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Srinagar scandal: Rights activists call for mass graves probe


My job is to supervise debates according to our forum rules. I have explained it plainly. If you don't accept or comply, i'd have to do what i am supposed to.

Best Regards.
Completely agreed. These scums should be the last voice on behalf of humanity.


A section of the Army is responsible for the killings of innocent Kashmiris and it is true that till now we have not done enough to bring them under the rule of law. But this is not the righteous justification for the liberation of Kashmir. The entire region is under threat of Islamic terrorism and we simply can not afford to lose Kashmir at this critical moment.

Isnt Gautam Navkakha the man who called Afsal Guru's hanging a historic blunder???

So should i be surprised when he calls our Kashmir Indian administered Kashmir???:lol:
Norphisor said:
Navlakha, however, estimated that there were more than 6,700 mass graves in Indian-administered Kashmir.

He surely gets his cheques from the other side of our border.
But it shows the magnanimity of Indian society that people like Navalkha are able to have their say openly on any issue, even if it is contrary to the official positions.
Completely agreed. These scums should be the last voice on behalf of humanity.


A section of the Army is responsible for the killings of innocent Kashmiris and it is true that till now we have not done enough to bring them under the rule of law. But this is not the righteous justification for the liberation of Kashmir. The entire region is under threat of Islamic terrorism and we simply can not afford to lose Kashmir at this critical moment.

No offence bro, but this is nonsense. A section of the army is an exaggeration. One or two isolated incidents doesn't mean section of the army. And mind you these isolated incidents too happened in the smoke and dust of full blown guerrilla war, where thinking and vision can get impaired and disciplined soldiers can go astray.

We have to get out of this mindset mate, of "giving away little grounds" to pacify our adversary. Stand your ground, our boys have done no wrong, and the ones that did get carried away have been disciplined and punished.
Completely agreed. These scums should be the last voice on behalf of humanity.


A section of the Army is responsible for the killings of innocent Kashmiris and it is true that till now we have not done enough to bring them under the rule of law. But this is not the righteous justification for the liberation of Kashmir. The entire region is under threat of Islamic terrorism and we simply can not afford to lose Kashmir at this critical moment.

A l Kashmir belongs to the Kasmiris, not you and me.

B l If Indian govt and the Army is not guilty of commiting a holocaust, then they must allow an independant international probe by the UNHRC.

If it had happened in my nation i would want to know the truth.
A l Kashmir belongs to the Kasmiris, not you and me.

And kashmiris are Indians.
Kashmir is treated like a separate entity in itself is the biggest mistake both the India and Pakistan make so often.

Dr Fai's charges have been dropped by the US courts.

US court orders Dr Fai’s release

I can see how truth about your nation's mass murder of Kashmiris is detrimental to your morally bankrupt concious.

wrong..he pleads guilty for being an ISI's spy....

US-based Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, accused of being an ISI agent and trying to influence American policy on Kashmir today pleaded guilty on federal charges of spying for the Pakistani spy agency.
Fai also acknowledged receiving money from the Pakistani spy agency through clandestine routes and causing revenue losses.

Pleading before the US Eastern District Court of Virginia, Fai pleaded guilty and agreed to the charges of federal prosecutors that he received at least $3.5 million from ISI between 1990 and 2011. This resulted in a revenue loss of between $200,000 to 400,000 to the US government.

His sentencing is scheduled for March 9. Fai agreed before the court that he was in direct contact with the ISI officials including the head of its security directorate.

He conceded receiving talking points from ISI regarding what to say and write. He agreed that he received directions from ISI with regard to which specific individuals to invite for KAC conferences.

Fai, 62, has consented to forfeit all four bank accounts in his name or in the name of KAC totalling about $140,000. He also agreed before the court that he had send to the ISI annual budget of the KAC for approval.

He continues to be under house arrest till the time of his sentencing. Fai was arrested on spying charges on July 19 and then put under house arrest.

A resident of Fairfax Virginia, an affluent suburb of Washington DC, Fai was head of the Kashmiri American Council (KAC) and claimed to lobby on behalf of the people of Kashmir.

Federal prosecutors, in their submission before the court, have charged him with working for the ISI and accepting millions of dollars from the spy agency.

He is accused of funnelling $4 million ISI money into the US to influence country's Kashmir policy.

His handlers in Pakistan allegedly funnelled millions through the Kashmir Centre to contribute to US elected officials, fund high-profile conferences and pay for other efforts that promoted the Kashmiri cause to decision-makers in Washington, US attorney Neil MacBride had said in July.

"Mr Fai is accused of a decades-long scheme with one purpose to hide Pakistan's involvement behind his efforts to influence the US government's position on Kashmir," MacBride had said.

The affidavit alleged that although the KAC held itself out to be a Kashmiri organisation run by Kashmiris and financed by Americans, it was one of three "Kashmir Centers" that are actually run by elements of the Pakistani government, including ISI. The two other Kashmir Centers are in London and Brussels.

The FBI had arrested Fai for allegedly collaborating with ISI by "clandestinely" funnelling hundreds and thousands of dollars to change the view of American lawmakers on Kashmir.

Fai pleads guilty to being ISI agent in US
Kashmiri pandits were also butchered and dumped into mass graves by these so called Freedom fighters. I wonder where does the conscious of Pakistanis go regarding them?

My job is to supervise debates according to our forum rules. I have explained it plainly. If you don't accept or comply, i'd have to do what i am supposed to.
Best Regards.
My job is to put forward the views of mine.
I have all the rights to do so.
A l Kashmir belongs to the Kasmiris, not you and me.

B l If Indian govt and the Army is not guilty of commiting a holocaust, then they must allow an independant international probe by the UNHRC.

If it had happened in my nation i would want to know the truth.

We are not going to allow an independent international probe. India states that Kashmir is an integral part of India.. Just because you says its belongs to Kashmiri's does not make it so. As far as we are concerned this is an internal matter and it will remain so.. About the bolded part, let us see when you will allow international probe team for investigation for things happening in various parts of your country.. Not that I support any such kind of movement as it is your internal matter but anyone can say anything they want, it what they do really matters.. You are wasting your time crying for international probe.Its not going to happen..
A l Kashmir belongs to the Kasmiris, not you and me.
B l If Indian govt and the Army is not guilty of commiting a holocaust, then they must allow an independant international probe by the UNHRC.
If it had happened in my nation i would want to know the truth.
Already happening in Pakistan.
In Baluchistan and in NWFP.

Well Pakistan also don't care of UN ruling, like UN declared HS as terrorist too.
A l Kashmir belongs to the Kasmiris, not you and me.

Agreed. But Pakistan violated this very rule long back in 1947-48.

B l If Indian govt and the Army is not guilty of commiting a holocaust, then they must allow an independant international probe by the UNHRC.
An Indian administered probe is well enough and we simply do not need an International intervention for the matter as Pakistan's long cherished dream. Our judicial system is well tested and extremely efficient for a neutral probe.So sorry,we won't be allowing UN to come to mediate.

If it had happened in my nation i would want to know the truth.

I don't want to bring it but you seem not to when it comes to Baluchistan issue. We are waiting to see a free and fair judgement from you on B-Issue also.

this is how they manipulate things happening in kashmir .:coffee:
These Jholachhap hypocrits should also write and care about Kashmiri Pundits then only one would take them seriously otherwise people will reject them as being double standards.
And kashmiris are Indians.
Kashmir is treated like a separate entity in itself is the biggest mistake both the India and Pakistan make so often.

They are Kashmiris not Indians. The very problem is India denying the Kashmiri people their God given right to self identification and determination.

Sooner or later Kashmiri people's quest for freedom will win, just like Sub Continent did from the Raj and C.Asia did from the USSR.

Brutality and opression ain't eternal. And then there is the Karma and our 'obligation' to seek vengence.

@KRAIT , Stop the self victimization spree. If i wanted to 'supress your opinion', your now deleted first post was reason enough for me to boot you out.

You are free to express your opinions, however it must not breach any of our rules which i have explained before.

Lastly i would ask you for explanation again for ranking my post


There is something called the international law and United Nations India has sworn obligations to. India is signatory to Geneva convention, which means its the legal duty of the GOI to conduct a neutral UNHRC lead probe into the mass graves in Kashmir.


Yea an Indian source...perfect.

okkk..vacate Pakistan - occupied - Kashmir then...

Any demilitraization would have to be mutual not unilateral.

There is something called the international law and United Nations India has sworn obligations to. India is signatory to Geneva convention, which means its the legal duty of the GOI to conduct a neutral UNHRC lead probe into the mass graves in Kashmir.

As far as I know Amnesty international asked us to launch a probe.. Its not an international one. Its internal..

@Aeronaut about the "terrorist" name calling, can you tell us whether its okay to call members of UN banned organisations like LeT as terrorists, or since they are fighting is Kashmir also make them freedom fighters?
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