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Santa Ana Zoo: We Don't Lick Monkey Butt Like They Do In China - Orange County News - Navel Gazing

Santa Ana Zoo: We Don't Lick Monkey **** Like They Do In China
By Brandon Ferguson Fri., May 4 2012 at 4:09 PM Comments (7)
Categories: Grrranimals, Sodomy & Gomorrah

Junior, no more Kung Pao chicken for you
Here's a tasty story for our readers to chew on:

Gawker has linked to an article about a Zoo in China where a baby leaf monkey named Francois accidentally ate a peanut thrown into its cage. Employees noticed the tiny primate had become dangerously constipated.

Not wanting to use dangerous laxatives on the youngling, they allegedly sought a more . . . creative solution.

In a move, no doubt arousing to zoophiliacs, one brave employee named Zhang Bangsheng washed the monkey's bottom in warm water and proceeded to lick its b-hole. He dutifully lapped at the monkey for an hour, when lo and behold, the little legume popped out, according to the article.

Knowing well the eccentric interests of our readership, the Weekly placed a call to Santa Ana Zoo Director Kent Yamaguchi to determine if monkey **** licking is standard practice in his field.

A chuckling Yamaguchi told us this is one of the strangest questions he's received, though he added that the Chinese zoo employee's actions aren't without logic.

"With certain animals, the parents will lick their bottom to stimulate bowel movement," says Yamaguchi, returning the favor of our question with way too much of answer. "But I can say, at the Santa Ana Zoo, that is not our standard of treatment for the animals."

Interestingly enough, the land on which the Zoo sits was given to the city by Joseph Prentiss in 1949. He loved teaching people about monkeys and stipulated the zoo, which currently has 58 of the critters, must have at least 50 at all times. Were he alive and reading Gawker today, no doubt Prentiss would be proud.
LOL...watch the whole video...and the country mentioned:

We're next!
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LOL...watch the whole video...and the country mentioned:

We're next!

Oscar, you moved swiftly to hide my observation, on video.

Was it really so important to hide?
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Yes, for thread health.

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:
Warner Bros. Entertainment
The Cartoon Network, Inc.
Rainbow Media Holdings LLC

So does you tube blocked it :)

It is definitely some material to hide....!

This video is showing Pakistan Punjab being the target of nuclear strike.... the ethnicity suddenly every one hates.

Some how seen as equivalent an enemy as Japs.
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