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Strengthening Cambodia-China ties alarm ASEAN neighbors

It is in China's interest to maintain peace and economic growth of the region but I would think that it is up to Thailand and Cambodia themselves to settle the disputes, peacefully, first. I don't think China will play 'the big brother' in the Thai-Cambodian issue.

It is important for both of the sides to realize that there are far more important things like trade and economic growth than firing across the jungle border land.

I fully agree with you. Though China should be very carefull, avoiding of delivering of offensive weapons to either parties. Today nationalistic sentiments are on the rise in the region.
Relevant point 1: Your country is an irrelevant beggar in the international stage, nothing more than an American pawn.
Relevent point 2: Your UN bid will fail since UNCLOS court does not accept unilateral arbitration unless both parties participate in the process.
Relevant point 3: Your country is completely shut out of Huangyan island and its surrounding waters. You will never set foot on it again.
Relevant point 4: Since your country is an irrelevant beggar, we'll treat you like one. You don't even get to negotiate with us anymore.
Relevant point 5: Your country is not worth waging war, since your military can't even put up a decent fight.
Relevant point 6: Since you are too retarded to know that both Thailand and Cambodia purchase military equipment from China, I suggest you shut your piehole on things you know nothing off.

Sir maybe you need a dictionary for the word relevance all of the points are invaild for the simply reason its nothing but senseless trolling and just pointless insults. the Fact remains you can't defend your claims in a civilized forum you use unhanded tactics bullying and economic pressuring which is not peaceful way settle things so please insult my people more do what you like your still wrong.And about us not going back to Panatag shoal your wrong one we have ship in the Area since its only 137miles from Luzon one we been going around the shoal the PCG have been ruining their since that incident so as for us not going their its still ours because we have ship in the area (Exercise of sovereignty) so your occupation is illegal an act of criminal aggression not to mention stealing and piracy and environmental violation of both local and international law well what do you expect form uncivilized jerks who country was founded by a warlord and continue that criminal tradition of aggression so ya insult away jerks your still wrong.
Sir maybe you need a dictionary for the word relevance all of the points are invaild for the simply reason its nothing but senseless trolling and just pointless insults. the Fact remains you can't defend your claims in a civilized forum you use unhanded tactics bullying and economic pressuring which is not peaceful way settle things so please insult my people more do what you like your still wrong.And about us not going back to Panatag shoal your wrong one we have ship in the Area since its only 137miles from Luzon one we been going around the shoal the PCG have been ruining their since that incident so as for us not going their its still ours because we have ship in the area (Exercise of sovereignty) so your occupation is illegal an act of criminal aggression not to mention stealing and piracy and environmental violation of both local and international law well what do you expect form uncivilized jerks who country was founded by a warlord and continue that criminal tradition of aggression so ya insult away jerks your still wrong.
You didn't complain about underhanded bullying tactics when you harassed and attempted to board our fishing boat last year. Now that you got a taste of your own medicine, you want us to be civilized towards you? You lost that right as soon as you started the conflict. Here is a hint. Don't start trouble, and you will have your teeth intact.
You didn't complain about underhanded bullying tactics when you harassed and attempted to board our fishing boat last year. Now that you got a taste of your own medicine, you want us to be civilized towards you? You lost that right as soon as you started the conflict. Here is a hint. Don't start trouble, and you will have your teeth intact.

We did a lawful thing by saving wildlife your so called fishermen were poachers it was only law to arrest them so your country are protecting International poachers? we have ship so the Navy and the Cost Guard are sharing responsibility defending the Philippines what you are going is criminal aggression and killing wild is new to the list.
We did a lawful thing by saving wildlife your so called fishermen were poachers it was only law to arrest them so your country are protecting International poachers? we have ship so the Navy and the Cost Guard are sharing responsibility defending the Philippines what you are going is criminal aggression and killing wild is new to the list.
Whose law? Certainly not your law. They were perfectly legal to fish in the area until you decided to enforce your monkey laws. Now we bring our law to you. You will never go anywhere near the island again without being arrested.
Whose law? Certainly not your law. They were perfectly legal to fish in the area until you decided to enforce your monkey laws. Now we bring our law to you. You will never go anywhere near the island again without being arrested.

Both International and local laws jerk! they were not we had evidence they were fishing protected marine species so again our fishermen can't even fish that they were poachers face facts and your pirate protection fleet prevented them from being lawfully arrested so this your peoples crimes so far : adding a felons from being arrested two undermining Filipino and international laws in Filipino waters and illegal occupation well de facto(in fact) not de jure (in jurisprudence) well you want prove! here's a link:

Panatag Shoal « "RC" goes online
Slide show: PHL Navy confronts Chinese fishing vessels in disputed waters | News | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere

See in you court jerks :woot:
Oh please that only your country stop pining this on us your country is the only trouble maker here the nerved of tell the victim that his the criminal by the criminal oh please man up and accept your fate. :woot: oh ya cry me a ocean!
You used military force first in a disputed area and now you are crying about being bullied. Letting you impose your law against our fishermen would mean we recognize your claim, which we don't. Can't stand the heat? Don't play with fire then.

Unfortunately for you, it's too late. You can kiss your wet dream goodbye. Next time you try to pull another stunt with your outdated navy, we will boot you off another island.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario has confirmed a former diplomat's claim that Huangyan Island is under China's control, according to a report on malaya.com.
You used military force first in a disputed area and now you are crying about being bullied. Letting you impose your law against our fishermen would mean we recognize your claim, which we don't. Can't stand the heat? Don't play with fire then.

Unfortunately for you, it's too late. You can kiss your wet dream goodbye. Next time you try to pull another stunt with your outdated navy, we will boot you off another island.

Sir first its now under the PCG not the Navy so stop posting false info the PCG is still there so your insults are nothing it does not change the fact that your aggression has no limited your country has no shame at all all doing this to hide problems at home. so please again we filipinos don't give a F@ck on your insults see you in court and leave our EZZ and our shoal and Islands you have no legitimate claims here all lies and fabricated evidence.
Sir first its now under the PCG not the Navy so stop posting false info the PCG is still there so your insults are nothing it does not change the fact that your aggression has no limited your country has no shame at all all doing this to hide problems at home. so please again we filipinos don't give a F@ck on your insults see you in court and leave our EZZ and our shoal and Islands you have no legitimate claims here all lies and fabricated evidence.
Your ships were armed, and attempting to impose your law in a disputed area frequently visited by our fishermen. That is a fact. We gave you a taste of your own medicine by evicting all your ships, and that's also a fact. We are way more polite than you, since we only drove you away instead of attempting to board and arrest. Why don't you show a little appreciation, because we could have simply put you under the ocean if we wanted.

If you want to bury your head up your own *** and keep living in your monkey bubble, that's fine too.
Your ships were armed, and attempting to impose your law in a disputed area frequently visited by our fishermen. That is a fact. We gave you a taste of your own medicine by evicting all your ships, and that's also a fact. We are way more polite than you, since we only drove you away instead of attempting to board and arrest. Why don't you show a little appreciation, because we could have simply put you under the ocean if we wanted.

If you want to bury your head up your own *** and keep living in your monkey bubble, that's fine too.

Ang kulit mo! Gago ka ba? :angry:(your so stubborn are you stupid!) One the Philippines have low number of ship so the Navy and the Cost guard so the have to team up to monitor our national waters two it is a lawful act to catch poachers (meaning your so called fishermen) it does not matter if the ship are armed or not as long its in your home waters and its only an arrest not a massacre dumb dumb china is a 1,000 miles away while our nearest cost is 123miles to Luzon so your argument is just typical chinese Imperialist expansionist nonsense.
Ang kulit mo! Gago ka ba? :angry:(your so stubborn are you stupid!) One the Philippines have low number of ship so the Navy and the Cost guard so the have to team up to monitor our national waters two it is a lawful act to catch poachers (meaning your so called fishermen) it does not matter if the ship are armed or not as long its in your home waters and its only an arrest not a massacre dumb dumb china is a 1,000 miles away while our nearest cost is 123miles to Luzon so your argument is just typical chinese Imperialist expansionist nonsense.
So you admit your armed ships were attempting to impose your law against our fishermen in a disputed area. That is all we need to drive you out. If distance was the measure, United States would not have Hawaii or Guam. We were sailing that area as far back as Eastern Han dynasty, when you were in your dirt huts.
So you admit your armed ships were attempting to impose your law against our fishermen in a disputed area. That is all we need to drive you out. If distance was the measure, United States would not have Hawaii or Guam. We were sailing that area as far back as Eastern Han dynasty, when you were in your dirt huts.

Well yes its lawful one its our sea Luzon is just 123 miles while china is a 1,000 miles away so what are you doing in our EZZ (exclusive economic zone) two why are you people taking our endemic and protected species and our fish are you people paying taxes? please i told you we still rebuilding our fleets so the cost guard and the navy have to share responsibility you still have nothing to prove your claims and your out of place imperialist.
Well yes its lawful one its our sea Luzon is just 123 miles while china is a 1,000 miles away so what are you doing in our EZZ (exclusive economic zone) two why are you people taking our endemic and protected species and our fish are you people paying taxes? please i told you we still rebuilding our fleets so the cost guard and the navy have to share responsibility you still have nothing to prove your claims and your out of place imperialist.
Proximity does not supersede historical right. We were the first Asian power to discover, sail and map the area, as far back as the 3rd century. You didn't even become independent until the 1940's. You have no right to enforce your laws on our traditional fishing ground. Thanks to your provocation, you will never go near the island again.
Correction One we have Independent Government before the 2century bc its called the barangay communities kinda like Greek city states second we been independent in 1898 but America took over us so we lost our Independents from them. third International law is clear on this China is a land mass its not a coastal state like the Philippines we are Country of Islands under UNCLOS we have EZZ and a regime of islands under our effective control china just started taking islands in the early 90s so in short china is not a coastal state so it should not have a bigger claim like the 9 dash claim its unlawful and china has agree to UNCLOS and china as a member of the UN should act like lawful nation (your country is a security member) its should act like a rouge state it should be a example so it should Enforce UNCLOS not violate it.
Now your argument is historical title but that's weak in International law because its historical legal title is needed which he are going right now in other words effective control over the EZZ which your claim is overlapping.
China Buys Cambodia


Chinese Harbin Z-9

February 7, 2013: China recently approved a $195 million loan for Cambodia so that poverty stricken country could buy new military equipment. Not surprisingly Cambodia used some of that money to order twelve Chinese Z-9 helicopters. The Z-9 is a license built version of the French AS 365N Dauphin. It's a four ton chopper with a two ton payload.

China has built over 200 of the Z-9s and many have been armed (with twin 23mm cannon, torpedoes, anti-tank missiles, and air-to-air missiles). The Z-9WE is the export version which is modified to more easily accept Western electronics and weapons. Cambodia is initially receiving the transport version of the Z-9.

China is the main supplier of military equipment to Cambodia. The U.S. had been ready to supply this material but backed off because of the corruption and mismanagement of the Cambodian government. That sort of thing does not scare off the Chinese. Moreover, the Chinese need some allies in this part of the world, because most other nations are uniting against Chinese claims to control the entire South China Sea. Cambodia has no problem with that because it has no seacoast on the South China Sea (just the Gulf of Thailand). Thus Cambodia is the only nation in Southeast Asia that is "not hostile" to China.

Procurement: China Buys Cambodia

Smart move by China :china:
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