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Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

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example before you have to lock on su 30 you must reach near to your target so you can get the target of your fighgter jet in your fighter jets radar its not like that JF 17 is in the skies of karachi and its radars detects su 30 in skies of lahore which is impoesible how can Jf 17 destroy it because its radars dont have su 30 on its range Jf 17 have to reach near to su so it can lock on it it is only examply i know some of Jf will be stationed in lahore

I doubt Ur logic, its better to have a powerful radar & long distance air to air missiles. Besides SU 30MKI has a much powerful radar and potent weaponry, it will smoke jf17 even before it appears on later's radar.
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Can ne SENIOR MEMBER please tell me why jf17 has not been inducted in PLAAF.
Can ne SENIOR MEMBER please tell me why jf17 has not been inducted in PLAAF.

This question has been answered many times before. I'll suggest you stop posting and get back to reading the JF-17 sticky thread and you will find answers to many of your questions for which you don't even need to waste Bandwidth.
Besides SU 30MKI has a much powerful radar and potent weaponry, it will smoke jf17 even before it appears on later's radar.
JF-17 has potent weaponry and will be data-linked to Saab Erieye and KJ-200, which both have a FAR more powerful radar than mki, so by your logic mki will be smoked even before take-off. :crazy:

Can ne SENIOR MEMBER please tell me why jf17 has not been inducted in PLAAF.
Why don't you tell the SENIOR MEMBER why JF-17 needs to be inducted by PLAAF? :rolleyes:
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JF-17 has potent weaponry and will be data-linked to Saab Erieye and KJ-200, which both have a FAR more powerful radar than mki
dude do not talk about will be and may be.......tell wen will it be linked to Saab Erieye and KJ-200?.....besides IAF is not goin to sit ideal and watch MKI technologically surpassed.

mki will be smoked even before take-off.


Why don't you tell the SENIOR MEMBER why JF-17 needs to be inducted by PLAAF? :rolleyes:

THE REASON: Bcos you guys are going ga-ga over this reversed engineered Chinese jet.
PLAFF is not inducting it because its not worth it......:toast_sign:
This question has been answered many times before. I'll suggest you stop posting and get back to reading the JF-17 sticky thread and you will find answers to many of your questions for which you don't even need to waste Bandwidth.

OK....SORRY :)
Something you might want to think about,,,,The historical experience has been that, 3rd world countries, buying such high tech warplanes, run into personnel problems. Pilots are often selected more for their loyalty to the government, than for their flying skills. Ground crew jobs pay well, and are sometimes given out at gifts to loyal supporters of whoever is running the government at the moment. As a result, the high-tech aircraft tend to be flown by substandard pilots, and not available for operations (because of poor maintenance)

now for this Russia usually builds cheaper and inferior planes designed for pliots with a minium of training direct by ground control...

of course every one understands that in Pakistan their is no corruption or poltics in handing out jobs.:angel:
you are right to why not increase the range of radar why not instal aesa radar system on JF 17 but stilll powerfull engine neded to boost the fighter jet capability by doing that JF 17 can engage every fighter jet in iaf up to date
Risky airplane?

Markus Junianto Sihaloho
New Sukhoi Jets ‘Attacked’ by Malfunctions

Two of the Air Force’s three new Russian-made Sukhoi jet fighters were struck with what are believed to be minor mechanical problems during a training session over the Makassar Strait on Friday.

Air Force spokesman Air Commodore Chaeruddin Ray said two SU-30MK2 fighters, each flown by one Indonesian and one Russian pilot, were undergoing interception exercises when an alarm signalled in both aircraft that they were under attack from a foreign jet fighter.

The pilots reported the warnings to the Makassar Airbase, which ordered both fighters to return to base where they landed without incident, Chaeruddin said.

He rejected suggestions that there was another aircraft trying to engage the two Sukhois, saying radar evidence around Makassar had not detected any other fighter aircraft above Sulawesi Island.

“After the report [from the Sukhoi pilots], a surveillance aircraft was also deployed to search, but no other aircraft was found.”

Chaeruddin said data collected by the Air Force led to the conclusion that the two Sukhois’ “lock system,” which detects enemy weapons targeting, had malfunctioned.

“Technicians from Russia are already [at Makassar Airbase] to check and repair the aircraft,” he said.

The Air Force previously dealt with an unnerving incident in 2003 when two of its F-16 jet fighters made contact with five F-18 Hornet jet fighters belonging to the US Navy, which had earlier been found maneuvering above Bawean Island, Central Java Province, for more than two hours.

Both sides’ jet fighters were close to firing at each other as the F-18 fighters went into attack mode and had their missiles locked on Indonesia’s planes.

It ended with a communication of peace between the pilots after one of the F-16 fighters was able to indicate they were not a threat.

Jakarta Globe

Oh the little games we play of hide and seek---a surveillance aircraft---seems like after the fact.
JF-17 has potent weaponry and will be data-linked to Saab Erieye and KJ-200, which both have a FAR more powerful radar than mki, so by your logic mki will be smoked even before take-off. :crazy:

However to fire at a plane-any plane, the missile needs to be cued in to the fighter's radar, not the AWAC or AEW&C. With the Erieye, the element of surprise would be gone if the AEW&C was patrolling the area, but its role thereafter would only be that of battle management. You still need a fighter with a damned big radar to fire at stand-off ranges.
I can never think of comparing JF-17 and SU-30MKI as both are in different leagues and while there is just first under powered batch of JF-17 available and JF-17 will be undergoing upgradations , SU-30 MKI is available in full potential to IAF and taking part in exercises to give experience to young guns passing out of IAF.
JF-17 has potent weaponry and will be data-linked to Saab Erieye and KJ-200, which both have a FAR more powerful radar than mki, so by your logic mki will be smoked even before take-off. :crazy:

Saab Erieye does not have a command center on it so all the data collected have to be sent to command center on ground for analysis which will take some time.And by this logic IAF has phalcons which are more powerful and can be datalinked to MKI.
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ok lets put this in simple words.
JF-17 block1 vs MKI will be like Mig-21 bison vs F-15
JF-17 block2 vs MKI will be like F-16 block 32 vs F-15
JF-17 block3 vs MKI will be like F-16 block 52 vs F-15

In all this, do you assume that the Su-30MKI will remain at the level where it is right now?

The Su-30MKI will undergo MLU soon.
Saab Erieye does not have a control & command center on it so all the data And by this logic IAF has phalcons which are more powerful and can be datalinked to MKI.

wow boy looks like you are just jumbling stuff around in air. enjoying freedom of speech. do you even know what "AEW&CS" stands for? and you need to back up with a source when you make such bogus claims like
collected have to be sent to command center on ground for analysis which will take some time.
On board command systems and on ground have both pros and cons and no... it does not take time as you are emphasizing ..
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