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Chocolate Aero


New Recruit

Jul 9, 2009
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I've visited this website several times and am impressed by the quality within. The members seem to be reliable people. I hope this quality embraces all of Pakistans cyber world and a proffesional representation can be maintained.
Anyway, the main purpose for which I've joined this forum is to ask about placements. I'm a student in the UK currently studying aeronautical engineering and have just completed my second year of study. I've recently heard of the PAC (Pakistan Aeronautical Complex) and was wondering if it would first of all be advisable to apply for a industrial placement there or even possible.
I want this to lead to future employment at the company or any closely situated and related institute.
And if it isn't possible would anyone recommend the company to be of a premier choice for emplyment or for me to stay in Europe for a first time employment and then work in Pakistan. My concern is that should I wish to work elsewhere after Pakistan the accreditation of the institute would not be very favourable and would hinder chances of outside employment.

Also if work would be advisable at PAC for a first job then what would salary and benefits be? Such as a house, car and free public services as many of the military recieve?

My intention is to aid Pakistan in it's development and to be a 'proper' Pakistani citizen.

I'm a born and bread British citizen. A British Pakistani.

Sorry for the lengthy post but the pressure of these turbulant times has got me prospecting hard.

i guess u cant work in PAC because u have a dual citizenship. in order to work there u need to be a pakistani citizen. Also in Pakistan there isnt the trend of placements like in UK ( I myself am a graduate of UK ). So i would recommend u do ur placement in UK.
I've scrapped the idea of placements and am now thinking of graduate employment.
I dont have dual citizenship but am singularily British born and bred. From speaking to people i've learned theres a possibilty for me to work at PAC by the virtue of my mother being a Pakistani national and my Father was. This should allow me to be able to work there.
If with a switch of nationality could it be possible?
While working in any strategic organization you will have to revoke you foreign citizenship and you will also have to place all your passports and visas with them.

Tell me more about your education then i may be able to help you more regarding information.
I'm currently at uni and will complete a Beng in Aeronautical in 2010. I dont have any other qualifications. Currently i'm acheiving a 2:1 but I'm confident in pushing it upto a first class.

Theres a company NESCOM that im considering too which could allow me to study sponsored upto masters after employment with them. Here's the thread where i've enquired about it.

About Nescom:

OK since you are doing aeronautical engineering so you would most probably be posted to AWC(an organ of Nescom) at a post of assistant manager( SPS-8) that is if they select you.

Your pay will be 38 K.By the time you graduate it will go to 40 or more.

There is 95 % chance that you will not live in Islamabad city.You will live somewhere else but it is still very good.Do not worry about accommodation if you are single. They will have a place for you but if you are married then you will have your name on a waiting list.

Nescom pays good better than other govt organizations, they have a very good Hospital.

Regularly Check Dawn and other newspapers for Job listings. Apply to any job that is related to aeronautical engineering and the designated pay scale is SPS-8( its very important that it is SPS-8 not BPS).

You will be promoted to Manager in 4 years after that.

Once you find such ad and apply then tell me again and i will help you further then.

They have a good health care and transportation system.You will be provided relevant allowances matching your pay grade.
40K sounds reasonable according to my projected costs and progress looks good. The benfits along with pay are very good. Especially the healthcare.

Its likely that I will by then be married as i'm currently engaged. The AWC seems to be an hour's drive from ISB which I already do in the UK and living in Wah sounds good. I don't want to be far removed from ISB due to relatives. However there seems to be a branch in Karachi that I have only just come across, thats not a place I'd enjoy. But all is still considered. Thanks for the info though. Appreciated.

If I do apply it'll likely be by early 2010. Until then i'll be seeing how things pan out.

I'd I'll keep in touch as best I can.
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