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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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Not funny or stupid.. this is actually true!!



Bitchh Please...


1. Experiments with a small cupola furnace, Report Tech. Univ. Delft, Department of Metallurgy, 1965.

2. The influence of eutectic cell size on austenite to pearlite transformation in cast iron, Report Delft, 1965.

3. The development of aluminium-lethium alloys, Report, Delft, 1965.

4. Measurement of Curie Point of Nickel, Report, Delft, 1965.

5. Direction-dependence of young's modulus in cold rolled and recrystallized Cu and Cu-Be alloys, Report, Delft, 1966.

6. Initial susceptibility of Ni under applied stress, Report, Delft, 1966.

7. Anisotropy in cold rolled copper, Report, Delft, 1966.

8. The influence of trace elements on precipitation in Al-4%Cu alloys, Thesis M.Sc. Tech. Delft, June 1967.

9. Remarks on the application of thermomechanical treatments to Al-bronzes, Report No. 6, Dept. of Metallurgy, Univ. of Leuven, 1968.

10. Crystal and microstructure of Cu-Al-Zn and Cu-Al-Zn and Cu-Al-Fe ß?martensites, Presented at the Annual Meeting of Societe Belge de Microscopie Electronique at Gent, 29th Nov. 1969, with Prof. L. Delaey.

11. Strengthening of Cu-Al ß?martensite by grain refinement, Trans. Ind. Inst. of Metals, December 1970, with L. Delaey.

12. The effect of grain size on the strength of Cu-Al ß?martensite, Zeitschrift f. Metallkunde, December 1969, with L. Delaey.

13. The martensite plate size dependence of yield strength of Cu-Al-Zn martensite, Scripta Metallurgica, December 1970, with L. Delaey.

14. The mechanical properties of copper-aluminium bronzes, Proc. 2nd. Intern. Conf. on the Strength of Metals and Alloys, California, 1970, ASM Cleveland, Ohio, with L. Delaey, H.Tas, I. Lefever, L. Vos, A. Deruyttere, and P. De Meester.

15. On the binding energy between a germanium atom and a vacancy in an Al-4%Cu alloy, Scripta Met., April 1971.

16. The effect of morphology on the strength of copper-based martensites, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, March 1972.

17. Comments on vacancy-germanium binding energy in aluminium matrix, Scripta Met. April 1972.

18. Additional-Element effect on the ageing phenomena in Al-4%Cu alloys, Trans. J.I.M., May 1972.

19. On the appearance of long period superlattice structures in copper-aluminium alloys, Eastern Metals Review, May 1972.

20. "Topics in Physical Metallurgy" - The Burgers Festschrift - Edited by A.Q. Khan and M.J. Brabers, Elsevier F]Publishing Co., Amsterdam, August 1972. (contains ca. 35 articles & 460 pages).

21. The role of the grain boundaries in the stress-induced transformation of copper-base alloys, Proc. ASM-CDA Conference on Copper, Cleveland, Ohio, Oct.1972, with L. Delaey and H.Tas.

22. Stress-induced phase transformations and enhanced plasticity in Cu-Al and Cu-Al-Zn martensites, J. Materials Science, December, 1972, with G.V.d. Perre and L. Delaey.

23. `Professor Dr. W.G. Burgers - A bibliography', in `Topics in Physical Metallurgy' (Eds. A.Q. Khan and M.J. Brabers). , Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1972.

24. `The plastic deformation of metallic crystals - Fifty years of evolution' in `Topics in Physical Metallurgy' Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1972, with J.V.d. Planke.

25. Dynamic recovery and recrystallization in iron-containing aluminium bronzes, Transformations Japan Institute of Metals, Volume 15, No. 2 (March 1974).

26. Creating a complete metallurgical engineer, Metals and Materials, April 1974.

27. An-X-ray diffraction study of stacking sequences, stacking faults and distortions in copper-based martensites - Application to Ci-Al and Cu-Al-Zn martensites, J. Applied Cryst., published with G.V.d. Perre, L. Delaey. H. Tas, W. Vandermeulen & A. Deruyttere, (1974).

28. The Hall-Petch relationship in copper-based martensites, Materials Science & Engineering, vol.15, (1974), with M.J. Brabers and L. Delaey, pp.263-274.

29. The application and interpretation of the `time law' to the growth of grain size and martensite plate thickness, Journal of Materials Science, vol.9, (Aug.1974), pp. 1290-1296.

30. Mechanical Properties of Maraging Steels, Metal and Materials, April, 1985.

31. The spread of Nuclear Weapons among nations: Militarization or Development, pp. 417-430. (Ref. Nuclear War Nuclear Proliferation and their consequences "Proceedings of the Vth International Colloquium organised by the Group De Bellerive Geneva 27-29, June 1985, Edited by: Sadruddin Aga Khan, Published by Clarendon Press-Oxford 1986).

32. Microstructural changes during Retrogression and reaging in AA-7075 - A TEM study, Proceedings, Aluminium Technology `86, Section B, Institute of Metals (1986).

33. Chromium Determination in Steel using atomic Absorption spectrophotometer? problems and their remedies, Pak Steel Journal, Vol 26, Jan-Mar. 1986.

34. Flow Induced Vibrations in Gas Tube Assembly of Centrifuges, Journal of Nuclear Science and technology, 23(9), (Sept. 1986), pp. 819-827.

35. Dilation investigation of a ® g transformation in 18% Ni maraging steels, Proceedings of The International Conf. on Martensitie Transformations (1986), The Japan Institute of Metals, pp.560-565.

36. Electrical and magnetic properties of double-aged 18% nickel maraging steels, Proceedings of The International Conf. on Martensitie Transformations (1986), The Japan Institute of Metals, pp. 572-577.

37. Physical and mechanical properties of ultra-high strength 18% nickel maraging steel, vol.28, (Jul-Sept./Oct-Dec. 1986). Pakistan Steel Journal, pp.87-90.

38. Some remarks on the hardness and yield strength of aluminum alloy 7075 as a function of retrogression time, vol. 18-A,, Feb. 1987, Metallurgical Transactions, pp.350-354.

39. Hot stage electron microscopy of rapidly solidified Cu-Al-Ni ß-phase alloys, Proc. 2nd Beijing Conf. and Exhib. on Instrum. Analysis, 1987.

40. Lattice imaging of E - phase in annealed AA-7075, Proc. 2nd Beijing Conf. and Exhib. on Instrum. Analysis, 1987.

41. Hydrogen embrittlement in 350-grade maraging steel due to nickle-plating, vol.30, Apr-Jun. 1987, Pakistan Steel Journal, pp. 45-47.

42. Short Communication Microscopic determination of Austenite in 18% Ni maraging steel, Metallography, vol 20, Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc., 1987, pp. 377-383.

43. Influence of carbide precipitates on the mechanical properties of a maraging steel, vol.32, Oct-Dec. 1987, Pakistan Steel Journal, pp. 40-41.

44. Some practical aspects of balancing an ultra-centrifuge rotor, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 24(II), (Nov. 1987), pp. 951-959.

45. Flow turning, grinding and hydro forming of maraging steel tubes, Sheet Metal Industries, London, Jan. 1988, pp. 32-38.

46. Tension-tension fatigue crack propagation in high strength, low alloy steel sheets vol. 4, Materials Science and Technology, Jan. 1988, pp. 16-21.

47. Phase transformations in rapidly solidified Cu-Al-Ni ß-phase alloys, Scripta Metallurgica, Vol.22, 1988 and Metals Abstracts (II-1115) Oct. 1988, pp. 803-808.

48. In-situ TEM study of precipitation and Growth of MgZn2 phase in AlZnMgCu alloy, The Institute of Metals, London, 1988.

49. A simple technique for revealing prior austenite grain boundaries in CrMoV turbine rotor steels, Metallography, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1988.

50. Uranium Enrichment Technologies Felicitation Volume in honour of Dr.Raziuddin Siddiqui, Hamdard Foundation, Pakistan, Karachi, 1988.

51. Effect of strain rate on the Tensile deformation and fracture behaviour of 18 Ni-300 maraging steel sheet, Materials Science and Technology, The Institute of Metals, London - June 1988, Vol.4 and Metals Abstracts (31-3864) Vol.21.

52. The origin and influence of residual magnetism on the electron beam welding of 18% Ni-maraging steels, materials and Design, Scientific and Technical Press Ltd., Vol.IX, No. 5, Sept-Oct. 1988.

53. Some metallurgical charges produced during flow turning, grinding and subsequent hydroforming of 18 Ni-300 maraging steel tubes, Sheet Metal Industries, London, under publication.

54. Phase Analysis in a Cu-Al-Ni alloy rapidly solidified by various techniques, Proceedings - International Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.

55. Orientation of rapidly solidified microstructure, Proceedings - International Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.

56. Synthesis of rapidly solidified aluminide coatings, Proceedings - International Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.

57. Synthesis of rapidly solidified Al-bronze coatings on pure aluminum, Proceedings - International Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.

58. Electron beam modification of a maraging steel, Proceedings - International Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.

59. Change in fracture behaviour on aging of rapidly solidified Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloys, Proceedings - International Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.

60. The magnetic properties of maraging steels in relation to phase transformations, Proceedings - International Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.

61. Question of Secondary Peak in Hardness Versus Retrogression Time of AA-7075 Aluminium Alloys - Physical Sciences Section, Pakistan J. Sci. Ind. Res., Vol. 31, No. 5, May 1988.

62. Question of Secondary Peak in Hardness Versus Retrogression Time Curve of AA-7075 Aluminium Alloys, Physical Sciences Section, Pakistan J. Sci. Ind.Res., Vol.31, No. 5, May 1988.

63. Production of 18% Ni-300 Maraging Steel Bellows By Hydroforming, Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production. 4th Cairo Univ. MDP Conference Cairo Dec. 27-29, 1988.

64. An In Situ Study of Phase Transformations in Maraging Steel, Maraging Steels Recent Development and Applications, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 1988.

65. Effect of Post-tempering Quenching of the Mechanical Properties of a Martensitic Stainless Steel, First National Course on Materials Science - Dept. of Physics Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, 18-23 March, 1989.

66. Creep Properties of 7075 Aluminium Alloy under Intermittent Stressing, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Karachi, Vol. 32, No. 3, March 1989, pp. 141-162.

67. Formability of Hot and Cold Rolled Copper Bearing High-Strength, Low-Alloy Steel Sheets, Proceedings of the sixth SAS-World Conference (Oct, 1989), Structural Analysis and Optimization FEMACAD-89, Organized by I.I.T.T. of Paris, France, 1989.

68. Influence of Cold Working on the Hardening Behaviour of 18% Ni-300 Maraging Steel - Published in Metal Behaviour and Surface Engineering (Technology Transfer Series), IITT-International, France, 1989.

69. A new Method of Producing Higher Toughness in AISI 431 Stainless Steel Rods, Wire Asia 89 - 4th Wire Asia International Conference and Exhibition, Shanghai, People's Republic of China, 23-27 April 1989.

70. Creep Properties of 7075 Aluminium Alloy under Intermittent Stressing, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol.32, No. 3, March 1989, pp. 141-144.

71. The Heat of Formation of Alloys (Phenomenological and theoretical Models); Quarterly Pakistan Steel Journal Jan-Mar 1989.

72. The Origin and Influence of Residual Magnetism on the Electron Beam Welding of 18% Nickel Maraging Steel, Metal Abstract, Vol.22 (55-1287), May 1989.

73. In-Situ TEM study of Precipitation and Growth of MgZn2 phase in AlZnMgCu alloy, Proc. Phase Transformation, Cambridge, UK, 1987, pp. 186-188.

74. Formability of Hot and Cold Rolled Copper Bearing High-strength, Low Alloy Steels, International Conference "FEMCAD-89" Structural Analysis Systems, Paris, France, Oct. 25-27, 1989.

75. The Heat of Formation of Alloys (Empirical Models): Quarterly Pakistan Steel Journal, Vol.36, Apr-Jun/Jul-Sept., 1989.

76. Effect of Casting Parameters and Heat Treatment on the Properties of an Investment Cast Al-7Si-4Cu Alloy Component, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Advanced Materials and Process (EUROMAT '89), Aachen, West Germany, 22-24 Nov. 1989.

77. A new method of Producing higher toughness AISI 431 Stainless Steel Rods, Wire Industry, UK, Vol.57, No. 676, April 1990.

78. Electrolytic Ni-Coating and its effects on the impact properties of 18% Ni-350 Maraging Steel, Mat.Tech.'90, The First European East-West Symposium on Materials and Processes, Finland, June 10-18, 1990.

79. Quality Control of 18 Ni-350 Maraging Steel Parts by Eddy Current Testing, Engineering Horizons, Vol.I, No.2, Sept. 1990.

80. Intergranular Embrittlement in Alloys based on Intermetallic Compounds, Proceedings - 1st International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), 1990, pp.155-160.

81. Effect of Ausaging Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of 18% Ni-350 Maraging Steel, Proceedings - 1st International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), 1990, pp.191-196.

82. Effect of Cold Working on the Work-Hardening rate of 18% Ni Ultra-High Strength Steel, Proceedings - 1st International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), 1990, pp.197.

83. Machining-Induced Phase Transformation in Ultra-High Strength 18% Ni-Maraging Steel, Proceedings - 1st International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), 1990, pp.198-202.

84. Prediction of Solid-Liquid Interface During Electron Beam Surface Melting using a Finite Difference Technique, Proceedings - 1st International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), 1990, pp. 299?304.

85. Synthesis of Cu-Al Alloys on Pure Aluminium using High Energy Beams, Proceedings - 1st International sium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), 1990, pp. 305-310.

86. Synthesis and Surface Modification of Bronze Matrix-Graphite Strengthened Composites, Proceedings - 1st International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), 1990, pp. 311-318.

87. State of Science and technology in the Muslim World, Science Technology and Development, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology, Islamabad, Vol. 9, No. 5&6, Sept-Dec. 1990.

88. Electron Beams in Surface Modification of Metals - The State of the Art, Ministry of Mines and Metals National Iranian Steel Co., 9-15 March 1991.

89. A4-P14 Nickel Plating and its Influence on the Properties of an Ultra-High Strength Maraging Steel, The 2nd European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes, University of Cambridge, The Institute of Metals, UK, 22-24 July 1991.

90. The Rolling Texture of 18Ni-350 Maraging Steel, Published in Journal of Materials Engineering, USA.

91. Effect of Flow-Turning Direction on the Properties of AA-7075 Thin Valled Tubes, Published in Sheet Metal Industries, Institute of Sheet Metal Engineering, UK.

92. Advantages of Heat Treatment of Steels Under Vacuum, Engineering Horizon, Oct. 1991.

93. Effect of Heat Treatment on the Fracture Toughness of AISI 431 Stainless Steel, Published at Mat. Tech. 91, The 2nd European East-West Symposium on Materials and Processes, Helsinki, Finland, May 26-30, 1991.

94. Martensite Reversion due to processing and Storage Conditions in 18% Nickel Maraging Steel, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 164-169.

95. Reprocessing and Additional Alloying of 350-Maraging Steels, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 170-180.

96. Magnetic Properties of 18Ni-350 Maraging Steels, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 200-207.

97. Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Mechanical Properties of a High Strength Steel, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 208-214.

98. The Calculation of Corrosion Parameters from Electrochemical Data, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 268-272.

99. Failures in a Prestressed High Strength Steel Welds in Humid Atmosphere, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 356-360.

100. Effect of Prior Thermomechanical Treatment on Nitriding of An 18 Wt.% Nickel Maraging Steel, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 361-370.

101. Some Properties of Metals Influenced by Elastic Anisotropy, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 386-392.

102. Influence of Heat Treatment on the Tensile and Fracture Toughness Properties of AISI 431 Stainless Steel Thin Rods, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 393.

103. Embrittlement of Leaf Spring Steels - A Case Study, Proceedings - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 18-20 Sept. 1989, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 507-512.

104. Advantages of Heat Treatment of Steels Under Vacuum, Engineering Horizons (Pakistan), Oct. 1991, pp. 7-9.

105. Electron Beam Welded Joints in an Ultra High Strength Steel, "Laser & Electron Beams in welding Cutting and Surface Treatment - State of the Art", Harrah's Reno Nevada, USA, 1991.

106. A Study of Martensite to Austenite Transformation in Maraging Steels, International Conf. on Condensed Matter Physics & Applications (ICCMPA), Organised by Physics Department, University of Bahrain, Bahrain, 13-16 Apr. 1992.

107. A Study of Pakistani Gypsum by X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Published in Canadian Mineralogist.

108. Influence of Second Phase Particles on the Development of Textures in Composite Materials, Proceedings of the Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (FASAS) Symposium on New Materials and Contemporary Applications, 28th Nov. to 1st Dec. 1992, Islamabad, Pakistan, pp. 40-45.

109. Influence of Austenite on the Coercive Force, Electrical Resistivity and Hardness of 18% Ni Maraging Steel, Materials & Design, Vol. 13, No.5, 1992, pp. 259-264.

110. Machine-Induced Phase Transformation in a Maraging Steel, Mats. Sci. & Engg., A159(1992), pp. 261-265.

111. Chemical Variations In The Rock Salt From Khewra Area, Pakistan, Published in Nature, UK.

112. Failure Study of Grass Mower Cylinder Blades, Published in Engineering Horizon (Pakistan).

113. Method to Determine Optimum Number of Knots for Cubic Splines, Published in Communications in Applied Numerical Methods.

114. Materials Required for Nuclear Power Reactors, Invited Talk at the International Conference on Condensed Matter Physics & Applications, 13-16 April 1992, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.

115. A Novel Method of Micro-Texture Analysis Using Electron Backscattered Patterns, Presented at the International Conference on Condensed Matter Physics & Applications, 13-16 April 1992, University of Bahrain, Bahrain.

116. Austenite Determination by Eddy Current Measurements in a Maraging Steel, NDT & E International, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1992.

117. Synthesis of Surface Pores in a Bronze - Graphite Composite Using Electron Beam Surface Melting, Metallurgical Transactions A, 230-Vol.24A, Jan. 1993.

118. The Rolling Texture of 18% Ni-350 Maraging Steel, J. of Mats. Engg. and Performance, Vol. 2(1), February 1993.

119. Orientation Determination of Single-Crystal by Computer Generated Algorithm, Physical Sciences Section, Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., Vol. 36, Nos.2-3, Feb-Mar. 1993, pp. 51-53.

120. Incomplete Reaction Phenomenon in High Strength Bainitic Steels, Published in Metallurgical Transactions, May 1993.

121. A model to Predict the Distribution of Synthesized Pores in Electron Beam Melted Surfaces of a Bronze Composite, Materials Research Society, International Symposium Ikebukoro, Japan, Aug-Sept. 1993.

122. Improved Mechanical Properties due to Double-Stage Annealing in Maraging Steels, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 315-318

123. Notch Sensitivity of Deformed Thin Sheets of an 18wt.% Ni-Maraging Steel, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 328-333.

124. Portevin - LE Chatelier Effect in an 18 wt.% Ni Maraging Steel, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 334-340.

125. Deformation Texture in Particle-Containing Single Crystals, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 375-379.

126. Effect of Rolling Modes on the Development of Texture in Maraging Steels Grade 350, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 386-390.

127. A Study of Surface Films Formed During Maraging, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 460-467.

128. Stress Corrosion Cracking of 350 Maraging Steel in 3.5 Wt.% NaCl Solution, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 605-612.

129. Comparative Study of Coatings on Maraging Steel Grade 350 in Various Environments, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 613-619.

130. Effect of Microstructure and Texture on Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Wrought Iron - A Case Study, Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 20-24 Sept. 1993, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 778-782.

131. Storage Induced Reverse Martensite Transformation in 18% Ni-350 Maraging Steel, J. of Mats. Sci. Letters, Vol-12, pp.1539-1540 (1993), ISSN 0261-8028, 1 Oct. 1993.

132. Electron Beam Transient Tempering of a Rapidly Solidified High Speed Steel with an Unusual Rapidity, Materials Science and Engineering, A165 (1993), pp. 75-80.

133. Austenite Reversion in Cold Formed 18 wt-%Ni 350 Grade Maraging Steel, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 10, pp-97-101, February 1994.

134. Reclamation and Additional Alloying of 18Ni-350 Maraging Steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 3(3), June 1994, pp. 386-392.

135. Magnetic Properties of Maraging Steel in Relation to Deformation and Structural Phase Transformations, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol 42, No.3, 1994, PP-631-638.

136. Influence of second-phase particles on plastic deformation and lattice reorientation of single crystals during uniaxial compression, Journal of Materials Science, 29, 2013-2016 (1994), 0022-2461, Chapman & Hall, 1994.

137. Short Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in a Ferritic-Bainitic Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, Vol. 25A, Nov. 1994, pp. 2421-2425.

138. Electron Beam Surface Modification of a Porous Bronze-Graphite Composite, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol-26A, May 1995, pp. 1297-1304.

139. Influence of Heat Treatment on Hardening Response of Al-Mg-Si Commercial Alloy, Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 17-21 Sept. 1995, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 374-379.

140. Processing of AlNiCo Magnets, Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 17-21 Sept. 1995, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 393-398.

141. Powder Production Processes for AlNiCo Permanent Magnet Alloy, Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 17-21 Sept. 1995, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 399-406.

142. Deformation and Recrystallization Texture in Low and High Stacking Fault Energy Materials, Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 17-21 Sept. 1995, Islamabad (Pakistan), pp. 634-638.

143. Influence of Annealing on Texture and Magnetic Properties of 18% Nickel, 2400 MN m-2 Grade Maraging Steel, Materials Science and Technology, December 1995 Vol.11, No. 12, pp. 1281-1286.

144. Lattice Changes in the Martensitic Phase due to Ageing in 18 wt% Nickel Maraging Steel Grade 350, Journal of Materials Science 31, 0022-2461 (1996), pp. 305?309.

145. Failure Study of Grass Power Cylinder Blades, Pak. Steel Res. J., 1(1), Feb. 1996, pp. 6-10.

146. An Air Crash Case Study, Engineering Failure Analysis, 3(3), 1996, pp?203?210.

147. Prospects of Promoting Science and Technology in the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Members Countries, IDB, Jeddah, May 19, 1996.

148. Auger Study of Surface Film Formed on 18%NI-350 Maraging Steel During Heat Treatment, Submitted to Proc. 4th Intl. Conference in Surface Engineering.

149. Synthesis of High Speed Tool Steel Surfaces on Mild Steel, J. of Mat. Sci., 32 (1997), pp. 465-468.

150. Causes of Fatigue Failure in an Aero-Engine Component, Engineering Failure Analysis, 4(1), 1997, pp. 39-47.

151. Phase Transformations and Magnetic Properties in Cobalt Free and Low Cobalt Maraging Steels, Materials Science and Technology, 13, Feb. 1997, pp. 110?116.

152. Influence of Banded Structure on the Mechanical Properties of a High-Strength Maraging Steel, J. of Materials Engineering & Performance, 6(2), Apr. 1997, pp. 165-171.

153. Cathodic ARC Deposition of Titanium Nitride Coatings on Commercial Steels, Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes-1997, Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 431-436.

154. Texture Development in Dual Phase Cold Rolled 18% Ni Maraging Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, Dec. 1997, Vol. 28A, pp. 2459-2465.

155. Study of Inclusions in a Failed Aero-Engine Component, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, Vol 28 A, June 1997, pp. 1281-88.

156. Ageing Martensite Above As Temperature, Materials Science and Technology, July 1997, Vol. 13, pp. 818-820.

157. A study of Cracks in Hot Rolled Spring Steel Material, Proceedings - 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 21-25 Sept. 1997, Islamabad (Pakistan) (To be published),

158. The stress Corrosion Cracking Behaviour of Nitrided Maraging-350 Steel in 3.5 wt.% Nacl Environment, Proceedings - 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 21-25 Sept. 1997, Islamabad (Pakistan) (To be published),

159. Electrochemical Study of Boiler Tube Failure from an AC Plant, Proceedings - 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 21-25 Sept. 1997, Islamabad (Pakistan) (To be published),

160. Effect of Process Parameters on The Characteristics of Ti2N Coatings, Proceedings - 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 21-25 Sept. 1997, Islamabad (Pakistan) (To be published),

161. The Development of Ummah in Science and Technology, International Conference on the Muslim Ummah in the next millennium, 23-25 Sept. 1997, Islamabad, Pakistan.

162. Fatigue crack propagation in maraging steel, Materials Science & Technology, Dec. 1997, Vol. 13, pp. 1063-1065.

163. A study of Pakistani Gypsum by X-ray powder diffraction, Pak. J. Sci Ind. Res., May-August 1996,Vol.39, No. 5-8, pp. 110-113.

164. Thermodynamics of non-equilibrium phases in electron beam rapid solidification, Proceedings - 2nd National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics-II, 1990, pp.78-88.

165. Synthesis of high speed steel surfaces on mild steel, J. of Materials Science.

166. Fatigue crack growth in thermo-mechanically treated maraging steel, Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on advanced Materials, 17-21 Sept. 1995, pp. 646-652.

167. Higher-toughness stainless steel rods, Wire Industry, April 1990, pp.346-349.

168. Electron beam induced surface alloying of a maraging steel, Proceedings - MRS International Meeting on advanced materials, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 10, May 31-June 1, 1998, pp-491-496.

169. Increased concentration of copper in a high strength steel, Dusseldorf, 1992.

170. Stability of reverted austenite in a maraging steel, To be published.

171. Texture of plastically deformed 18% Ni 350-maraging steel containing austenite, To be published.

172. Synthesis of tungsten rich M6C Network on mild steel using energy beams, To be published.

173. Overload effect on fatigue crack propagation in alloy, Proceedings - Seventh International Fatigue Congress, Beijing, P.R. China, 8-12 June, 1999, Vol-2 Fatigue '99, pp-1021-1026.

174. Evaluation of Halide-Activated Pack Boriding of INCONEL 722, Metallugrical and materials transactions, Vol-30-A, month 1999, pp-670-675.

175. Effect of retained austenite on gas nitriding of high strength steel, Materials Science and Technology, Vol-14, December 1998, pp-1218-1220.

176. Texture Development in Dual-Phase Cold-Rolled 18 pct Ni Maraging Steel, Matallurgical and Materials Transactions, December 1997, Vol-28A, pp-2459-2465.

177. Fatigue Crach Propagation in Maraging Steel, Materials Science and Technology, Vol-13, December 1997, pp-1063-1065.

178. Cathodic arc deposition of titanium nitride coatings on commercial steels, Vacuum, 1998, Vol-51, pp-629-633.

179. Effect of Repeated Thermal Cycling on the Formation of Retained Austenite in 18% Ni 350 Grade Maraging Steel, Materials Transactions, JIM, Vo-39, No.9 (1998), pp-995-999.

180. Effect of Heat Treatment Conditions on the Surface of High Strength Steel, Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Heat Treatment of Materials, May 13-15, 1998, Beijing, China, pp-148-154.

181. Effect of Magnetic Annealing on the Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Alloy, Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Heat Treatment of Materials, May 13-15, 1998, Beijing, China, pp-364-369.

182. Heat Treatment of High Strength Steels In A Vacuum Furnace, Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Heat Treatment of Materials, May 13-15, 1998, Beijing, China, pp-440.

183. The formation of reverted austenite in 18% Ni 350 grade maraging steel, Journal of Materials Science, 33 (1998), pp-2927-2930.

184. New Direction in Transmission Electron Microscopy and Nano-Characterization of Materials, proceedings of the Asian Science Seminar, Japan, March 17-26, 1999, pp-283-288.

185. Influence of gas nitriding on fatigue resistance of maraging steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 21 (1999), pp-163-168.

186. Evaluation of Halide-Activated Pack Boriding of INCONEL 722, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 607 - Volume 30-A, Month 1999.

187. Role of Ferrite/pearlite banded structure and segregation on mechanical properties of micro alloyed hot rolled steel, Materials Science and Technology, Vol 15, October 1999.

188. Causes of fatigue in the main bearing of an aero-engine, February 24, 1999.

Furthermore, he has published about 10 extensive articles in the national dailies on enrichment technologies, non-proliferation, nuclear matters, etc.
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