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Stop maligning the military

Pleeze , dude -- The first thing to do is create an awareness that we may have a problem here and that it's serious -- the reaction to this is normal, those who disagree must put forward reasoned and persuasive positions that the suggested "problem" does not exist and if it does, it does so "elsewhere" in the machinery.

So, keep you calm -- it's not our place to be personally doing something and talking about it on a public discussion board --
Not exactly a very high aim.. is it?
That is like saying son.. I just want you to pass. .. forget getting good grades.. just pass and sit there without a future.

The military is taking a C- at best..

where are the evaluations, the rubric?

i look forward to full analysis
muhammed-bin-qasim behaves like this all the time.best to ignore him.

his posts are interesting, and his writing skill is great, it doesnt mean i am disrespecting him, but having khilafa in 4 months? i dont see it happening in 50-100 years let alone months.
Pakistani Army= A*

Pakistani People= C-

Pakistani Government= F

Long Live Pakistani Army :pakistan:
That was really funny, how can you say the “Army=A” and that “Pakistani people=C,” ……are the men and women in the Army imported from some foreign country?!

The Army is from us, as are the politicians.
Criticizing the Army does not necessarily means one is trying to pull it down.

In the spirit of healthy debate in an open and democratic society no institution, department and individual is above criticism.
That was really funny, how can you say the “Army=A” and that “Pakistani people=C,” ……are the men and women in the Army imported from some foreign country?!

The Army is from us, as are the politicians.

The men and women in army are working harder than civilians.

The pakistani people get a "C-" because if they really care so much for pakistan they should go out and protest,demand for change from the government they elected.

instead of demonizing pakistani army,why not the ppl of PK go out and deal with the Taliban,lets see how well they do? they wont fight taliban because they are not as brave as the pakistani soldiers who are laying down their lives for our country everyday.
The people who sit in their homes unconcerned, crying about the Army & everything in Pakistan; who have no idea what the Army does everyday for this country have no right to criticize it.
his posts are interesting, and his writing skill is great, it doesnt mean i am disrespecting him, but having khilafa in 4 months? i dont see it happening in 50-100 years let alone months.

As I said... already corrected...

As for people like Truth Teller who have nothing to contribute on the subject instead of third person cheap insults... dont bother replying to them...

and you are always welcome to the discussion on this issue... I know you have been curious from the very first day... trust me... I know what I m talking about... its going to happen... this I can assure you... and on that great day, the hypocrites shall cry and the believers shall rejoice...
The people who sit in their homes unconcerned, crying about the Army & everything in Pakistan; who have no idea what the Army does everyday for this country have no right to criticize it.

Yes... the people who sit and dont do anything get killed in a drone strike with the blessings of Americans who btw are great friends of Pakistan (Army) and thus the people's perception that Pakistan Army in itself is out to destroy this country... I am now totally convinced that apart from the aggressive secularists who have no grounding in Pakistan's ideology, we have traitors at the highest level of Pakistan military... certain things and events make such issues very clear even for the grasp of ordinary people... as for the rest of the military... no one is blaming them here anyway...

Not that i want to speak for the Army blindly but then selecting guud men and women is one thing and then after selection after giving them all the perks and privileges to make them do guud or deliver is another.

We all know that the FPCS selects the best among us through CSS exams but then we all know how these bureaucrats behaves when they get fond of all the perks.

The Army doesnt do that, or dont let that happen. We make sure that, that mali whom we enroll gives a 100% and delivers to the book and at the same time we also ensure that he is respected and is paid well in time. On the other hand we know how security guards, gardeners, clerks and Officer work in the civilian enterprises or departments. No one gets to his office or work place on time, no one sits there or work there till time, no one completes his day's routine, no one meets the dead lines or else under construction roads or bridges would not have stayed there like dump of men and material for years!!!

Further, there's no check on misuse of sarkari items. No one checks even if a clerk is misusing the vehicle, stationary or the utilities. We on the other hand penalize if such things occurs. But most importantly our men have developed that sense of uprightness. We normally dont get carried away by these small petty luxuries. We dont use sarkari stationary at our homes ( or should i say we dont have much that can be spared and taken home), we dont ravel back to our homes or sarkari vehicles, we dont sit idle in offices drinking tea, if we do, we have people who ask us for delays and rather dandofy us for it. The reason, well are not independent, we have a system in place where upon people keep an eye onus, now the 'people' can be your boss, your senior or someone from the intelligence sections.

In short, we deliver, and we deliver on time. We deliver in less resources and in less time. We dont complain if we are short of something, we adjust, we modify and we put in place the jugards, and the eyes are on the output, just the output. We dont ask a junior if he has slept at night or if he was sitting in his office till 9 pm, we just ask if the work had been completed or not. Certain times, this can be inhumane, but we dont care much, why, because we aim at the output and that's how militaries work.

i remember once we were out of the cantts for a collective exercise. Away from habitat and life. A close relative of mine died. i happened to be just 30-40 kms away from my home town. i had the option to take out my sarkari vehicle and reach my place. No questions asked. The vehicles would travel hundreds of kilometers daily in order to conduct recce, plan stimulated operations, fetch water and food, dispose off troops etc. i could have combined some LEGAL and LEGITIMATE outdoor activity with my journey back home and could have traveled to my village. Or screw that, i could have gone without telling anyone as i was the senior most in that camp and had no one to ask me. But i didnt. Because, one my training didnt allow me to misuse sarkari privileged, two, i didnt want to create a bad example infront of my troops who could later say, 'daikho jee, sahib khud tu chalay gaye thay fauji gari per, hum 10 bandon nay jana hai tu aik gari nahi mil sakti bus adday tak chornay k liye.'

i took the vehicle till the bus adds (i was supposed/allowed to as we were out of the cantts and did have our private vehicles with us). My relatives didnt inform me of the death because they knew it would be difficult for me to join the funeral, why? Because i was a fauji and they knew k fauji itni asani say chotti nahi ata. But by the time they informed me i was already too late, but still i planned that i could even walk a 40 kms in 4-6hours if i had too :). But still i didnt take the sarkari privilege. Guess what, i had to wait for like 2 hours at that stupid adda, a small town with no guud transpostation system. Then came the mighty Hiace (the death capsule), i again had to wait till it filled completely. i am sure you people know who these things work in Pakistan. And then on reaching my home town i had to take a rikshaw back home.

You know what, i didnt even require to mischief. i could just have informed my boss of the situation and he would gladly have allowed me to take that sarkari vehicle with me, no questions asked. Otherwise 40 kms was not a run that the Army couldnt spare for an Officer after 15 years. But then that's not what the Army has taught us. We dont embezzle and we dont cheat!

May be now we can think of re-grading the Army, right?
Yes... the people who sit and dont do anything get killed in a drone strike with the blessings of Americans who btw are great friends of Pakistan (Army) and thus the people's perception that Pakistan Army in itself is out to destroy this country... I am now totally convinced that apart from the aggressive secularists who have no grounding in Pakistan's ideology, we have traitors at the highest level of Pakistan military... certain things and events make such issues very clear even for the grasp of ordinary people... as for the rest of the military... no one is blaming them here anyway...

It's very easy to be swayed by propaganda against the only reason why our country is still surviving!
The people who sit in their homes unconcerned, crying about the Army & everything in Pakistan; who have no idea what the Army does everyday for this country have no right to criticize it.

For Christ sake can u stop blabbing? Like you have seen the Army? Are you just going to blindly believe what you here on news? Just leave the think tanks to debating. No hard feelings by the way..

There are many things our Army has committed wrong, and they must not deny it. I'm not degrading the Army, but I'm only speaking against it (I know alone I cant make any difference) so in future the rest of my Pakistan is not in this $hity situation.
For Christ sake can u stop blabbing? Like you have seen the Army? Are you just going to blindly believe what you here on news? Just leave the think tanks to debating. No hard feelings by the way..

There are many things our Army has committed wrong, and they must not deny it. I'm not degrading the Army, but I'm only speaking against it (I know alone I cant make any difference) so in future the rest of my Pakistan is not in this $hity situation.

I have my uncles (maternal & paternal) serving in the Army at all levels. Two of my paternal uncles have laid down their lives defending this country. I probably know more about the Army than you do, so please be careful when you speak ill of the army. The Pakistan Army has bravely fought against the enemies of this country, and is the sole reason why this country is still in tact against the evil designs of people that want Pakistan to break up, like they did before. The Pakistan Army has shown extreme restraint in most cases, but also brute force when faced with the prospect of this country's demise. The Pakistan Army has done nothing that any other admirable Army in the world hasn't done. So I'll repeat again, please be careful when you criticize the Pakistan Army. Don't do it just because it's fashionable to do so.
For Christ sake can u stop blabbing? Like you have seen the Army? Are you just going to blindly believe what you here on news? Just leave the think tanks to debating. No hard feelings by the way..

There are many things our Army has committed wrong, and they must not deny it. I'm not degrading the Army, but I'm only speaking against it (I know alone I cant make any difference) so in future the rest of my Pakistan is not in this $hity situation.

There's a lot of difference between having an army general/dictator ruling the country, and the army itself. You need to be clear on what you're trying to say.
I have my uncles (maternal & paternal) serving in the Army at all levels. Two of my paternal uncles have laid down their lives defending this country. I probably know more about the Army than you do, so please be careful when you speak ill of the army. The Pakistan Army has bravely fought against the enemies of this country, and is the sole reason why this country is still in tact against the evil designs of people that want Pakistan to break up, like they did before. The Pakistan Army has shown extreme restraint in most cases, but also brute force when faced with the prospect of this country's demise. The Pakistan Army has done nothing that any other admirable Army in the world hasn't done. So I'll repeat again, please be careful when you criticize the Pakistan Army.

marra no one asked for your families Army background. I can say the same stuff and say that my uncle today at this moment is in Swat, located in Kabal Tehsil in Shahderai serving with the Army. So what dude? Its his job to take orders. And no lol, I dont have to be carefull about speaking with you, I will interview my uncle who's a retired brigadier and give you his perspective on this war. Not every soldier in Pakistan likes the way this war is planned out either. I can criticize or back or Love the Army whenever I want. Please, save the rest to yourself Thank You..

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