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Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

That’s two more pdf members who are now in my racist books
I'm not racist I'm just being truthful, I can't deny reality any longer, you know I myself told that person to shut up many times.

I can point to many ethnic groups in Pakistan's jahiliyat, but man that one exceeds the limit by far and is a national security risk.

The first step to solving any issue is to accept the truth of its roots, you can never solve the issue without tackling its root causes. Accept the root cause, so we can find solutions.
Of course sepoy boys and ranjeet singh's nut huggers feign ignorance and fake indignation as if Talibans started attacking Pakistani interests out of the blue and for no reason.

تمھیں یاد ھو کہ نہ یاد ھو

@ 1:56 ". . . and help towards a new IMF program"
@ 3:15 ". . . there is evidence [to indict OBL]. . . "

This vegetative person I wish stay alive for VERY long time
View attachment 907362

DG-C Faisal Naseer, THIS is your primary responsibility, to spy on terrorist activities inside the country (aka View attachment 907374 Counterintelligence), you pathetic incompetent criminal

جب تم سکون سے سو رھے ھوتے ھو فیصل نصیر، تو یہ بھی اپنی جانیں دے کر تیرے سکون کا بندوبست کرتے ھیں
ایک گردان پکڑی ھوئی ھے


Of course sepoy boys and ranjeet singh's nut huggers feign ignorance and fake indignation as if Talibans started attacking Pakistani interests out of the blue and for no reason.
The Taliban are Afghan Pashtuns - the reason has been the same throughout history - the territorial claim on the western half of the country. It is the core reason for the conflict between the two countries and the emergence of terrorist groups attacking the others' interests.
I-8 Markaz suicide attack, June 2011, two killings F-8 district court attack, March 2014, 11 killings. Make no mistake, this is a new wave of militant violence in Pakistan and requires a proactive approach if we are done playing game of thrones in Punjab.

Jfc could you STFU, I and am sure others are getting sick of your idiotic whine posts insulting and stereotyping other ethnicities. Not too long ago you were calling Pashtuns and Baloch barbaric and backwards animals and the Bengalis as "Hindus", the other day you were ranting and claiming the Pashtuns were the tribe of the Yajooj and Majooj. Do you even think before you post? stfu please thank you.
Wait, you missed that I also say that Urdu speaking is the only people who never help each other, I also say Sindhi's are backwards who still have practices like Marrying girls to Quran and caging Kisaan with Dogs, you missed those :)

He's speaking the harsh truth.
you know in America people are now afraid of calling on black people violence and them stealing because than you are called Racist, but if you go to Youtube/Tiktok and world star you can see black people videos stealing, and even robbing Gas stations in the hundreds, and not just one videos but thousands upon thousands, but hey don't dare you say them anything because hundreds of years of slavery etc etc black lives matter etc etc...
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Wait, you missed that I also say that Urdu speaking is the only people who never help each other, I also say Sindhi's are backwards who still have practices like Marrying girls to Quran and caging Kisaan with Dogs, you missed those :)
You speak nonsense, for an Islamic supremacist who has wet dreams of Islam taking over the world you sure love to insult your "fellow" Muslims.
You speak nonsense, for an Islamic supremacist who has wet dreams of Islam taking over the world you sure love to insult your "fellow" Muslims.
I am a Islamic Supremacist's ? Bruhhhhhh I believe in Islam and just Islam, not BS sects made by man. And yes I believe Islam will dominate the world one day, but that day will come long after you and I will be dust, we have lost 90k Pakistani due to this Terrorism, its safe to say around 50k were killed by people from Pashtoon and Baloch ethnicities, how many more lives you want to sacrifice before you acknowledge that the root cause of the problem is embedded in their culture. Baloch/Pashtoon Tribal culture is backward/Barbaric and has no place in modern society, hell it has no place in Islam as well. You want to live in Denial that's your choice, Pakistani's doesn't want to acknowledge this issue that's their choice but first step towards fixing something is to acknowledge it. I lived in Karachi for 30 years, I saw what the Pashtoon's and Baloch dominated Areas looked like, I saw them holding AK's on Kati Pahari shooting directly at common people, I saw them beat anyone who wear jeans, I saw them taking over the outskirts of Karachi and than kick Rangers a$$, and even today If Rangers will raid areas like Mango Pir, Kati Pahari , Al-asif square, etc you will find Taliban sleeper cells and hundreds of Afghans who hate and want nothing but death upon Pakistani's, and who supports them? yep the Pashtoons because they consider them their biirrrathar. This brotherhood of Pakistani/Afghan Pashtoons have took a heavy toll on Pakistan and its society, that has to stop. If you are so triggered by Truth than don't read my post, but calling me names will not change the reality or FACTS on ground.
Can I ask you if you have any insight on this, but how strong are the Afghan and Iranian lobbies?

Not to promote sectarian rubbish but so many Shias are literally just mental slaves of Iran, they'll defend it like their depends on it.

Also is the establishment taking the Afghan security risk on the western border seriously? Because I don't see how flooding the country with them especially past KPK was a smart idea...
You are interested in topics which are usually thorough, long and have been discussed to death on this forum already. Have you been born and brought up in Pakistan ? I doubt it, but I don't know your story as to tell how much you know already because the background of Afghan and Iran involvement matters. And when you talk about Iran, you cannot ignore KSA involvement in Pakistan since its a competition between them.

FATA and Afghanistan

Going towards Afghan lobby, first you have to look at FATA. Why there wasn't a Government writ in FATA meaning FATA was used as buffer zone without any checks and balances till start of 2000's. It served as no-go zone for Pakistani forces except under some circumstances, this is why Levies existed. This meant that it was not only a smuggling/criminal safe haven for criminals, it also served as an entry point into Pakistan without any paperwork and then proceed towards any city of Pakistan. Anybody who wanted to go into hiding could go into FATA and hide there as long as he wanted. It also served as a settling base for mujahideen fighters of 80's era. They married, had kids and their lives were mostly unchecked even if they have rocket launchers hanging in their homes. KSA knew that a stronghold in Balochistan was not easy due to Iran and also that the religious motivation for Jihad in Afghanistan in 80s was the base of religion which was set to motivate recruits against Soviet Army and this base was what later influenced masjids in KPK and Punjab in Pakistan, later influenced FATA region and then the bloody Lal Masjid siege we saw.

Balcohistan and not just Iran

Now lets have a look at Iran which brings in Baluchistan. Not starting from 70's insurgency, lets jump forward to start of 2000's. Baluchistan has been a playground for Russians, Americans, Indians, Israelis, and Iranians. Now China has come in the picture through Gwadar so matters have taking a new turn. So many countries interested in one province of Pakistan. The pay structure 20 years ago for BLA was the ordinary recruits and basic insurgents getting around US $ 200 per month, a small fortune for anyone who never has a hope of landing any decent government job in their home towns. The section leaders get upward of US $ 300 and there are special bonuses for executing a task successfully. The course taught to BLA trainees is as follows with main subjects:
1. Baloch's right of independence
2. The Concept of Greater Balochistan
3. Sabotage as a tool for political struggle
4. Tyranny of Punjab and plight of oppressed nations
5. Media-friendly methods of mass protest.
Manuals, guidelines and even lecture plans are/were available in the Kometit [KGB] archives.

Iranians use the road of Zahidan-Quetta when they can find someone with legal documents as was the case with an Iranian who has business interests both in Pakistan and Iran and who came to Quetta. However, there are other entry points e.g. three main landing points in Balochistan:
1. Eastern lip of Gwater Bay that lies in the Iranian territory but affords easy crossover to Pakistan through unguarded land border;
2. Open space between Bomra and Khor Kalmat;
3. Easternmost shoulder of Gawadar East Bay.

India in Balochistan

Looking at the Indian side of things and how BLA is supported (excluding Afghanistan sanctuaries under RAW).
Kishangarh is a small Indian town, barely five kilometers from Pakistan border where the provinces of Punjab and Sindh meet. There is a supply depot and a training centre there that maintains contacts with militant training camps in Pakistan, including Balochistan. There is also a logistics support depot near Shahgarh, about 90 kilometers from Kishangarh, that serves as launching pad for the Indian supplies and experts.

Arms and equipment such as Klashnikov, heavy machine guns, small AA guns, RPGs, mortars, landmines, ammunition and communication equipment are transferred from Kishangarh and Shahgarh to Pakistani side on camel back and then they are shifted to goods trucks, with some legitimate cargo on top and the whole load is covered by tarpauline sheets. Arms and equipment are, as a rule, boxed in CKD or SKD form.

The trucks have to travel only 140 or 180 kilometers to reach Sui and a little more to reach Kohlu, a distance that can be covered in a few hours only. This is most convenient route because transferring anything from Afghanistan to these areas demands much sturdy vehicles that must cover longer distance over difficult terrain.

Somethings have obviously changed now since we are in 2022/23 and I am talking of the very start from 2002 till 2006. But setting the premise was important so you can see how much has setup and established by enemies of Pakistan since early 2000's which made it a massive task for Pakistan Army and other LEAs to dislodge entrenched TTP from ground up. The problem of tackling BLA had not even begun on a bigger scale then.

This is just the start, there is a lot that has happened during various operations. Pakistan has to fight TTP and BLA at the same time, which is not a good strategy since Army should focus on TTP first while Federal LEAs should go after BLA.

Pakistanis should put Pakistan first instead of KSA or Iran, but the influx of different races in Pakistan and Afghan refugees have changed the dynamics of population and their integration into society has changed the mindset of public. One section of public wants refugees kicked out of Pakistan, others welcome them as brothers. This is where the problem lies, a division created in Pakistanis, by Pakistani public themselves through their own views. So what to talk of any Iranian or Afghan lobby when the Pakistani public chooses to act blind and deaf under the guise or politics or religion or family.
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You are interested in topics which are usually thorough, long and have been discussed to death on this forum already. Have you been born and brought up in Pakistan ? I doubt it, but I don't know your story as to tell how much you know already because the background of Afghan and Iran involvement matters. And when you talk about Iran, you cannot ignore KSA involvement in Pakistan since its a competition between them.

FATA and Afghanistan

Going towards Afghan lobby, first you have to look at FATA. Why there wasn't a Government writ in FATA meaning FATA was used as buffer zone without any checks and balances till start of 2000's. It served as no-go zone for Pakistani forces except under some circumstances, this is why Levies existed. This meant that it was not only a smuggling/criminal safe haven for criminals, it also served as an entry point into Pakistan without any paperwork and then proceed towards any city of Pakistan. Anybody who wanted to go into hiding could go into FATA and hide there as long as he wanted. It also served as a settling base for mujahideen fighters of 80's era. They married, had kids and their lives were mostly unchecked even if they have rocket launchers hanging in their homes. KSA knew that a stronghold in Balochistan was not easy due to Iran and also that the religious motivation for Jihad in Afghanistan in 80s was the base of religion which was set to motivate recruits against Soviet Army and this base was what later influenced masjids in KPK and Punjab in Pakistan, later influenced FATA region and then the bloody Lal Masjid siege we saw.

Balcohistan and not just Iran

Now lets have a look at Iran which brings in Baluchistan. Not starting from 70's insurgency, lets jump forward to start of 2000's. Baluchistan has been a playground for Russians, Americans, Indians, Israelis, and Iranians. Now China has come in the picture through Gwadar so matters have taking a new turn. So many countries interested in one province of Pakistan. The pay structure 20 years ago for BLA was the ordinary recruits and basic insurgents getting around US $ 200 per month, a small fortune for anyone who never has a hope of landing any decent government job in their home towns. The section leaders get upward of US $ 300 and there are special bonuses for executing a task successfully. The course taught to BLA trainees is as follows with main subjects:
1. Baloch's right of independence
2. The Concept of Greater Balochistan
3. Sabotage as a tool for political struggle
4. Tyranny of Punjab and plight of oppressed nations
5. Media-friendly methods of mass protest.
Manuals, guidelines and even lecture plans are/were available in the Kometit [KGB] archives.

Iranians use the road of Zahidan-Quetta when they can find someone with legal documents as was the case with an Iranian who has business interests both in Pakistan and Iran and who came to Quetta. However, there are other entry points e.g. three main landing points in Balochistan:
1. Eastern lip of Gwater Bay that lies in the Iranian territory but affords easy crossover to Pakistan through unguarded land border;
2. Open space between Bomra and Khor Kalmat;
3. Easternmost shoulder of Gawadar East Bay.

India in Balochistan

Looking at the Indian side of things and how BLA is supported (excluding Afghanistan sanctuaries under RAW).
Kishangarh is a small Indian town, barely five kilometers from Pakistan border where the provinces of Punjab and Sindh
meet. There is a supply depot and a training centre there that maintains contacts with militant training camps in Pakistan, including Balochistan. There is also a logistics support depot near Shahgarh, about 90 kilometers from Kishangarh, that serves as launching pad for the Indian supplies and experts.

Arms and equipment such as Klashnikov, heavy machine guns, small AA guns, RPGs, mortars, landmines, ammunition and communication equipment are transferred from Kishangarh and Shahgarh to Pakistani side on camel back and then they are shifted to goods trucks, with some legitimate cargo on top and the whole load is covered by tarpauline sheets. Arms and equipment are, as a rule, boxed in CKD or SKD form.

The trucks have to travel only 140 or 180 kilometers to reach Sui and a little more to reach Kohlu, a distance that can be covered in a few hours only. This is most convenient route because transferring anything from Afghanistan to these areas demands much sturdy vehicles that must cover longer distance over difficult terrain.

Somethings have obviously changed now since we are in 2022/23 and I am talking of the very start from 2002 till 2006. But setting the premise was important so you can see how much has setup and established by enemies of Pakistan since early 2000's which made it a massive task for Pakistan Army and other LEAs to dislodge entrenched TTP from ground up. The problem of tackling BLA had not even begun on a bigger scale then.

This is just the start, there is a lot that has happened during various operations. Pakistan has to fight TTP and BLA at the same time, which is not a good strategy since Army should focus on TTP first while Federal LEAs should go after BLA.

Pakistanis should put Pakistan first instead of KSA or Iran, but the influx of different races in Pakistan and Afghan refugees have changed the dynamics of population and their integration into society has changed the mindset of public. One section of public wants refugees kicked out of Pakistan, others welcome them as brothers. This is where the problem lies, a division created in Pakistanis, by Pakistani public themselves through their own views. So what to talk of any Iranian or Afghan lobby when the Pakistani public chooses to act blind and deaf under the guise or politics or religion or family.
Sir, where do I sign up for the service?
I am a Islamic Supremacist's ? Bruhhhhhh I believe in Islam and just Islam, not BS sects made by man. And yes I believe Islam will dominate the world one day, but that day will come long after you and I will be dust, we have lost 90k Pakistani due to this Terrorism, its safe to say around 50k were killed by people from Pashtoon and Baloch ethnicities, how many more lives you want to sacrifice before you acknowledge that the root cause of the problem is embedded in their culture. Baloch/Pashtoon Tribal culture is backward/Barbaric and has no place in modern society, hell it has no place in Islam as well. You want to live in Denial that's your choice, Pakistani's doesn't want to acknowledge this issue that's their choice but first step towards fixing something is to acknowledge it. I lived in Karachi for 30 years, I saw what the Pashtoon's and Baloch dominated Areas looked like, I saw them holding AK's on Kati Pahari shooting directly at common people, I saw them beat anyone who wear jeans, I saw them taking over the outskirts of Karachi and than kick Rangers a$$, and even today If Rangers will raid areas like Mango Pir, Kati Pahari , Al-asif square, etc you will find Taliban sleeper cells and hundreds of Afghans who hate and want nothing but death upon Pakistani's, and who supports them? yep the Pashtoons because they consider them their biirrrathar. This brotherhood of Pakistani/Afghan Pashtoons have took a heavy toll on Pakistan and its society, that has to stop. If you are so triggered by Truth than don't read my post, but calling me names will not change the reality or FACTS on ground.
You are clubbing in the regular Pakistani Pashtuns with the Afghans and wannabe Afghans in Pakistan. Pashtuns were mostly illiterate a couple decades back hence why they were so easily incited by their local mullahs in Mosques to slaughter innocent Muhajirs, but times have changed. But fine, I understand your grudges against the Pashtuns but why club in the Baloch? do you even know anything about them and why they are so "backward"? I believe you were advocating use of tanks and F16s in Balochistan.
You are clubbing in the regular Pakistani Pashtuns with the Afghans and wannabe Afghans in Pakistan. Pashtuns were mostly illiterate a couple decades back hence why they were so easily incited by their local mullahs in Mosques to slaughter innocent Muhajirs, but times have changed. But fine, I understand your grudges against the Pashtuns but why club in the Baloch? do you even know anything about them and why they are so "backward"? I believe you were advocating use of tanks and F16s in Balochistan.
bro, i think that escalated quickly.
You are clubbing in the regular Pakistani Pashtuns with the Afghans and wannabe Afghans in Pakistan. Pashtuns were mostly illiterate a couple decades back hence why they were so easily incited by their local mullahs in Mosques to slaughter innocent Muhajirs, but times have changed. But fine, I understand your grudges against the Pashtuns but why club in the Baloch? do you even know anything about them and why they are so "backward"? I believe you were advocating use of tanks and F16s in Balochistan.
Kyun ban karana chah rahe ho, we have emotional mods who will ban me, I already got warnings for been Xenophobic and this and that :P Let me live with my hate and let the innocent Pakistani's pay the price. I've already copied a nice version picture of " In nal illah-e- Wa in nal ilahe Rajeeon " we all will be using that a lot in future.
You are clubbing in the regular Pakistani Pashtuns with the Afghans and wannabe Afghans in Pakistan. Pashtuns were mostly illiterate a couple decades back hence why they were so easily incited by their local mullahs in Mosques to slaughter innocent Muhajirs, but times have changed. But fine, I understand your grudges against the Pashtuns but why club in the Baloch? do you even know anything about them and why they are so "backward"? I believe you were advocating use of tanks and F16s in Balochistan.

Bajwa sb has nothing to do with this. IK failed to address is properly. Not one real agreement or discussion was had with the Talibans, just like not ONE real foreign policy friend was kept including China, US, Saudia, UAE, EU!

I've been saying it to send troops into Afghanistan or eliminate the terrorists sitting around the border on the other side. The US just said they can see through satellite intelligence that there is a lot of terrorist activity around the border. The more we wait, the bigger this mess will be.

Hey look, someone is being "proactive". There was no wrong policy, we had a truce with these people, we were "respecting" the Taliban government too much. There are no reasons outside of Indian intervention. The financial power, weapons and training has always com from India.

Just yesterday one of your senior government officials issued a statement saying "time for some people's strategic depth in Afghanistan has gone". Someone knew these blasts will happen!
Pakistan is controlled by army chief which is the main problem of pakistan.
Kyun ban karana chah rahe ho, we have emotional mods who will ban me, I already got warnings for been Xenophobic and this and that :P Let me live with my hate and let the innocent Pakistani's pay the price. I've already copied a nice version picture of " In nal illah-e- Wa in nal ilahe Rajeeon " we all will be using that a lot in future.
You didn't answer any of my post.
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