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State Department Reprimanded Pakistan for Misusing F-16s, Document Shows

Indian lobby is strong in United States. The fact Pakistanis don't understand. India recently even hired a firm to lobby for Indian interest in the United States, that on top of already present Americans of Indian origin whose heart lies in India and even though American citizen, their interests lies with India.
They work hard (Indian government) for their ends, no matter how fair or unfair. I would not be too sure, met many American Indians who were more American than their Indian origins, including a number of them who immigrated, however a common hate towards Pakistan and Bangladesh exists amongst them. Never saw this with lets say Americans of Indian-origins in USAF for example, they just didn't care at all.
This statement is coming out very late. There are US personnel deployed on PAF bases responsible for F-16s "protection of technology".
WOW> WHen will Pakistan be truly free??? It seems as though Pakistan is in the shackles of US or/and GCC.

I don't understand why we are using these jets if we can't attack India from these jets.practically Americans can disable these jets during conflict and it's better to sell all f-16s or change terms of use otherwise sell it to other country.i can't believe that we compromised our security just because we wanted to fly f-16. Ridiculous.
I fully understand your good point. Freedom and control are often more valuable than access and money.
Guys relax. It's lip service to keep the Indian lobby happy (you know the one that was constantly bitching about WHY DID PAK USE F-16's AGAINST US??? :laughcry:), just look at how much their media are ejaculating over this one article like it's some sort of epic defeat for Pak. Would US have signed a multi million dollar deal to upgrade Pak F-16's after this whole incident?


DATED JULY 29, a few days before this "reprimand" took place? LOL
They themselves are confused about their own End-User Agreement. First they said that we couldn't use the Fighting Falcon for Strikes against another Nation and now the narrative appears that they can't be placed at other Bases. WTF!!!
Thats kinda true. I think F 16s can only land on Bohlari, Jacobabad and Sargodha
WOW> WHen will Pakistan be truly free??? It seems as though Pakistan is in the shackles of US or/and GCC.

I fully understand your good point. Freedom and control are often more valuable than access and money.
According to Indians Pakistan was going to get a good spanking by US for using F-16s against India. Nothing happened. They even refused to comment. US only wants to stop proliferation of its tech to China. Otherwise how would we use 500 BVRs against TTP???
In the next round of re-certifications, these FOB's will be included.
Americans are absolute cunts. I am really glad they are behaving this way. Should put the final nail in the coffin very soon. Such behavior is to be expected since US is the granddad of Rapistan India. Who else is going to protect rape nation India?

I am so glad we gave these sons of bitches a middle finger after Salala. It feels justified and very good.

As for the F-16s, use them and abuse them and let the Americans cry rivers.

yeah.. right.. o_O

Any Pakistani general or air marshal who advises to buy US weapons in future shud b shot for treason

Start shooting then. You'd be out of pilots... and Generals..

Gradually, we are getting rid of US arms dependency.

Yeah right.. o_O

They even celebrated after India's Russian made jet was shot down

well of course. Its another kill for our F-16. How many kills does those Ivan made jets have does your neighbor have? :-)
well of course. Its another kill for our F-16. How many kills does those Ivan made jets have does your neighbor have? :-)

Using American jets to shoot down Indian planes is just good politics. Well played PAF. :partay:
What surprises me is after all this blackmailing from muricans some people still are talking about Block 70s and V-updates. The nations die for their honour. We have somehow learnt to live without it. I have put it earlier as well; a relatively inferior weapon with a reliable supply chain is better than having a superior weapon with an unreliable supply chain.
F-16s will come with assistance of CSF. What is better than having the best technology which you have mastered, and cast fear deep into the hearts of the “MissileTruck” “Mini AWACS” riders.

F-16s still has a place in PAF and any chance if we get should be utilized to procure them further.

Dont fall for this article. Media is a playground for politics. The reality is confined to the talks of politicians, nothing else.

well of course. Its another kill for our F-16. How many kills does those Ivan made jets have does your neighbor have? :-)
Now that’s the appreciation post from an American i was waiting for. After all, we gave your bird further scores. :-):-)

PAF has been busy marketing F-16s more than JF-17 :cheers:

@Mangus Ortus Novem
yeah.. right.. o_O

Start shooting then. You'd be out of pilots... and Generals..

Yeah right.. o_O

well of course. Its another kill for our F-16. How many kills does those Ivan made jets have does your neighbor have? :-)

LOL just like we threw you out of Pakistan the next step is to get rid of F-16s. Why do you think we are investing in JF-17?

Now go and support your Indian rapist buddies.

Brother mine,

I have wondered as well... but why?

Why underplay Our little Hunter-Killer-Bird?

I suspect here my dear @MastanKhan is right on the mark... so PAF did the right thing. I still believe that KhafeeLeaks1 and KhafeeLeaks2 to pan out as he has said.

It is NOT about F sola it is about loosing the grip on Pakistan entirely... having no real leverage left.

Now Yanks are danggling the carrot of trade...which they should have done a while back...

DoMore failed miserably...so it is back to the drawing board.

Unless, we, Paks, climb the MaturityCurve fast in Statecraft we shall repeat the same mistake but this time with horrible consequences... more on it in Hybridwar thread.

Regarding, State Dept. .... in a way it has become a sad sight... the Gangufication of the US Policy... once a Hyperpower is now reduced to throw out soundbites to appease GanguEgo.. in a hope that it can be a counterweight to China...which it NEVER will...

So, we need to grow a backbone and shrug off such soundbites...

Have you seen PakSenate's standing committee on Foreign Relation gave a very terse response to Mrs Wells recent critique of CPEC. It was for the First Time in History of Pakistan that such a statement came out...

Long road to Freedom... but until we have some homegrown/made solution to the replacement of F solaz ..we might as well upgrade it... given the Human and Material infrastructure we have in place...


We have elements in the air force just like we have in the armed forces that received training in the US through various exchanges. These remnants are dinosaurs now. They are stuck in the 80s and 90s, but the truth is that the decision-making core of both Pak armed forces and air force have made radical changes over the years. Our commitment to work closely with China in so many areas is testimony to this fact. From defence related projects to economic cooperation. The US has been shown the exit door. The Americans are desperately trying to make a comeback, but that won't happen anymore.

After US treachery every person understands that relations with the US are a big NO NO.

F-16s are with PAF until we deposit them in the scrapyard. In other words, the current batch of F-16s are the last fighters that PAF ever received from the US. Every person on this forum understands that US hardware won't ever make it to Pakistan.

Enjoy while it lasts.
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LOL just like we threw you out of Pakistan the next step is to get rid of F-16s. Why do you think we are investing in JF-17?

Now go and support your Indian rapist buddies.

We have elements in the air force just like we have in the armed forces that received training in the US through various exchanges. These remnants are dinosaurs now. They are stuck in the 80s and 90s, but the truth is that the decision-making core of both Pak armed forces and air force have made radical changes over the years. Our commitment to work closely with China in so many areas is testimony to this fact. From defence related projects to economic cooperation. The US has been shown the exit door. The Americans are desperately trying to make a comeback, but that won't happen anymore.

After US treachery every person understands that relations with the US are a big NO NO.

F-16s are with PAF until we deposit them in the scrapyard. In other words, the current batch of F-16s are the last fighters that PAF ever received from the US. Every person on this forum understands that US hardware won't ever make it to Pakistan.

Enjoy while it lasts.
Fanboys as ELITE MEMBERS, quite common these days.

You fail to see F-16, China assistance and JF17 from realistic point of view.

There was a time, when we were in US Bucket, India was in Russia’s. US gave us the best they had to offer but with strings and sanctions. But the point is ‘BEST’.

Now, we aren’t in their bucket, we are in China’s. What china currently has to offer best Is J-20. If China agrees on it, we can thus agree that Pak-China are indeed Friends more than just strategic Ally’s, if no J-20, then just strategic ally’s on mutual interests.
All the CPEC, the development, the historical assistance of China in history is no doubt proving, more than anyone else. But that doesn’t mean you start ‘BOOTLICKING’.

USA might be bad and clever at tables, but once you work with them, you reap the benefits just like KSA having F-15, UAEAF F-16E and others.

Instead of appreciating China’s moves as strategic gestures, people take it as gifts and ‘ahsan’ and forget the real motive that ‘PAKISTAN MUST AIM FOR 90-100% self reliance’ and keep all international options open rather siding with China completely that for the time being is an ally, what future holds, God knows.

Once Block 3 proves itself to be at par with Block 70 or 60 on multiple aspects, USA will definitely further negotiate with us on new F-16 B70 and viper procurements as thunder won’t leave a technological gap. This time it will be them who initiate the deal. Write it down...

Jab larka acha nai kamata, settled bai hota, larki walay reject kardete hain, lekin jab future mein wohi larka acha kamara hota hai well settled, larki walay ‘KAASH’ ‘KAASH’ karte phirtay hain. Sometimes khud hi propose karne ajatay hain.

Block 3 will already cover the aspects USA didn’t want us to get, Rafale will do that for India.

@MastanKhan @Mangus Ortus Novem
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This statement is coming out very late. There are US personnel deployed on PAF bases responsible for F-16s "protection of technology".
those personnel on contrary were very happy proud and joyous that F16 shot down the Su30

this is a statement from a personal friend who belongs to PAF family and lives in PAF base

from you that these aircraft movements were done in support of national defense objectives," Thompson wrote in the letter, "the U.S. government considers the relocation of aircraft to non-U.S. government authorized bases concerning and inconsistent with the F-16 Letter of Offer and Acceptance."

"Such actions could subject sensitive U.S.-technologies to diversion to or access by third parties, and could undermine our shared security platforms and infrastructures," Thompson wrote.

their issue is potential tech theft

NOT the use against India

Americans were proud that their platform shot down Russian best jet

According to Indians Pakistan was going to get a good spanking by US for using F-16s against India. Nothing happened. They even refused to comment. US only wants to stop proliferation of its tech to China. Otherwise how would we use 500 BVRs against TTP???
why BVR against TTP?
think you meant laser guided bombs
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