Explaing those to him doesn't work. He was so bloody stupid ,childish and brainwashed that he became major nuisance and I added him to my ignore list.
I don't think he will understand that. He wants to legalize hate speech but thinks Homosexuals are mentally ill, when I say hate speech is the cause of past race riots he asks if only "speech" and not TV or newspapers cause race riots
. He also doesn't understand privatization ,Public Private partnerships and even the difference between lease and freehold.
We are using the same thing in Hambantota by giving 80% equity of a joint company to China. They will invest milllions to billions to make the Port profitable. Develop several SEZs in the region with a combined Land area of 15,000 acres, they even set up a Vocational training center to train local youth for those jobs and China gets a safe sea route
Sri Lankan ports Authority is also searching for a partner for the East terminal in Colombo and its deeper than the Chinese terminal in Colombo. We want an investor from the region so Indians have higher chance of getting it