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Sudarshan News TV Report: Hindu Muslim riots are On in West Bengal

That is not a very good motivation to prepare for IAS/PCS.You would be ratted out in interview.

My motivation is tricolor and serving the nation to help people but at same time, i can not let die the people for nothing in hand of such extremist. Objectives and priorities change with time.

Our main problem is with bad politicians, but if such riots keep coming, many people ll change their objectives. Look around you, how long you ll deny the truth ?
I agree with Jade. Krait bhai I think you are getting too worked up.

Have faith brother. It is natural to assume the worst when we see our brothers next door going through a bad time.

But honestly do you not think our society is different and will react differently?

Have we not seen it happening these past 10-20 years?

Hausla rakho bhai. Hum bharatiya hain. Hamari sabhyata pracheen kaal se chali aa rahi hai. Hum isse acche hain.
The Hindus are doing genocide on Muslims! Oh the horror. The international community must do a regime change in New Delhi and allow the Muslims to carve out their own country from India.
should i alreadu remind one of how the same hindu goons with help from the indian army burnt down Samjuta Express killing hundreds of Pakistanis.... indeed secular india at its best.
Don't talk like a moronic idiot! Why are you bringing the Indian Army into this?

Why are some people so stupid? Either their brain cells are in a malignant state or they lack education. Spewing nonsense seems to be their forte. Grow up and talk sense for a change. Your rant-a-minute episodes are making you look silly. :tdown:
@doppelganger Have you seen riots and power of rumor ? I am not worked up, I am concerned.
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Originally Posted by Pakistani Nationalist
should i alreadu remind one of how the same hindu goons with help from the indian army burnt down Samjuta Express killing hundreds of Pakistanis.... indeed secular india at its best

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...muslim-riots-west-bengal-7.html#ixzz2LRusUVQr

If the communal riots is due to RSS, VHP, BajrangDal, etc. why there are riots in Bangladesh, Pakistan,Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia,Chechhnya, China, Russia, UK, France, Spain,Cyprus, etc. - where there is no RSS/VHP????
The Hindus are doing genocide on Muslims! Oh the horror. The international community must do a regime change in New Delhi and allow the Muslims to carve out their own country from India.

Whats it today ?

The 1st of April ?
@doppelganger Have you seen riots and power of rumor ? I am not worked up, I am concerned.

Yes I have bhai. I am also concerned. It is natural. But you are getting worked up, and that is giving certain elements more pleasure. Has this thread been taken down? No? Then take a hint.
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Ishwar Allah tero naam - Can you show me one Muslim who has agreed to this?
Its against their Shahada.
Guys Hindus are tolerant and meek.
Yes I have bhai. I am also concerned. It is natural. But you are getting worked up, and that is giving certain elements more pleasure. Has this thread been taken down? No? Then take a hint.
I just asked the mods. Now I am not. :enjoy:

Watching Armsgate Scandal. :D
UN Charter says that minority means less than 10% of the population. How can Muslims, who are nearly 14% in India be called a minority?
Pakistanis will be last to lecture us on human rights and condition of muslims.

Hindus,sikhs are gone story not muslims are killing muslims.

India will be unique country where muslim dominated areas are like hell for other minorites who are majority in country.
The Hindus are doing genocide on Muslims! Oh the horror. The international community must do a regime change in New Delhi and allow the Muslims to carve out their own country from India.

I like your humor sense!!!!!!!! You are good at it!!!!!!
To date there have been no shia-sunni riots...and killing is done by terrorist organisations.... Im a living example ...... my father is a sunni and mother is shia ... even i follow shia sect.... so now run along be a good chap.
Good Lord! You're a Pakistani and you don't know WTF is happening out there between the Shias and Sunnis? You're not a living example, but living in a state of denial as usual. Read this...

Special Report: Pakistan's threat within - the Sunni-Shia divide

Just because you follow the Shia sect, doesn't mean you're an authority on everything that is going on out there between the Shias and Sunnis not only in Pakistan but the world over. You seem to know squat! This clash of faiths has been going on for centuries all over the world and you say that all is hunky dory between them? You're dead wrong! Period!

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