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Stanford DNA survey finds all humans are 99.9% the same.

Cheers to that 0.1 % which makes all the diff.

It doesn't.

Most of the stuff related to racism is a product of our own self made biases and hatred towards fellow human beings. Human DNA is not only 99.9% the same, but also has the same source. It effectively flushes the theory of "race" down the toilet. No such thing as race actually exists. We have used our cultural evolution,languages,skin color,eye color,hair color,height to define who's superior not our DNA.

Our skin color evolved according to Vitamin D intake, which we get in plenty from the sun. That should explain how over the long periods of history, the close proximity geographies to the equator ended up with a darker complexion than to those living 35 degrees and above. Our skin color evolved as a defensive mechanism to our native environment,which allowed us to protect ourselves better. 3 out of 5 white Australians catch skin cancer at some stage in their life, why?...because their skin is not suited for the Australian environment. On the other hand, the aboriginals do just fine, as their skin is their best protective mechanism from the sun.

Racism sucks, just think of the amount of people killed in the WWII because of the "Theory of Eugenics."
Most of the stuff related to racism is a product of our own self made biases and hatred towards fellow human beings. Human DNA is not only 99.9% the same, but also has the same source. It effectively flushes the theory of "race" down the toilet. No such thing as race actually exists. We have used our cultural evolution,languages,skin color,eye color,hair color,height to define who's superior not our DNA.

I am no expert, but the study of races or human DNA in general is constantly evolving. The theory of race has not been conclusively discredited. Genetic similarity does not prove that race is a social construct, & neither does it prove the claims of radical feminists that gender is a social construct.

Science is continuously evolving, read this article for instance.

A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It

On a conference call a few weeks later, Frudakis reported his results on their killer. "Your guy could be African-American or Afro-Caribbean, but there is no chance that this is a Caucasian." There was a prolonged silence, followed by a flurry of questions. They all came down to this: Would Frudakis bet his life on his results? Absolutely.

More articles:

Do Human Races Exist?

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

Do Culture-Only Theories Explain the Data? Culture-only theories do not explain the highly consistent pattern of race differences in IQ, especially the East Asian data. No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only theory would predict.

Our skin color evolved according to Vitamin D intake, which we get in plenty from the sun. That should explain how over the long periods of history, the close proximity geographies to the equator ended up with a darker complexion than to those living 35 degrees and above. Our skin color evolved as a defensive mechanism to our native environment,which allowed us to protect ourselves better. 3 out of 5 white Australians catch skin cancer at some stage in their life, why?...because their skin is not suited for the Australian environment. On the other hand, the aboriginals do just fine, as their skin is their best protective mechanism from the sun.

You are correct, but skin color doesn't have much to do with race. People of the same race have varying skin tones that are adapted to different environments. African albinos for instance are fair skinned but that does not make them Caucasians. Their physical features apart from skin color are the same as regular black Africans. Skin color variation is present in Caucasians too.

Racism sucks, just think of the amount of people killed in the WWII because of the "Theory of Eugenics."

Discrimination on racial basis is wrong, similar to how calling people racists is wrong just because they acknowledge the existence of different races. In any case, most of the discussion on race these days is heavily clouded by ideological differences.

The fact remains that human races have varying appearances & physical characteristics, & for most people; that's all that matters. The diversity in humans needs to be cherished & not ignored or suppressed. People can get along better by acknowledging those differences & respecting them. In the quest for equality, it must not be forgotten that true equality is nonexistent in nature, & the worst form of inequality is trying to make unequal things equal.
I am no expert, but the study of races or human DNA in general is constantly evolving. The theory of race has not been conclusively discredited. Genetic similarity does not prove that race is a social construct, & neither does it prove the claims of radical feminists that gender is a social construct.

Science is continuously evolving, read this article for instance.

A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It

More articles:

Do Human Races Exist?

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

You are correct, but skin color doesn't have much to do with race. People of the same race have varying skin tones that are adapted to different environments. African albinos for instance are fair skinned but that does not make them Caucasians. Their physical features apart from skin color are the same as regular black Africans. Skin color variation is present in Caucasians too.

Discrimination on racial basis is wrong, similar to how calling people racists is wrong just because they acknowledge the existence of different races. In any case, most of the discussion on race these days is heavily clouded by ideological differences.

The fact remains that human races have varying appearances & physical characteristics, & for most people; that's all that matters. The diversity in humans needs to be cherished & not ignored or suppressed. People can get along better by acknowledging those differences & respecting them. In the quest for equality, it must not be forgotten that true equality is nonexistent in nature, & the worst form of inequality is trying to make unequal things equal.

Excellent post.

Yes, acknowledging the existence of different races does not make one racist and its better to acknowledge different races than to suppress the existence of difference.

I would like to add something. IMO, different races should exist differently. I would advocate the cause for racial segregation on the basis of harmony and equality. Segregation does not necessarily mean unequal discrimination. Any guy is not denied equal treatment if he is simply not allowed to live together with persons who belong to a different race. The guy may have access to all the privileges his racial counterparts can have but that does not mean they cannot live in separate spaces. Separation gives you autonomy which is more important to you than to be subordinate to aliens who you are living with.

You want to live separately from someone does not mean you want to fight him. We live separately does not mean we should not be cooperating and friendly to each other. Personally I don't want to be touched by some people belonging to the eastern religious communities because I feel disgusted. Shouldn't my feelings be respected? I feel disgusted when I sit in a crowded vehicle with people who don't belong to my race, I feel disgusted when body smells come from aliens, I also feel disgusted when I hear them talking each other in an alien language, I just can't take their way of smiling, every kind of behavior --- does that mean I hate them, I want to hurt them? NO. I just don't wanna be with them. They can live their own way but let me be on my own.

Racial segregation with equality will leave the world with less conflicts.
Excellent post.

Yes, acknowledging the existence of different races does not make one racist and its better to acknowledge different races than to suppress the existence of difference.

Exactly, differences always have & always will continue to exist.

I would like to add something. IMO, different races should exist differently. I would advocate the cause for racial segregation on the basis of harmony and equality. Segregation does not necessarily mean unequal discrimination. Any guy is not denied equal treatment if he is simply not allowed to live together with persons who belong to a different race. The guy may have access to all the privileges his racial counterparts can have but that does not mean they cannot live in separate spaces. Separation gives you autonomy which is more important to you than to be subordinate to aliens who you are living with.

You want to live separately from someone does not mean you want to fight him. We live separately does not mean we should not be cooperating and friendly to each other. Personally I don't want to be touched by some people belonging to the eastern religious communities because I feel disgusted. Shouldn't my feelings be respected? I feel disgusted when I sit in a crowded vehicle with people who don't belong to my race, I feel disgusted when body smells come from aliens, I also feel disgusted when I hear them talking each other in an alien language, I just can't take their way of smiling, every kind of behavior --- does that mean I hate them, I want to hurt them? NO. I just don't wanna be with them. They can live their own way but let me be on my own.

Racial segregation with equality will leave the world with less conflicts.

I do not agree with the apartheid style forced racial segregation that existed in South Africa. However, I do feel bad for the Afrikaner minority in South Africa, & am against the genocide being committed there by black South Africans. All humans have the right to interact & associate with each other, live wherever they want, eat wherever they want, & sit on any seat they want in a bus, etc. Segregating people by force is inhumane.

Generally, most immigrants tend to form their own communities in foreign countries. This kind of setup occurs naturally, it's understandable & perfectly acceptable. As long as the immigrants are legal, & law abiding citizens, I see no problem with it. This does not imply that I support mass immigration to the extent that a nation's demographics change entirely or its heritage & culture is destroyed.

Some people support segregation because of the crimes other ethnic groups commit in their country. I disagree with them too. The behavior of immigrants & other minorities can easily be controlled, by legislating harsher punishments, deportation, having a law enforcement unburdened by claims of racial profiling & discrimination, & educating the general populace on self defense. Having a fair, free, & unbiased media where people aren't labelled racists for expressing their views goes a long way in helping the situation.

If you do not want to live with other races, then that is your decision to make & I agree that it doesn't make you racist. To some extent it's only natural to want to live among your own people. However, I just can't support forced racial segregation. Other races & cultures shouldn't be despised, & there is always the possibility that people of different backgrounds learn & benefit from each other.
God must be a darn good programmer seeing as 0.1% of DNA variation can bring about so many differences among human populations.

I can't wait to hear some random retard yell "gender is a social construct" due to his or her's flawed reasoning of human DNA being so genetically similar. :lol:

Correct, remember the difference between male and female at the basic genetic level is one chromosome, chromosome Y, males have it and females don't and that single chromosome can alter gender.
There are only 4 races right? If not then finding bone marrow become even more difficult.

In anthropology there are at least 4 main racial classifications accepted Negroid, Australoid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid.
Ḥashshāshīn;4553561 said:

Sorry that I came to this so late. I haven't been on in a while.

I can refute the implications of the OP in a simple sentence.

Humans and Chimpanzees share 98% of the same DNA. WE ARE ALL THE SAME!!

Edit: Lastly, the study is over a decade old. This is more than a generation in genetic sequencing terms.
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Sorry that I came to this so late. I haven't been on in a while.

I can refute the implications of the OP in a simple sentence.

Humans and Chimpanzees share 98% of the same DNA. WE ARE ALL THE SAME!!

Edit: Lastly, the study is over a decade old. This is more than a generation in genetic sequencing terms.

Sir the latest studies have been published on the same topic in the Journal Nature, im trying to get a copy.

Yes Chimps are 98% identical in DNA, but that wasn't the purpose of this thread, the purpose of this thread was to say what science has been saying for a while that the 'Concept of Race' is bogus! - We not only have an almost exact DNA structure but also the 'exact same DNA SOURCE'. We all have a common ancestor.
Sir the latest studies have been published on the same topic in the Journal Nature, im trying to get a copy.

Yes Chimps are 98% identical in DNA, but that wasn't the purpose of this thread, the purpose of this thread was to say what science has been saying for a while that the 'Concept of Race' is bogus! - We not only have an almost exact DNA structure but also the 'exact same DNA SOURCE'. We all have a common ancestor.

Then the concept of different species is bogus.

We share 98% of our DNA with Chimps. It's that 2% difference which leads to the Hubble Space telescope, the cure for disease, artificial intelligence, and probes leaving the Solar System.

The concept of race is very much alive and is objectively a scientific fact.

Tell me, where did these two people's ancestors evolve? Can you tell me? Or, by your own hypothesis, it's impossible to tell because we are so alike?


Sir the skin color, hair color , eye color is nothing but a composition of pigments which reflect light on a certain angle, which eyes read as a specific color. Skin/Eye/Hair colors are evolved forms of a biological defensive mechanism which allowed us to become more 'survivable in a climatic condition' our ancestors existed in for lengthy periods of time. All dark skin colors evolved in areas close to the equator line and the fairer skin colors evolved in areas further than than the equator line.

As for the science, dear sir, you should read about the genesis of science, from the Babylonians, to Scythian s,Greeks, Chinese, Indians, Arabs and so on. Development in science has to do with socio-economic conditions and a 'culture of research' than having to do with 'perceived intelligence' level of a race/culture.
Sir the skin color, hair color , eye color is nothing but a composition of pigments which reflect light on a certain angle, which eyes read as a specific color. Skin/Eye/Hair colors are evolved forms of a biological defensive mechanism which allowed us to become more 'survivable in a climatic condition' our ancestors existed in for lengthy periods of time. All dark skin colors evolved in areas close to the equator line and the fairer skin colors evolved in areas further than than the equator line.

As for the science, dear sir, you should read about the genesis of science, from the Babylonians, to Scythian s,Greeks, Chinese, Indians, Arabs and so on. Development in science has to do with socio-economic conditions and a 'culture of research' than having to do with 'perceived intelligence' level of a race/culture.

I will give an example, Laloo Yadav and his Family.. When they were poor they were dark complexion, once they became rich They start living in Air-Conditioned environment, They became fair like apple... When 30 year of cold weather (Air conditoner) can change a human. Imagine some one living in cold for 10000 years...

Michal Jackson, When he de-pigmented himself he became Gora..

Google Human Migration Map
I will give an example, Laloo Yadav and his Family.. When they were poor they were dark complexion, once they became rich They start living in Air-Conditioned environment, They became fair like apple... When 30 year of cold weather (Air conditoner) can change a human. Imagine some one living in cold for 10000 years...

Michal Jackson, When he de-pigmented himself he became Gora..

Google Human Migration Map

Damn,that's funny:rofl:
One thing I don't understand, maybe someone can elaborate.

The Arabian Peninsula/Iran is the hottest place on the Earth. So how come Arab/Persians are lighter skinned than Indians or Africans?
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