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Star Wars and the possible New World Order


Jun 4, 2011
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I have been watching Star Wars since I was a child. I eventually had grown up, and I notice something very disturbing about the movie, especially the new series.

As we know, there is a NWO conspiracy theory, about creating a worldwide dictatorship, with a single leader and no freedoms, and so on..

And when I look at Star Wars, we see a large group of jedis (politicians) being lied by a single person, just a single person, who eventually, exterminate all the good guys, and create an empire.

Freemasons and illimunati are large part of the NWO theory, and Star Wars include many freemason symbols and teachers - for example Yoda.

George Lucas is a freemason too.

So, don't you think, the Star Wars sequel, is not just a movie, but something to prepare us? The correlation is just too big. For example Bush says in 1990 "There shall be peace, when this New World Order is created", while Palpatine says "There shall be peace, when all jedis are exterminated"

Palpatine orchestrates the Galactic War, Bush does the same - orchestrates the War on Terror. Palpatine turns the Republic into Empire, because of safety concerns, and Bush did the same - after 9/11.

The war in the Galaxy cost a thousands of billions of the intergalactic citizens - the War on Terror costed the same ammounts on the American population.

George Lucas films were shot many years ago, years before the NWO theory was created, but the events are just too similar.

So, what do you think? I'm not mad, but I ask myself this question in the last days, and I don't find logic answer.
lol nice conspiracy theory

first of all the Jedi's were not politicians. They were protector of the republic and the democratic system of their kingdom.

Who told you that Yoda was a freemason? a part from the brief paragraph written on wikipedia
Yoda is ancient freemason teacher.

And the Jedis WERE some type of politicians, because they had some type of council.

Don't you think, the correlation is too big?
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