contract for 126 fighter planes as part of a separate 12-billion dollar deal for which six global aeronautical giants are in the race.

The announcement of the FGFA agreement came a day day after Antony, in a clear reference to China, warned of the danger posed by regional "neighbours" who were building their military capabilities at a "feverish" pace.

"Some nations are keen to incite threats to our unity and integrity (and) thus to successfully meet such challenges, the need for us to be vigilant and prepared at all times goes without saying and is unquestionable," he said, without naming any specific country.

India has longstanding territorial disputes with China and is suspicious of Beijing's close relations with Pakistan.

India to Buy 250-300 Fighter Jets From Russia - Defense News

Why are you posting all old news about PAK-FA found on internet??????
High resolution Image of Su PAK FA cockpit


Note; The image have been posted earlier.
Got messed up....with translation part......next would be latest.

All the latest have been posted . Its not as if we started hearing about it very recently. The threads and news articles and all the pics u have posted exists in various threads and have been seen a number of times.

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