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Hindu woman warns Muslim auto-driver for demanding more fare

Jyeshtha Shukla Ashtami, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Jalgaon (Maharashtra): A Hindu woman warned an impudent Muslim auto-driver for demanding more fare than agreed in Subhash Chowk. (Congratulations to Hindu woman for warning the Muslim for looting passengers ! – Editor SP)

A Hindu couple travelling by an auto-auto, got down in Subhash Chowk. The driver demanded more fare than fixed when they had engaged the auto. The woman, therefore, argued with him that the fare was decided before they got in to his auto. On listening to their argument, other Muslim auto-drivers also joined them and started talking in favour of this auto-driver. (When will Hindus learn from the example of Muslims and fight for their brethren ? – Editor SP) The auto-driver threatened the couple that he would see how to recover the fare from them. The woman also got angry and said to him that if he talked more, she would slap him and would not give even the fare fixed earlier. (Muslims have become insolent due to kowtowing of secular rulers and dare to do whatever they want. It is, therefore, now time that they are paid in the same coin ! – Editor SP) Finally, the driver took the money given by the Hindu woman and muttered something with anger. The woman therefore, again warned him not to look at her else she would beat him with her shoes. After this, the driver and his group left the scene.

Hindu woman warns Muslim auto-driver for demanding more fare - Protests | hindujagruti.org

I'd like to claim I discovered this, but it was from FARK. I found these pictures doing a net search.

This has to be the best "evil twin" set of pictures I've ever seen.

Rumsfeld = Nazi Field Marshal! AMAZING!

German Field Marshal von Weichs:

And Secretary of State Rumsfeld:


I think that George W. Bush looks a lot like Rudolf Hess.

He's the one who introduces hitler here:
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One of our members had posted it here many a years ago----I am reposting it for new members to enjoy

Pakistan In 3006
Year: 3006
Two Top American Executives at IBM , USA

Alex: Hi John. You didn't come to work yesterday
John: Yeah. I was at the Pakistani Embassy trying to get my visa.

Alex: Oh, really? What happened? I've heard that these days they have become very strict.
John: Yeah, but I managed to get it.

Alex: How long did it take to get it stamped?
John: Man, it was a long queue. Bill Gates was waiting in front of me and they really gave him a hard time. The poor guy even brought the property papers for his house in Seattle to show them that he will return to USA . I went there at 4:00 a.m. to get in the queue and there were tons of people ahead of me.

Alex: Really? In Pakistan, at the US Embassy it only takes an hour to get a visa for USA .
John: Yeah! But that's because no one in Pakistan would want to come to USA , except Americans who have taken Pakistani nationality and want to bring their kids here.

Alex: So, when are you leaving?
John: As soon as I get my tickets from the company in Pakistan . I'm so excited. I will be getting a chance to finally fly with the world's fastest growing airline, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). Sort of dream come true, you know.

Alex: How long are you planning to stay in Pakistan ?
John: What do you mean "how long"? I will try and settle in Pakistan . My company has promised me that they will process my Green Book as soon as soon as possible.

Alex: Really? Man, you're a lucky one. It's very difficult to get The Green Book in Pakistan . Last year my cousin and his family went there on a tourist visa and they're not coming back now.
John: Yeah. That's why I'm planning on marrying a Pakistani girl There and then sponsoring my parents and my brother and sister from New York to Pakistan .

Alex: But I hear you can find lots of good American girls in Karachi and Lahore .
John: Yeah, but I prefer Pakistani girls. They are so much more superior to our girls, and what great brunette complexion hey have!

Alex: What city are you going to?
John: Karachi. The company has an office in downtown Saddar. Yeah, the salary is good but the cost of living is quite high because of all the people flocking to this high-tech Mecca .

Alex: I hear the exchange rate is now $100 to a Rupee! That's just Too much. What about Quetta and Peshawar ? What are they like?
John: No idea. But they are cheaper than Karachi , which is the world's headquarters for information technology now.

Alex: I hear the quality of life in Pakistan is incredible.
John: Yeah, man. You can buy a BMW for Rs.30 ,000, and a Mercedes for less than Rs.45,000. But my dream is to purchase a Suzuki Mehran which costs roughly Rs.90,000. But what a sweet design, great curves, and it purrs to the touch.

Alex: By the way, which company are you gonna work for?
John: Haji Jalal Puttarjee & Bros. Technologies, a pure Pakistani conglomerate specializing in embedded software.

Alex: Man, you're so lucky to work for a pure Pakistani company. They are really intelligent and unlike any American body shops that have opened their fly-by-night outfits in Pakistan . The Pakistani Companies pay you even when you're on the bench. My friend, Paul Allen, used his bench time to visit the Makran Coast, the most gorgeous resort in Pakistan, I hear
John: Yeah, man, you're right. I hope the US learns something from them and follows in their footsteps. It seems all we do is borrow more and more money from the Askari Bank.

Alex: How are you going to cope with their language?
John: I've been learning Urdu since my school days. I always dreamed that one day I'll head for Pakistan ever since my uncle bought me that T-Shirt from Islamia College . At the Consulate they tested my proficiency in Urdu and were quite impressed by my score in TOUFL (Test of Urdu as a Foreign Language).

Alex: Boy! You're so damn lucky.
John: Yeah. I'll be travelling in the world's fastest train, Tezgam, I'll be visiting the world's largest theme park in Changa Manga, and I'll be visiting the famous Lollywood where I might meet the sons And daughters of movie legends like Nadeem, Sultan Rahi, Anjuman, Reema and the gorgeous of all, Madam Babra Sharif.

Alex: You know, the Pakistani President is scheduled to visit USA Next year and I hear that he may increase the number of employment visas.
John: That's very true. Last month, their Labour Minister, Naswar Khan Pakhtoon, visited the White House and donated Rs.20,000 for the re-development of the World Trade Centre at Silicon Valley , and has promised more if we follow the models of the fast developing high-tech cities, Gujranwalla and Raiwind.Bill Gates was lucky to have a chance to meet him. Very lucky person.

Alex: Will you be calling on Peter? I hear that he has made it big there and has a beautiful house on the Lyari River in Karachi .
John: Yeah, I'll be meeting him.

Alex: Anyway, nice chatting to you, John. Good luck, you lucky guy.
John: Yeah, and the same to you,

Alex: By the way, don't ever go to the Pakistani Consulate in shalwar-kameez because they will think you're too Pakistanised and may doubt that you will ever come back, and your application will be rejected. And yes, don't forget to say to the Visa Officer politely: "As'salam-o-Alaikum, aap kaisay hain?" It will show them you're a cultured person.
Yeah. I'll be travelling in the world's fastest train, Tezgam,
By the way, don't ever go to the Pakistani Consulate in shalwar-kameez because they will think you're too Pakistanised and may doubt that you will ever come back, and your application will be rejected. And yes, don't forget to say to the Visa Officer politely: "As'salam-o-Alaikum, aap kaisay hain?" It will show them you're a cultured person.

Ringgggggg……… Ringgggggggg……….Rinnnnggggg…………..

James: Hello Bob? James Here. Did you review the contract I sent you?...

Bob:- Its done....

James:- So it’s finished? Will you send it to me by e-mail?

Bob:- What’s your email address?

James:- My e-mail address? Frankly, I don’t remember it !!!
- Just a minute, let me check.


Nicole: abc@def.com

James:- No, no, that’s my home e-mail address!

Nicole: I dont know sir, wait sir, let me find your email address......

James:- Listen, I can’t find it. Let me check and call you back.

Bob:- I going out for lunch......

James:- Oh!... You’re going for lunch...

Bob:- Yeah....

James:OK, I’ll send you the address by fax. You’ll have it when you get back. OK?

Bob:- OK...

James:OK. So give me your fax number.

Bob:- I dont know the fax number James......

James:- What!!!!! You don’t know it?

James:- OK, here’s what we’ll do. You e-mail me your fax number and I’ll fax you my e-mail address.
No, that won’t work. Wait, I’m getting mixed up... Let me think... So… Hum… OK… Well… Yeah…
What’s your cell-phone number?

Bob:- Actually my battery is dead....

James:- Oh, your battery is dead ... Mine too...OK, listen, here’s what we’ll do...
You charge your cell-phone battery, I’ll call you in a couple of hours and leave you my e-mail address in your voice mail. Then you take my e-mail address in your voice mail and you e-mail me your fax number. Then I can fax you my e-mail address. That’s plan A. Now for plan B!
I send myself an e-mail to see what my e-mail address is and then I record a message for you in my voice mail....…when you get it, you send me the answer on my pager...…so then, I send you a fax with my e-mail address.

Bob:- It seems complicated James.....

James:- Complicated? No, it’s not at all complicated. We just need a bit of coordination... and luck...

Bob:- MMmmmm.............

James: There’s also a third possibility that’s much simpler: plan C... You send me the contract directly by express messenger.

Yeah!... It’s the best plan strategically speaking...

James:- But actually, I have a small question...…what was I supposed to send you by e-mail? My e-mail address, my fax number, my cell number, pager, telephone?

Bob:- I dont know James....

James:- Oh! You don’t remember either. It would probably be a good idea to have periodic bilateral coordination meetings concerning protocols for internal communications. But anyway, since your office is at the other end of the corridor, I’ll come by to pick it up in 2 minutes... OK? Bye!

And the moral…:
Thanks to technology, we can now waste time with an efficiency until now unimaginable, all in the name of saving time…
How to recognize Pakistani's :)

We are like this only... so true, so very true........ . Now start
Reading one by one

1. Everything you eat is savored in garlic, onion and tomatoes.

2. You try and reuse gift wrappers, gift boxes, and of course
aluminum foil.

3. You are Always standing next to the two largest size suitcases
at the Airport.

4. You arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think it's

5. You peel the stamps off letters that the Postal Service missed
to stamp.

6. You recycle Wedding Gifts , Birthday Gifts and Anniversary Gifts.

7. You name your children in rhythms

8. All your children have pet names, which sound nowhere close to
their real names.

9. You take snacks
anywhere it says "No Food Allowed"

10. You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's

11. You load up the family car with as many people as possible.

12. You use plastic to cover anything new in your house whether
it's the remote control, VCR, carpet or new couch.

13. Your parents tell you not to care what your friends think, but
they won't let you do certain things because of what the other "Uncles
and Aunties" will think.

14. You buy and display crockery, which is never used , as it is
for special occasions, which never happen.

15. You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.

16. You use grocery bags to hold garbage.

17. You keep leftover food in your fridge in as many numbers of
bowls as possible.

18. Your kitchen shelf is full of jars, varieties of bowls and
utensils (got free with purchase of other stuff )

19. You carry a stash of your own food whenever you travel (and
travel means any car ride longer than 15 minutes).

20. You own a rice cooker or a pressure cooker.

21. You fight over who pays the dinner bill.

22. You live with your parents and you are 40 years old. ( And
they prefer it that way).

23. You don't use measuring cups when cooking.

24. You never learnt how to stand in a queue.

25. You can only travel if there are 5 persons at least to see you
off or receive you whether you are traveling by bus, train or plane.

26. If she is NOT your daughter, you always take interest in
knowing whose daughter has run with whose son and feel proud to spread
it at the velocity of more than the speed of light.

27. You only make long distance calls after 11 p.m.

If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask if
you've eaten, even if it's midnight.

29. You call an older person you never met before Uncle or Aunty."

30. When your parents meet strangers and talk for a few minutes,
you discover you're talking to a distant cousin.

31. Your parents don't realize phone connections to foreign
countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at
the top of their lungs when making foreign calls.

32. You have bed sheets on your sofas so as to keep them from
getting dirty.

33. It's embarrassing if your wedding has less than 600 people.

34. All your Tupperware is stained with food color.

35. You have mastered the art of bargaining in shopping.

36. You have really enjoyed reading this post - now share this post with as many pakistanis as possible.

Rasha Lag Jigi Jigi ..Rasha Lag Jigi Jigi :rofl:

Awsum song lollll
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