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Study about the world view of Muslim countries


Jul 7, 2013
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It seems like that Muslim countries are very divided when it comes to world views and moral values. There is a great and good study from the Pew Research about Muslim countries and their world views. It seems that Central Asian and European Muslims are more secular than religious South Asian and North African Muslims

Sharia supporters


Death penalty for leaving Islam


Is Suicide bombing justified?


Necessary to believe in god to be moral


Is drinking alcohol moral?


Is sex outside of marriage moral?


Is divorce moral?


Is Polygamy Moral?


Must A Wife Always Obey Her Husband?


Should a wife have the right to divorce her husband?


Sunni-Shia tensions


How many faiths lead to heaven?


Converting others is a religious duty


Comfort level with son or daughter marrying a Christian


Belief in evolution


Western music, movies and TV


You can read the whole study here and it's very interesting how Muslim countries are actually culturally so different from each other:

The World
Thanks for the links, it would be an interesting read.
There is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion rather forcing your opinion on others is a red line that should not be crossed.
I'm very glad that only 12 % of Turks support the Sharia law for our country. This means that Ataturks hard work wasn't for nothing. The results of Kazakhs looks very interesting as they are the only Muslims who believe that you can enter the heaven also as non-Muslim. They are also the only group who think that you don't need to believe in god to be moral. I like this attitude and I think that many Muslims should think like that therefore take you Kazakhstan as an example.
I'm very glad that only 12 % of Turks support the Sharia law for our country. This means that Ataturks hard work wasn't for nothing. The results of Kazakhs looks very interesting as they are the only Muslims who believe that you can enter the heaven also as non-Muslim. They are also the only group who think that you don't need to believe in god to be moral. I like this attitude and I think that many Muslims should think like that therefore take you Kazakhstan as an example.

Kazakh mix alot of their native tradition in their Adat (عادات‎‎ ) with Islam before they were annexed into the Russian empire. Many non-Arab Muslims, especially those peoples who were never part of a Muslim Empire have their own Adat with rules contrary to Islam. The Kazakhs were nomads when they converted and outside of the sedentary empires of Transoxania.

The Chechens were never conquered by the Ottomans, when they were converted they kept their own customs like forbidding cousin marriage up to the seventh generation. So if someone asked them it cousin marriage was allowed and compared it with Arabs, they would see a big difference in opinion.

The Minangkabau in Indonesia have their own adat. Their society is matrilineal and inheritance is passed on through the mother.

The Sultan of Yogyakarta in Indonesia appoints spirit guardians to perform rituals to keep the volcano spirits happy, and I'm pretty sure that isn't supposed to be part of Islam. Some Javanese also believe in the Goddess Nyai Roro Kidul.

Merapi volcano's 'spirit keeper' walks line between tradition and technology | World news | theguardian.com

Malays and Indonesians have their own Adat, Chechens have their Adat, Central asians have another Adat and they will contradict each other.
I'm very glad that only 12 % of Turks support the Sharia law for our country. This means that Ataturks hard work wasn't for nothing. The results of Kazakhs looks very interesting as they are the only Muslims who believe that you can enter the heaven also as non-Muslim. They are also the only group who think that you don't need to believe in god to be moral. I like this attitude and I think that many Muslims should think like that therefore take you Kazakhstan as an example.

The Soviet Union did much for the Central Asian Muslim countries for which the Russians, despite their 'exploitation' of others' resources, don't get enough credit. Had there been no Soviets most of these CAR Muslim nations would be barely a notch above Afghanistan.
Come to think of it--Afghanistan needed/needs a colonialist power for 50+ years.
Kazakh mix alot of their native tradition in their Adat (عادات‎‎ ) with Islam before they were annexed into the Russian empire. Many non-Arab Muslims, especially those peoples who were never part of a Muslim Empire have their own Adat with rules contrary to Islam. The Kazakhs were nomads when they converted and outside of the sedentary empires of Transoxania.

The Chechens were never conquered by the Ottomans, when they were converted they kept their own customs like forbidding cousin marriage up to the seventh generation. So if someone asked them it cousin marriage was allowed and compared it with Arabs, they would see a big difference in opinion.

The Minangkabau in Indonesia have their own adat. Their society is matrilineal and inheritance is passed on through the mother.

Malays and Indonesians have their own Adat, Chechens have their Adat, Central asians have another Adat and they will contradict each other.

even ahmadi muslims in pak and india have their own adat. ahmadi is growing due to it s peaceful nature and will overtake sunni extremism soon.
Interesting! There seems to be little to no correlation between affluence (or even HDI) and different views. As for Shariah, to Muslims of many underdeveloped countries where social justice is almost inexistent, it stands for justice. Some of the views can be attributed simply to ignorance of Islam.
NEVER Take these surveys for real, they are done through paid subcontractors who cant deal with variables.
Good read and info. As some posters have already stated its no surprise that 1.7 billion Muslims have different views about some things. No doubt you'd find similar diversity for example among Christians from different countries.
Kazakh mix alot of their native tradition in their Adat (عادات‎‎ ) with Islam before they were annexed into the Russian empire. Many non-Arab Muslims, especially those peoples who were never part of a Muslim Empire have their own Adat with rules contrary to Islam. The Kazakhs were nomads when they converted and outside of the sedentary empires of Transoxania.

The Chechens were never conquered by the Ottomans, when they were converted they kept their own customs like forbidding cousin marriage up to the seventh generation. So if someone asked them it cousin marriage was allowed and compared it with Arabs, they would see a big difference in opinion.

The Minangkabau in Indonesia have their own adat. Their society is matrilineal and inheritance is passed on through the mother.

The Sultan of Yogyakarta in Indonesia appoints spirit guardians to perform rituals to keep the volcano spirits happy, and I'm pretty sure that isn't supposed to be part of Islam. Some Javanese also believe in the Goddess Nyai Roro Kidul.

Merapi volcano's 'spirit keeper' walks line between tradition and technology | World news | theguardian.com

Malays and Indonesians have their own Adat, Chechens have their Adat, Central asians have another Adat and they will contradict each other.

I have noticed that Turkic peoples are very casual when it comes to Islam. This is has nothing to do with the atheist Soviet union as Turkey is also mainly secular and we never belonged to the Soviet Union. Uzbeks and Uyghurs are the only exception as they seem to be culturally very Islamized. I thought that Indonesians were mostly secular Muslims but I couldn't see anything from it in that study. Most Indonesians seem to be conservative Muslims.
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