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Strongest Empires by timeline

Oh right...:lazy:

Interesting. ^^Seems the Mughal guys drew the eastern boundary of today's BD. Those farsighted guys. :tup:
Can yo deny that central and south Africa, for the most part, have failed to produce any notable civilization in the past as well as present?

Goes without saying that ancient Eurasian travelers had never been to Africa and thus never noted any civilizations in Central or South Africa. That doesn't mean there weren't any civilizations there. There is plenty of archeological evidence of major civilizations South of the Sahara, but they just haven't gotten much attention from European scholars.
"Iranians Agents"?

Since when did you bash Iranians? I remember a few months ago you and your compatriots were kissing up to Iranians in another thread, so now its Saudis turn?

Not surprised at all :disagree:

I don't bash Iranians, I bash every bs artist, no matter what country he is from. You guys talk like Persians never enlaved anyone :rolleyes:
The imam of the holiest place in the Muslim world is a Black man: Adel Al Kalbani

Adel Al Kalbani ???? ????????
We don't have these racial insecurities that you so called"Aryans" have.

Maybe these guys will rise in anger how could the Arabs allow a black man to be the Imam of Haram??? :lol: :lol:

The thing is they are trying to pain us saudis with the brush of racism hahahaha :lol:

The second of two "super powers" of the last century. We should discuss the Soviet Union, and drop the current despicable topic.
By the way, some of the Chinese Dynasties were also very formidable and advance. AFAIK the Ming Dynasty was one of the greater and more powerful dynasties.

Yeah, the Chinese had great civilizations. One of the most fascinating Chinese Admiral was Zheng He. His fleet was far superior to the European ones:


See the difference between the Chinese ship and the European one. I have also Sun Tzu's 'Art of war' in my book closet.
Interesting. ^^Seems the Mughal guys drew the eastern boundary of today's BD. Those farsighted guys. :tup:

Lol, good observation I wasn't even going to bother with that guy.
In general, mass slavery as a whole has never been practiced by Persians, and in many cases the situation and lives of semi-slaves (prisoners of war) were, in fact, better than those of the commoner.

Slavery was an existing institution in Egypt, Media and Babylonia before the rise of the Achaemenid empire.

On the whole, in the Achaemenid empire, there was only small number of slaves in relation to the number of free persons and moreover the word used to call a slave was utilized also to express general dependence. Usually, captives were prisoners of war that were recruited from those that rebelled against Achaemenid rule.

Ya you didn't practice slavery. You Kill ALL war prisoners, while we Arabs enslaved them or sat them free. The ones that were enslave a lot of them were set free later. Also, we didn't enslave people by their skin color, we enslaved Europeans, blacks, and Persians(remember your princess Shahrbanu)
Yeah, the Chinese had great civilizations. One of the most fascinating Chinese Admiral was Zheng He. His fleet was far superior to the European ones:


I have also Sun Tzu's 'Art of war' in my book closet.

The Chinese really developed a highly intelligent civilization and marvelous cities. Their sophisticated writing and language, inventions, exploration, medicines, cartography, mathematics, all very productive. The Muslim world and Chinese civilization and others had the great Silk route.
My Arab brothers. I have just put Desert Fox in "neglect" list. plz neglect him because he is a troller and doesn't represent Pakistani here. His loyalty is for Khomeini, so you would see him everywhere defending Iran and offending Arabs and Muslims.

Thanks, I will do the same. Will do the same to A1Kalid and that Aryan racial supramacist.
Ya you didn't practice slavery. You Kill ALL war prisoners, while we Arabs enslaved them or sat them free. The ones that were enslave a lot of them were set free later. Also, we didn't enslave people by their skin color, we enslaved Europeans, blacks, and Persians(remember your princess Shahrbanu)

If we killed all war prisoners so why Cyrus the Great didn't kill Crousus when he defeated and captured him? So why we captured a entire Roman legionary and brought them to Persia where they helped to build some bridges? Do you have sources for your bizarre claim? We never had slaves like you guys and I'm proud of that.
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