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still we have hope from pakistani police

He knows that if i take the money what will i say on the day of judgement in front of Allah. surely if he dont been able to find an owner he will keep the money but he find the owner so he return the money tht wht Islam also says.

That we called a true muslim from heart who have fear of Allah in their hearts.

Salute the honest man
i think authorities must promote him on good position of job as per capability. :tup:
5.5 Million is a huge huge amount for a constable.He could probably spend 20+ years of his life without working just by relying on 5.5 million rs.It just reinforces my point that bad and good people are present in every society.
Very few honest people in the world. We need like these people.
5.5 Million!! dam!! I was thinking of Honda Accord:D
Salute to this great son of the nation and two to his parents who taught him well.
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