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Stand-off with China in Ladakh is India’s worst border tension since Kargil in 1999

Prospects look scary from India's POV:
  • Cyber warfare
  • Electronic warfare
  • Drone warfare
  • Stand-off munitions warfare
*Recent Turkish expeditions in Syria and Libya have shown with the proper usage of EW and drones amours/artillery/infantry etc. can be decimated in a non-contact fashion within a localized battlespace without the serious air force involvement

With that u just proved you understand nothing about China-India Border, where even Guns are non existent.
:rofl::rofl::rofl:.......and China hasn't???????........WTF!!!!!!!!!..........China is a superpower now set to become the world's first ever global hyper power. india is a severely impoverished 3rd world nation. You are right, india is in a different league now. 100s of leagues below China. In 1962, india was ahead of China yet China still defeated india. Imagine what they would do to india now.
as said, you don't and won't get it. different league.
pathetic init? you're so disappointed in your country taht you have to adopt China even in a conversation.

You can never be disappointed when you belong to the race and nation that has neutralized, subdued and thwarted a 7x bigger enemy for nearly 73 years...........:azn: The first country in the ENTIRE history of mankind to have achieved this feat..........:azn:..............india is so pathetic and inferior that they have to spread propaganda and fake news just to show that they can even remotely think about competing with the Pakistani army.............:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

China is a brother nation of Pakistan. Of course I will support and promote China till the hilt. Especially against a common hateful, evil and genocidal enemy like india who calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation. Weren't indians demanding that america attack and destroy Pakistan when the WOT started in 2001? Wasn't moti calling for the world community to isolate and destroy Pakistan?
I have missed last 16 pages of this thread, can someone tell me if this tension is exaggerated or not.

On scale of 1-10, 1 being nothing and 10 being very serious
You can never be disappointed when you belong to the race and nation that has neutralized, subdued and thwarted a 7x bigger enemy for nearly 73 years...........:azn: The first country in the ENTIRE history of mankind to have achieved this feat..........:azn:..............india is so pathetic and inferior that they have to spread propaganda and fake news just to show that they can even remotely think about competing with the Pakistani army.............:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

China is a brother nation of Pakistan. Of course I will support and promote China till the hilt. Especially against a common hateful, evil and genocidal enemy like india who calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation. Weren't indians demanding that america attack and destroy Pakistan when the WOT started in 2001? Wasn't moti calling for the world community to isolate and destroy Pakistan?

you will never recover from that 93000 surrender, so understandable to see you try and lash out. pity
you will never recover from that 93000 surrender, so understandable to see you try and lash out. pity

Actually it was 45,000 troops and 48,000 members of their family. So indians admit, the ONLY time they can compete with the Pakistan Army is when the bengalis are fighting for them and that there are only 45,000 troops 2750 kms from Pakistan surrounded by 100 million hostile bengalis and another 500 million hostile indians.......:lol:.......so you admit to the inferiority of the indian military.........:lol: Probably why you indians could not stop 35% of your territory being annexed in the creation.of Pakistan.......:azn:......:lol:

Now 38,000 square kms of indian territory has been annexed by China.......:azn::


Seems like indians are forever doomed to being ashamed for surrendering 35% of their territory in the creation of Pakistan in 1947 and then losing 38,000 square kms of indian territory to the Chinese since the 1960s..........:azn:......:lol:
Nilgiri and Stephan Cohen ajao Bhai lol. Mighty India hahaha.


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