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Study published in international journal shows complete tumour regression in cancer patient through Ayurveda


Sep 9, 2022
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One of the successfully treated cancer cases at Pune's Rasayu Cancer Clinic was recently published in the international peer-reviewed journal Clinical Case Reports.​

Ayurveda is often seen only as herbal medicine or simply useful for general ailments and not advisable for serious or critical illnesses. But in a first, the case of one of the successfully treated cancer patients at Pune’s Rasayu Cancer Clinic has been recently published in an international peer-reviewed journal, Clinical Case Reports. According to the founder of the clinic, Dr Yogesh Bendale, a 51-year woman was cured of blood cancer with exclusive Ayurveda rasayana treatment and her case was published in the journal.

Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) is a fast-growing, aggressive form of cancer called Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and is often fatal if left untreated. Sometimes, high-grade lymphomas are also called aggressive lymphomas with limited survival and about 40 in 100 people die within five years after diagnosis even after rigorous treatments. This patient was diagnosed in June 2018 with an advanced spread of NHL-DLBCL and she decided to go for Ayurveda treatment due to her reluctance to opt for any conventional cancer therapies, Bendale said.
He said that his team initially tried to achieve a reduction in the size of the tumour. The treatment duration of two years saw the patient being regularly monitored for the safety of the rasayana therapy using blood investigations (haematological and biochemical parameters) and the efficacy was evaluated using periodic PET (positron emission tomography) scans, he said. Like all patients in Rasayu Cancer Clinic, the quality of life in this patient was checked using the globally validated quality of life questionnaire. At the end of one-and-a-half years after diagnosis, investigations were carried out in January 2020 – in which no evidence of lymphoma was seen in the PET scan and the patient had a good quality of life, he said.

With treatment catering to around 3,500 cancer patients each year, Dr Bendale firmly believes that Ayurveda therapies can withstand any global scrutiny if the data is kept in a very scientific and rational way.

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“The quality education of Ayurveda is mainly based on original texts and critically maintained patients’ data as per global norms can only bring acceptance of Ayurveda and such evidence in the public domain can act as a source of inspiration and information for other physicians. This was one of the main reasons that this case was submitted for peer review and publication in one of the globally-respected journals of conventional medical science so that it creates awareness about the potential of Ayurveda in the scientific community,” said Dr Bendale, who is also a member of international organisations like American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC).

There is hardly any knowledge in the world which is ancient, yet very applicable today. All knowledge of Indian ancient text has a lots of applicability even today and guide even modern science where it stcks.
The benefits of Ayurvedic treatment is that it doesn't invove operating body parts and painful treatment like chemo therapy. It does not only removes decease but heals whole body.
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