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Strongest Empires by timeline

Mate we all know Africans are a defeated and self-defeated race they are not capable nor advance and thousands of years of history has proven that. No need to discuss about Africa in a thread called Strongest Empire may be Weakest Civilizations thread but not this one.

Please Indians really need to stop fantasizing about this ancient peace loving Buddhist dynasty that managed to expand because there was little to no people around or factions to resist. Mauryan is not considered even in the top 20 strongest empires of history.

This is disgusting.
Never be a racest against respected members here!
Mate we all know Africans are a defeated and self-defeated race they are not capable nor advance and thousands of years of history has proven that. No need to discuss about Africa in a thread called Strongest Empire may be Weakest Civilizations thread but not this one.

If this post doesn't constitute blatant ignorance and racism and doesn't get deleted, I'm done with this forum.

If we are incapable of advancing why do you have a black President?

In stead of labeling my post as "blatant ignorance" and "racism" just debunk my point or thesis, debunk
It with facts support your counter argument.

Also, I can't believe you brought up Pres. Obama a man who is half-white and half-black born to a white mother raised by a white family, given a white upbringing, went to Harvard, had the help of white people and white corporate elites to become President. Great argument... That sure proves thousands of years of African history wasn't backwards or stagnant.
If we are incapable of advancing why do you have a black President?
He's half White, don't forget.

Secondly, i don't hate Blacks as you are saying, i'm merely pointing out facts, which you refuse to rebute because you have no rebuttal.

If you don't want to take my words for it then look up the slave trade yourselves, i'm sure you are not that ignorant to know that Africans sold Africans to the Whites and the Arabs.

Its a fact, and so are the other things i pointed out.
Not all of Africa is backward and barbaric. the Nothr African countries which were conquered by Islam in early stages, like Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria are pretty advanced economically and have GDP/capita (PPP) of around 10-12,000 region.
He's half White, don't forget.

Secondly, i don't hate Blacks as you are saying, i'm merely pointing out facts, which you refuse to rebute because you have no rebuttal.

If you don't want to take my words for it then look up the slave trade yourselves, i'm sure you are not that ignorant to know that Africans sold Africans to the Whites and the Arabs.

Its a fact, and so are the other things i pointed out.

What the **** does it matter if Africans sold Africans to whites? Whites been selling whites for thousands years, that how they coined the word "slavery".
This is disgusting.
Never be a racest against respected members here!

Go and cry may be the sand below you will absorb your tears. You sound like a Zionist countering people's argument with "you're an anti-Semite!" because you can't face the truth, reality, and history.
He's half White, don't forget.

Secondly, i don't hate Blacks as you are saying, i'm merely pointing out facts, which you refuse to rebute because you have no rebuttal.

If you don't want to take my words for it then look up the slave trade yourselves, i'm sure you are not that ignorant to know that Africans sold Africans to the Whites and the Arabs.

Its a fact, and so are the other things i pointed out.

Are you so racist that you don't even realize when you are offending people??
If this post doesn't constitute blatant ignorance and racism and doesn't get deleted, I'm done with this forum.

If we are incapable of advancing why do you have a black President?

A1Kaid and Desert Fox are NAZI supporters and extreme racists. I can't believe they haven't been permanently banned yet.
Not all of Africa is backward and barbaric. the Nothr African countries which were conquered by Islam in early stages, like Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria are pretty advanced economically and have GDP/capita (PPP) of around 10-12,000 region.

Yeah that is the historical exception and most of us here understand that. Though those lands may be in continental Africa, the people or civilization and race wasn't African/Negroid it was mostly Semitic Arabs and under the Ummayad and Abbasid and eventually Fatimid empires this region prospered.

PS not to mention under Roman Empire.
This guy is extremely racist and should be banned for good.

That's what I have been saying for a while now. Him and his entire passe have the same thoughts if you haven't noticed.

Arab slavery of Black Africans:




Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ARAB SLAVE TRADE - The Legacy and History of the Arab Slave Trade

History of slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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