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Sri Lanka may stop preferential trade with India

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Sri Lanka may stop preferential trade with India

A coalition partner in the Sri Lankan government said that Colombo should stop according any preferential trade treatment with New Delhi, two days after India voted in favour of a UNHRC resolution against it.

We should not grant favours to countries merely because they are our neighbours. India was the only Asian country that sided with the US.

JHU is a partner in the ruling UPFA coalition. Gammanpila said the Indian vote at the UNHRC was inconsistent with its own foreign policy.

The JHU comments however vary with the official stance of the Sri Lankan government.

The Sri Lankan government leaders have been saying that Indian vote at the UNHRC needs to be understood in the context of domestic politics.

Since the conflict with the LTTE ended in 2009, India has doubled its assistance programme in Sri Lanka .

The Indian assistance extends to infra structure development, educational and technical assistance to reconstruction and rehabilitation support.

Indian brand names in diverse areas are dominant in Sri Lanka.

'Sri Lanka should re-think economic ties with India'
It is as well expected from you.....We should not be surprised at all...
Jathika Hela Urumaya.....'Nuff said.

Sane people dont even touch them with a barge pole.

Monks should limit themselves with singing chants in praise of Lord Buddha..not advising on economic policies of Lanka.
trade is heavily favored on India's side ... so they might take some steps. like increase duties on Indian items... but ultimately srilankan traders will be the one whos gonna have to bear the brunt as indian exporters will increase the price of product... and thr is no other replacement for these indian products ...
Settling political dispute with Economic ties is dangerous precedence.

Do you know how much Srilanka would harm to India ? 0.01 %

How it harm to Srilanka ? Srilankan export is $8 billion and india-srilanka trade is $ 5 dollar.

Political questions need political answers.
Instead of acting stupid, why can't Sri lanka try to bring Tamils to mainstream.. They (SL forces) committed atrocities and they know it. It would be better if they turn the focus towards Developmental politics rather than ethnicity based politics.. People who lost their near and dear ones should be helped and properly compensated.

Moreover, this resolution is to provide justice to innocents not the terrorists. Don't know why Sri lanka is opposing it? On the positive side, if you serve justice to people the environment will turn conducive for growth & development and the threat of re-emergence of groups like LTTE will subside..

Stopping trade with India will not help SL even a bit..
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