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Sri Lankan tourists sent back home

yeah we see a lot of japs calling their country a shinto japanese country.......my a$$

Well ok let's assume you are right. Then why it is wrong to called SL a Sinhalese Buddhist country. I mean we don't have to do everything others do right? and how minority communities are offended by that?
What is economic devolution??

Economic devolution means devolving the economy so that even a fisherman in Point Pedro or a businessman in Madamulana can reap benefits of the economy just like his counterparts in Colombo.

The reason Tamils moved into south was there was war in the north. Dont be such an idiot. They were compelled to come here becasue of the war. Once the war is over and normalcy return they will go back to their original places.

Wasn't there Tamils in Colombo before the war? War just speed-ed up their arrivals.

You say that "Once the war is over and normalcy return they will go back to their original places." I bet even one Tamil who came to Colombo due to the war would like to go back even though he has intact properties. Just ask anyone if you want to live in or near Colombo every one would say yes. It's because our economy is not devolved

But the thing is there must be a starting point of that ’culture’ no. There was a tamil culture just like there was a sinhala one.

Please elaborate a little.

After all do u really see MR developin economy?

At least he tries.

SL and Indian Tamil language pronunciations are different. However there are written sources, archeological sites about SL tamil culture.

SL Tamil culture is 99% the same as Tamilnadu Tamil culture. The language too is similar.

Pronunciations is always are different. It's not a major point. Show me one written sources, archeological sites about SL tamil culture?

My point here is if Tamils were living in SL independently for some time why there language or culture is not developed or showing any difference to Tamilnadu? The obvious answer is The majority Tamils in North and East are recently arrivals mostly during Dutch era.

There is a power devolution in Britian after many blood shed with the war against IRA. They learnt the lesson and did power devolution.

Ireland is a separate country. England is only ruling the Protestant majority Northern Ireland.

The only way to prevent it is by power devolution.

How do we do that?
Well ok let's assume you are right. Then why it is wrong to called SL a Sinhalese Buddhist country. I mean we don't have to do everything others do right? and how minority communities are offended by that?

So u accept that ur point was wrong and unable to disapprove me? So accept u were wrong in saying Japan keeps a religious identity. When u pick a lie, pick one which is easy to defend. I told u it is wrong to define SL a sinhala buddhist country simply because it is NOT a sinhala buddhist country. Minorities are offended because it is wrong and totally ignores their heritage and identity. Not only that sinhala buddhist identity destroy sinhala people from alienating sinhala catholics and sinhala muslims. Gibbs is a minority and he told u he IS offended by it. Now don’t come asking whethr they feel bad when SL is called a sinhala buddhist country.
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