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Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

Let's leave religion out. Like I said, that was used as politics.......

Kashmiri's should AT THE LEAST be allowed to determine their future. I support the UN plan, and if AFTER that, say the PEOPLE OF KASHMIR choose independence, india or pakistan, I could careless which one they choose, as long as they CHOSE it!:) that's all that matters!!

unfortunately I cannot agree with you in first point and the second suggestion.
Islam unfortunately or fortunately is not only controls and contains with one's personal affairs but also his social and political life also, Islam is a code of conduct for every aspect of one's life, that explains the existence of political Islam.look around the world you will see except one or two countries where ever Islam is majority, Islamic rules controls everything, there is no concept or concern about secularism.
As for Kashmir, Too much of water is flown through the river, the demography of the region is changed, we cannot have a referendum now, we have too much to loose if we loose.strategically important land, control of water, risk of Kashmir becoming the launching Pad and proxy state to wage ****** war against India and leaving the religious and ethnic minorities to be subjected to Islamic rule and blasphemy law, and all kinds of atrocities which we see and aware of. even the UN plebiscite doesn't give the option of independent Kashmir. only possible solution to Kashmir issue is to make LOC the international border.History is not always fare and perfect, decades back they might have missed a chance of self determination, but now they have to realise the they are part of a larger body called India, if they try to cut broke from it, it will bleed and will be painful for both party. that is what Pakistan also did with kalat the princely state for the larger cause of national and territorial integrity.
yes, yes, that's why pakistan was rated the most dangerous country for jounalists just a couple of years back right? :P

When operating in tribal areas where Taliban and other militant are present , not anywhere else ... :P

Nothing by the armed forces or state of Pakistan which actually encourages the journalists to go there and report what is happening - something which the militants aren't quite fond of ...
unfortunately I cannot agree with you in first point and the second suggestion.
Islam unfortunately or fortunately is not only controls and contains with one's personal affairs but also his social and political life also, Islam is a code of conduct for every aspect of one's life, that explains the existence of political Islam.look around the world you will see except one or two countries where ever Islam is majority, Islamic rules controls everything, there is no concept or concern about secularism.
As for Kashmir, Too much of water is flown through the river, the demography of the region is changed, we cannot have a referendum now, we have too much to loose if we loose.strategically important land, control of water, risk of Kashmir becoming the launching Pad and proxy state to wage ****** war against India and leaving the religious and ethnic minorities to be subjected to Islamic rule and blasphemy law, and all kinds of atrocities which we see and aware of. even the UN plebiscite doesn't give the option of independent Kashmir. only possible solution to Kashmir issue is to make LOC the international border.History is not always fare and perfect, decades back they might have missed a chance of self determination, but now they have to realise the they are part of a larger body called India, if they try to cut broke from it, it will bleed and will be painful for both party.

Oh please cut the sht, India never cared about the people. In fact even most Indians here on pdf openly admitted they want the land and not the people.
Of course you would, you are an idealist while I am a realist. Like I said originally you are naive and India will never agree to kashmiri independence even if all of Pakistan accepts it. So in your scenario kashmiri boys will continue to be butchered, the girls raped, and the people oppressed.

I am not naive, I am just much more hopeful about things and you can't be a realist.... how do you expect to change things with that! But listen, honestly, I find it commendable how passinate you and @Armstrong are about this and that you guys actually make sense when you talk and don't just say nonsense and that is why I enjoy discussing this with the two of you. As much as I admire that about you both, I have my own opinion and I am equally passionate about it. I know exactly where you guys are coming from but, I just can't see myself changing views on this issue anytime soon. :)

@Dillinger @Secur....thnx so so much for being a gentlemen like these two ...when it came to my unique stance on this !!! :D

Much appreciated guys!
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yeah brave fedayeen exhibiting their mardangi by martyring 5 lathi wielding CRPF jawans....let them show their mardangi before the tavor and ak wielding army or SOG and then i will agree......
Hey. :P

Just trying to figure out what a Fidayeen is, and how it differs from the other terms.

You know those crazy Palestinians who'd either kill IDF or be killed ! Sometimes even blowing themselves up & killing or injuring Israeli civilians ?

They were the Fidayeen ! Though a Fedayeen is someone who fights against oppression but in this asymmetric warfare the collateral damage is huge...so dunno whether they end up becoming the oppressors themselves or not ? :undecided:

Well we've been alleged by India to have sent a watered down version of those crazies to fight against the Indians ! :D
Hey. :P

Just trying to figure out what a Fidayeen is, and how it differs from the other terms. Like "Shahad" which seems to have a similar meaning.

shaheed -martyr
fidayeen- one who willing to achieve death-used mostly for suicide bombers and terrorist on suicide mission
Oh please cut the sht, India never cared about the people. In fact even most Indians here on pdf openly admitted they want the land and not the people.
India is not only it's land, important part is it's people..people who think and act as a part of Indian union, we, larger majority of Indians expect and wish that Kashmiri people feel and act the same way and bury the regionalistic attitude based on and fueled by the the Islamic identity and a lost chance of self determination decades back.
they are more than welcome to be a part of India, we don't care about the one's who still want to make use of a lost chance of self determination (not because of India's fault )now after many decades only because they are not happy with living in secular democratic India, which gives them every right ,and wants to have exclusive setup, (completely ignoring their own Kashmiri brothers who are a minority there )because of their Islamic identity.we can't risk Indians security and peace, by letting them do what ever they want.
I am not naive, I am just much more hopeful about things and you can't be a realist.... how do you expect to change things with that! But listen, honestly, I find it commendable how passinate you and @Armstrong are about this and that you guys actually make sense when you talk and don't just say nonsense and that is why I enjoy discussing this with the two of you. As much as I admire that about you both, I have my own opinion and I am equally passionate about it. I know exactly where you guys are coming from but, I just can't see myself changing views on this issue anytime soon. :)

@Dillinger @Secur....thnx so so much for being a gentlemen like these two ...when it came to my unique stance on this !!! :D

Much appreciated guys!

Of course I am passionate!! :D

One of favorite quotes is, "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrant". You are a columbia student so you should know who spoke those words. As for @Armstrong me and him agree on many many points and we often read the same literature. When he writes his long *** posts I just read them and chuckle because I hold most of his views. Except he is more pacifist compared to me perhaps it is because he is Kashmiri lol.

You know those crazy Palestinians who'd either kill IDF or be killed ! Sometimes even blowing themselves up & killing or injuring Israeli civilians ?

They were the Fidayeen ! Though a Fedayeen is someone who fights against oppression but in this asymmetric warfare the collateral damage is huge...so dunno whether they end up becoming the oppressors themselves or not ? :undecided:

Well we've been alleged by India to have sent a watered down version of those crazies to fight against the Indians ! :D

Fedayeen litterally means the reformers, change. @Chinese-Dragon.
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My definition of terrorism is straightforward: targeting civilians is terrorism, targeting uniformed army is not terrorism..

that is a striaghtforward lie.....

in a sovereign,democratic state anyone bearing weapons against the state are terrorists.....does not matter who they target.....

if that is the case then the ttp would also be considered as freedom fighters since they target army men too......
Oh please cut the sht, India never cared about the people. In fact even most Indians here on pdf openly admitted they want the land and not the people.

Of course, just like in Kashmir people who want to blow up, believe in TNT and all that in the mainland India they are free to leave their land behind..

There was a reason why Jinnah did not get what he wanted in full cause he was not presented a menu :D
Of course nobody expects India to abandon kashmir, the freedom fighters will just bleed your army until Pakistan is strong enough to once again fight a war. Pakistan has more pressing needs at the moment. In the mean time you guys will keep burying your men.

Indeed we will keep cremating/burying our martyrs, we will also keep annihilating the fidayeen no matter what the cost. Pakistan just does not seem to understand India's calculus, sacrifice in blood does not debilitate us, even as the populace recoils at the horror of the bloodshed it simultaneously hardens its opinion on Kashmir. India's stance on Kashmir keeps getting maximalist as the days pass by and the terrorist refuse to cease and desist.

The terrorists may cause attrition but even a 1000 casualties per year have been known to not deter the Indian state or the Indian Army. We held Kashmir through the 90s as our economy bottomed, the IMF held our future at ransom, the insurgency rose to its greatest heights, our single most important ally- the USSR- crumbled and Pakistan continued to enjoy the support of the only remaining super power the US. The quantum of increase in our capability to hold onto India's territory and maintain its integrity has only amplified from then on. Even Musharraf, despite his bravado surrounding Kargil, understood how untenable the idea of militarily defeating India is and thus deiced to frame a solution keeping in mind what India may find agreeable. Pakistan simply cannot achieve true parity with India and India has already ensured that the issue is rendered as a bilateral one. The US, Pakistan's biggest supporter the Chinese and the UN itself has clearly stated that they have abrogated all responsibility as far as Kashmir is concerned. Beyond that, if Pakistan persists in its idea that fidayeen will somehow bleed India out then it is welcome to continue its policy to its own detriment for another couple of decades- for India it shall be business as usual. I believe we are at an impasse here. So to each his own. :enjoy:
Oh please cut the sht, India never cared about the people. In fact even most Indians here on pdf openly admitted they want the land and not the people.

we dont want the people who dont want to be indians.....those who want to be pakistanis or those who want azaadi can go elsewhere......

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