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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks love, peace, tolerance in Pakistan

The student shouldn't have asked him about worshiping idols. Why does he have to explain his beliefs to anyone? See this is the thing that needs to change in Pakistan. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. Just accept people are different. We are at that stage where we are in conflict with everyone. This has to change to acceptance.

Ravi Shankar gave a brilliant response to this childish comment about worshipping of idols but he shouldn't have needed to explain himself. For Pakistan to prosper we need to become impartial to the religious beliefs of others. Perhaps secularism is one of the best options for our country.

Your POV about secularism is commendable. But there was nothing wrong in the question that the student asked him, I will not consider it childish (whatever the intent). Likewise Ravi Shankar could have opted not to reply, but wisely he chose to do so. And gave the true explanation, which many people either are ignorant about or conveniently overlook.

As you have rightly affirmed, the most important thing is that people must respect the right of other people to hold their own beliefs; beliefs that may be at variance with their own!
That respect is (probably) basic to any worthwhile philosophy of living.

About Secularism being a good and viable option for the people of Pakistan, the people themselves should make a well-considered decision about that eventually. And that will happen best when people are able to think clearly for themselves unfettered by doctrinaire ideas.
Finally, the Koran itself (imho) itself enjoins tolerance and peaceful co-existence with people of other beliefs. Is that alien or foreign to the very basic premise of Secularism?
Earlier, as he left India for Pakistan, Shankar told reporters that he firmly believed that meditation and yoga will help eradicate terrorism.
Ah! Try telling that to the Taliban! :cheesy:
Sir we have Quran and Sunnah so we don't need any Non Muslim to tell us what is peace love and Tolerance he should first tell these things to Indian Government and should ask them to stop killing innocent Kashmiris

zarvan bahi why u always preach every one abt "your" religious views?

he just came in Pakistan we welcome him as we are famous for our hospitality for even enemies no harm in it......please open ur mind u badly need it, Islam doesnt allow us to ban all other non muslims........we Pakistanis are proud of our non muslims brothers.

Ah! Try telling that to the Taliban! :cheesy:

or may be he can preach this to terrorists like Modi, RSS, Chaddis & extremists in BJP etc..

Sir we have Quran and Sunnah so we don't need any Non Muslim to tell us what is peace love and Tolerance he should first tell these things to Indian Government and should ask them to stop killing innocent Kashmiris

I long stoped replying to your posts as you are one of the most illogical person i have come accross. I remember one of your post when you said that ISLAM should rule INDIA and we hindus need to be under your control.
This is what Qyran and Sunnah has taught you isn't it? Though Quran teaches love and peace, people like you who do not understand the true meaning of Quran bring more bad name to ISLAM
I long stoped replying to your posts as you are one of the most illogical person i have come accross. I remember one of your post when you said that ISLAM should rule INDIA and we hindus need to be under your control.
This is what Qyran and Sunnah has taught you isn't it? Though Quran teaches love and peace, people like you who do not understand the true meaning of Quran bring more bad name to ISLAM
Sir we don't need a Non Muslim to tell us what to do and and Islam teaches who we should tolerate and who we should not that is why Islam is complete way of life because many people don't understand language of love

zarvan bahi why u always preach every one abt "your" religious views?

he just came in Pakistan we welcome him as we are famous for our hospitality for even enemies no harm in it......please open ur mind u badly need it, Islam doesnt allow us to ban all other non muslims........we Pakistanis are proud of our non muslims brothers.

or may be he can preach this to terrorists like Modi, RSS, Chaddis & extremists in BJP etc..

Sir yes Islam doesn't ban Non Muslims but it bans a Non Muslim preaching his religious thoughts to a Muslim and this can create trouble in Pakistan people will react to it the reaction hasn't come yet because media hasn't give it much coverage but it can come soon
Sir we don't need a Non Muslim to tell us what to do and and Islam teaches who we should tolerate and who we should not that is why Islam is complete way of life because many people don't understand language of love

Sir yes Islam doesn't ban Non Muslims but it bans a Non Muslim preaching his religious thoughts to a Muslim and this can create trouble in Pakistan people will react to it the reaction hasn't come yet because media hasn't give it much coverage but it can come soon

- you are not a muslim although you call yourself one.
- srisri is not preaching religion in pakistan. please educate yourself before joining a mob. are you uneducated?
Sir we have Quran and Sunnah so we don't need any Non Muslim to tell us what is peace love and Tolerance he should first tell these things to Indian Government and should ask them to stop killing innocent Kashmiris

Sir you said in the previous post that a hindu preaching universal love,peace and tolerance without the boundary of religion or sects, in a christian college will lead to muslims attacking christians.Do you realise how pathetically intolerant that is?And zarvan,i have seen you justifying offensive jihad and talking about ghazwa e hind,islam dominating the world etc etc..what love and tolerance are you talking about having already?
- you are not a muslim although you call yourself one.
- srisri is not preaching religion in pakistan. please educate yourself before joining a mob. are you uneducated?
what is the difference? we have hear members who believes non-hindus have no voice when it comes to cow slaughter since these radicals wants to believe that India will become a theocratic Hindu state since India is Hindu majority. both are blind. when religion is kept away from national matters, then only We can see the civilization evolves.
When anyone brings religion into His day-to-day life, He is missing so much. it includes Chaddis too.
Sir you said in the previous post that a hindu preaching universal love,peace and tolerance without the boundary of religion or sects, in a christian college will lead to muslims attacking christians.Do you realise how pathetically intolerant that is?And zarvan,i have seen you justifying offensive jihad and talking about ghazwa e hind,islam dominating the world etc etc..what love and tolerance are you talking about having already?
The guy is not worth replying.
Having a debate with any-one with a inteligence to question and a caliber to observe and learn is OK, but this guy is a graduate of the MADRASAH and follows the reachings of TALIBAN kind of MULLAHS. WHAT can you expect from him
The guy is not worth replying.
Having a debate with any-one with a inteligence to question and a caliber to observe and learn is OK, but this guy is a graduate of the MADRASAH and follows the reachings of TALIBAN kind of MULLAHS. WHAT can you expect from him

One more thing about PDF that might interest you:

Do you really think the characters/members here don't already know this stuff or some how don't understand this? They simply want your presence in the forum, so that they can have this empty rhetoric spread to more eyes especially naive ones. Don't feed them.

Best way to do this is to avoid/ignore all posts that have anything negative about India. Just don't argue same things again and again.
The guy is not worth replying.
Having a debate with any-one with a inteligence to question and a caliber to observe and learn is OK, but this guy is a graduate of the MADRASAH and follows the reachings of TALIBAN kind of MULLAHS. WHAT can you expect from him
Sir first I have never been to any Madrassah in fact I have studied among most liberal and secular people but than I came to Islam and sir we have Islam and What ever Ravi Shankar teaches is directly or indirectly related to Hinduism which is not allowed in Islam to teach Muslims that is shirk and that will bring reaction among people which can create trouble for minorities in Pakistan
Sir first I have never been to any Madrassah in fact I have studied among most liberal and secular people but than I came to Islam and sir we have Islam and What ever Ravi Shankar teaches is directly or indirectly related to Hinduism which is not allowed in Islam to teach Muslims that is shirk and that will bring reaction among people which can create trouble for minorities in Pakistan

This comment just proves that you are just another wannabe Islamist or at least on your way to become a proud Islamist.
Taliban can only be handled by pakistani army and ISI........ sri ravi sir should talk to america first for peace that they should not interfere to muslim world and stop dramas like 9/11 etc ..
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