There cannot be a true revolution in the country unless and until the youth take it upon themselves. Students Unions should not only be permitted, but promoted. However, Students Union should deal in unity and brotherhood, i.e., instead of forming groups that support political parties, they should create groups that involve supporters of various political parties. Getting involved in politics, becoming a voice for the nation's youth and underpriveleged is not only the right, but the responsibility of every single University/College student. Anyone who bans student groups is clearly threatened by their existence, and should be immediately stood-up to, because he/she wants to deny the most educated and motivated population of the country their rights.
However, our youth is too busy watching Bollywood movies and trying to Westernize to take any interest in the country. What they don't understand is that their is a difference between "Westernization" and "Modernization". Just like the nation at large, the youth too needs proper leadership and guidance. InshAllah, one day I hope to provide that.