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Suicide attack in Mohmand

Lot of Muslem young people are falling in love with the idea of being a MARTYR, they dont really care whom they kill,, these so called Martyrs are kill many times more muslems then non muslems now days. Often when you have a suicide in a high school or college you will have more suicides, these kids have fell into love with death, they are really more interested in dieing and become martyas and of course Islamic Paradise is an added incentives.

You do know these people that blow themselves up in the name of Islam are not Martyrs. An actual Shahid would be the Pakistani troops fighting these people or the Turkish troops fighting against the PKK.
Total warfare

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our country is enwrapped in a war that is being fought on many fronts. Even as we look in one direction and attempt to find means to address the problem there, the militants strike elsewhere reminding us we must consider this an all-out war – one that is not restricted to a particular region but has spread out across the country. The strike by a suicide bomber in Mohmand Agency is one of the deadliest in months in the tribal areas. The bomber targeted people gathered near the office of the political agent, and the dreadful irony is that people were there for the distribution of wheelchairs for the disabled. Reports from Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar say that there is a high number of women and children among the wounded. Other reports at mid-afternoon on Friday speak of 65 dead and at least 112 wounded – with the figure for the dead almost certain to rise in the coming days and hours.

The pattern has become a familiar one. Just as attention had drifted further south, to Punjab, the militants have shown that they retain the capacity to strike in the north as well. Somewhere, even now, after the fierce military operation across the tribal belt, suicide bombers are being trained, equipped and sent out to create maximum havoc. This is obviously ominous. But worse still there is no way of knowing when the horrors we see again will end. It is hard too to say whether the militants have been genuinely wounded, and if so how badly. For now they seem quite capable of continuing their war and have a remarkable capacity to reappear in places from where they had supposedly been eliminated. It is not known either how they are linked to forces elsewhere in the country, and whether the spate of attacks we have seen across provinces are linked by a common thread of evil that holds together all the militant groups that have set up base in various places. We fight this war in every province of the land, in every one of the tribal areas, and it touches every single one of us.

Mohmand toll mounts to 102

GHALANAI: The death toll in the suicide attack in Yakkaghand area of Mohmand Agency rose to 102 with over 100 injured; the most of them are in critical condition, Geo News reported Saturday.

More bodies are feared to be found from the rubble caused by the massive explosion.

According to political Tehsildar Meraj Khan, further bodies were recovered from under the debris today, which pushed the death toll to over 102.

The 112 injured are receiving medical treatment at various hospitals.

It should be mentioned here that a suicide bomber riding a motorbike blew himself up yesterday as hundreds of people were gathered around the office of a senior government official in Pakistan's northwestern Mohmand region, where security forces have stepped up attacks on Taliban militants in recent weeks.

The bomber killed 102 people, including women and children, in an attack in a volatile Pashtun region on the Afghan border Friday, officials said.

The blast was so powerful that it was heard far and wide, pulling down at least 30 shops including two hotels in Yakkaghand. Also, the roof of a nearby house caved in.

Assistant Political Agency Rasul Khan put the death toll initially at 70.

The deceased include four personnel of Khasadar Force. The most of the dead have been buried. The atmosphere in the areas is draped in tears and mourning, as the people are quite immersed in grief for their lost dear ones.

The exits and entrances of Mohmand Agency are being thoroughly inspected.

The power explosion caused the house of Yakkaghand jail to collapse, allowing 35 prisoners to escape.

Political officials announced a lakh rupee for each deceased and Rs50,000 each for injured.

Meantime, outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan accepted the responsibility for the blast.

The TTP spokesman Ikramullah Mohmand told Geo News from unknown destination that blast targeted the members of Ambar Peace Committee present at the moment at the office of Assistant Political Agent. (Last updated at 1145am)

Mohmand toll mounts to 102
T-Faz, Sir,

You said you could not "understand " how any man could do such a thing. Now, in your rebuttal post to me you are apologizing for them and saying that you do know they have understandable reasons. You imply their motives are, perhaps, somewhat legitimate in your eyes. I think it is this kind of ambivalence and equivocation that allows them to continue to have support in your society. Look into your heart. Is a drone strike that kills TTP fighters and their collaborators justification for killing innocent Pakistanis in the 10's and 100's? Of course not! Yet you offer to me your rebuttal. Stop offering rebuttals to denunciations of these monsters! Stop giving them ANY moral justification. Until you and all Pakistanis do this, they will find the oxygen in your society they need to continue to live.


You misunderstood what I originally said, when I said I could not 'understand' why they do it, I was merely referring to the fact that why would some one want to kill innocents this way and that too for some religious reasoning. You gave me a valid reason, I added others that are frequently used and I am in no way justifying these attacks. In fact I am all for Drone Strikes in the region now because they are able to target a number of terrorists on the volatile borders.

This whole mentality that you have that we justify these acts is indeed true for some sections of our countrymen but I am not one of them. You read what I said from a certain angle that makes you think that we justify these acts. I did not offer an apology or offer anything that is in their favor.

You just stereotyped a whole nation on something that was only meant to add to what you said. Perhaps you should read my older posts to realize that I want these terrorists to be completely wiped out.
Many more still missing. bodies still trapped under the rubble which is being cleared.

but seems out here no one is really concerned because attacks on "ahmedis" and "darbar" are bigger problem even with lesser people dying!!

the bottom line is PAKISTANIS are DYING! but people want to only care about things closer to their homes litreally than something far away in mohamand agency a place they have never seen or heard about!

this is the sad reality of pakistan & pakistanis selfish interests and drawing room debates have put a nation to sleep!! no one wants to do anything about someone else! no one is concerned unless it directly affects them in one way or another!! :hitwall::hitwall:
You do know these people that blow themselves up in the name of Islam are not Martyrs. An actual Shahid would be the Pakistani troops fighting these people or the Turkish troops fighting against the PKK.

They think they are Martyrs thats all that counts.
barely any response or debate or talk about this news! great going PAKISTANIS i guess karachi & lahore are the only places in pakistan in the eyes of the so called "pakistanis"

who cares where mohamand agency is! all these people care about is hey "minorities" shouldn't be targetted! no one knows if 100 people killed in mohammand today are DEOBANDIS,WAHABIS,SHIAS,AGHA KHANIS OR AHMEDIS!! but yes it doesn't matter cuz it is not in LAHORE,ISLAMABAD OR KARACHI!!! BECAUSE TO PAKISTANIS THAT IS WHERE PAKISTAN ENDS!
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Keen to understand how a suicide bomber's mind ticks...I am no psychologist but I believe poverty and no hope for oneself and family are big factors. Religion, culture, politics, games of state are also factors.
Keen to understand how a suicide bomber's mind ticks...I am no psychologist but I believe poverty and no hope for oneself and family are big factors. Religion, culture, politics, games of state are also factors.

Briefly ,most suicide bombers reach the saturation point of emotional dysfunction. This happens to extrovert people who decide to take their own lives along with other. An introvert suicide only takes one's own life. I wish to write more in the future on the mind a of suicide bomber.
barely any response or debate or talk about this news! great going PAKISTANIS i guess karachi & lahore are the only places in pakistan in the eyes of the so called "pakistanis"

who cares where mohamand agency is! all these people care about is hey "minorities" shouldn't be targetted! no one knows if 100 people killed in mohammand today are DEOBANDIS,WAHABIS,SHIAS,AGHA KHANIS OR AHMEDIS!! but yes it doesn't matter cuz it is not in LAHORE,ISLAMABAD OR KARACHI!!! BECAUSE TO PAKISTANIS THAT IS WHERE PAKISTAN ENDS!

That is exactly what i was thinking. In case of Ahmedis and data darbar bombings, there was worldwide condemnation and country wide protests. What about these poor people who died? Just because they were living on border areas doesn't mean that they are less important. Even if no Govt official considered it necessary to show concern (other than their condemnation), every Pakistani is aggrieved by this news.
To the people of Mohmand agency! We all Pakistanis are with you in this hard time.:cry:
barely any response or debate or talk about this news! great going PAKISTANIS i guess karachi & lahore are the only places in pakistan in the eyes of the so called "pakistanis"

who cares where mohamand agency is! all these people care about is hey "minorities" shouldn't be targetted! no one knows if 100 people killed in mohammand today are DEOBANDIS,WAHABIS,SHIAS,AGHA KHANIS OR AHMEDIS!! but yes it doesn't matter cuz it is not in LAHORE,ISLAMABAD OR KARACHI!!! BECAUSE TO PAKISTANIS THAT IS WHERE PAKISTAN ENDS!

Quite right. Our internal hypocrisy is glaring. For the elites, pakistan is nothing more than three cities. The people of Mohmand perhaps are not worthy of the brotherly love of urban upper middle class Pakistanis. Remoteness is no excuse since the pen needs mo camera to tell it to cover the events. Since thr urban middle class does not give a crap, both the electronic and print media deny it the necessary coverage. The people of the tribal areas have always been treated like second class Pakistanis.

Such a deeply divided oand fragmented society needs to learn the message of equality before tolerance.

My op-ed on this will appear in Express Tribune on Monday. If I choose to post parts of it here, their editorial policy will force them not to publish it.
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