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Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

Pakistan supports Sri Lanka's territorial integrity.
So why go through the signing 1987 accord?

Because Rajiv forced it on JRJ

this was the reaction to the Indo-Lanka accords by a general public!

So instead you had a more powerful LTTE ruling your NE for another 18-19 years and had to resort to a full fledged civil war to to dismantle them. Clever thinking on the part of Premadasa I say.

Well it was our internal matter so doesn't matter it took so many years to end, we learnt a lot!

Pakistan supports Sri Lanka's territorial integrity.

We never forget the help Pakistan had given to SL, specially during 2000s when 30,000 of our men had strangled in Jaffna.. Pakistan sent Grads prevented the fall out!
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Today, the Tamil-populated Northern Province remains the most militarized and does not have an elected provincial council. The political process has not really begun. It is true that this is an internal political process, but as a neighbor, India would want to remain interested to ensure early reconciliation. There are several opposing interests at work, Chennai against New Delhi, Colombo versus the Northern Province, Sinhala versus Tamils, Colombo versus the Tamil Diaspora and Colombo suspicious of New Delhi. It is a comic opera or ‘nadagama’ if only it wasn’t so bloody and so obviously crooked by both governments....Hey but at the end of the day its best that GOSL fix the problem fast..or you will find out when Tamilians from India get directly involved..the talk of war crimes will be about what Tamilians (From India) did. (Even though I don't agree with the methods used by LTTE personally)...:butcher:

i do agree with most of the things you say. :tup: very sensible unlike the others, who support LTTE.

Demilitarization is needed in North, no doubt about that. The army has been withdrawn to a certain extent with families relocated. But still we cannot hope a 100% demilitarization, mainly because there are seperatist elements in the diaspora and in TN. To go for a reconciliation both the sinhalese and Tamils should build trust.
Political solution from sinhalese side and total abandonning of the seperatist or eelam concept. The tamil struggle didnt start for an Eelam it was for equality. but LTTE hijacked it and Tamil leadership was annihiliated by them. Later LTTE began to become the cause and has brought tamils to this stage.

If tamils are for division of my country i am against them but if it is for equality i am with them. All these propaganda by LTTE supporters are not going to help their cause which is equality.

what the tamils do in TN would be counter productive.
Well it was our internal matter so doesn't matter it took so many years to end, we learnt a lot!

Well good for you but the lessons would have also be learnt without even sacrificing so men and material.

We never forget the help Pakistan had given to SL, specially during 2000s when 30,000 of our men had strangled in Jaffna.. Pakistan sent Grads prevented the fall out!

and then Tsunami Struck in 2004 and we sent 14 ships, 1000+ men, helicopters and airplanes to help SL in their relief work but hey who cares.
It's a war dude.... war got intensified in the last 3 months... do you think SLA can distingush LTTE from civilians in a pitched battle?

What..? Tamils have a historical right to have their own country... it was British who denied them a separate country!

let them come to SL and there won't be any problem to India...

didnt u notice the site he copied that bul888 is from an LTTE website and he thinks it is proof. poor kid.
What..? do you think even with those shipments LTTE would have averted the disaster...?

How do you think 6000 cadres would survive 100,000 + veteran troops in a pincer move!

Eventhough Indian intel had given info about LTTE ships they had never given the exact location. It was SLN who searched the high seas and sunk those ships!

And there you go - SLN navy searched the high seas till Indonesia and Australia and sunk those ships without proper intel from India. For the readers here SLN qualifies to be the best navy by a very long distance. I am wondering why SLN is not there in the gulf of Aden. SLN would have cleaned up the pirates in a year.

But atleast Admiral Karannakoda is thankful of Indian efforts and outlined what those were exactly
i do agree with most of the things you say. :tup: very sensible unlike the others, who support LTTE.

Demilitarization is needed in North, no doubt about that. The army has been withdrawn to a certain extent with families relocated. But still we cannot hope a 100% demilitarization, mainly because there are seperatist elements in the diaspora and in TN. To go for a reconciliation both the sinhalese and Tamils should build trust.
Political solution from sinhalese side and total abandonning of the seperatist or eelam concept. The tamil struggle didnt start for an Eelam it was for equality. but LTTE hijacked it and Tamil leadership was annihiliated by them. Later LTTE began to become the cause and has brought tamils to this stage.

If tamils are for division of my country i am against them but if it is for equality i am with them. All these propaganda by LTTE supporters are not going to help their cause which is equality.

what the tamils do in TN would be counter productive.

Well there is a lesson to be learnt here..not only for SL but also for India & other nations that if the Govt does not care about the peaceful protests by the liberals and try to suppress them then extremists will take charge and the situation will get out of hand and very bloody. If Sri Lankan Govt was sympathetic to the various non-violent movements by Tamils from 1950s-70s, then there would have been no LTTE and no Civil War.

didnt u notice the site he copied that bul888 is from an LTTE website and he thinks it is proof. poor kid.

If you talk of LTTE propaganda, I remember seeing a LTTE video saying that India & RAW is behind the split of Karuna Group from LTTE ..It is true or false.
I have been consistent in my support for the Sri Lankan government in their fight against the LTTE and continued to support the SL government's position in the UN, sometimes to the annoyance of my fellow countrymen from TN. However it is becoming clear that some Sri Lankans are following the course of extreme stupidity. Not only are they losing the chance to amicably settle the sectarian divide that the victory over the LTTE has provided them but also seem hell bent on self destruction. Irritating India is not the way to go, geniuses & provoking Indians with this kind of stupidity will only lose you your remaining sympathisers. If India wants to make your lives miserable, it won't take much doing. Provoking India when the western countries are already opposed to you is the sign of lunacy ruling the roost , you are simply too close to India geographically to pick a fight. No one, neither China nor Pakistan can help if India decides to make you a target of her ire. Seems like some Sri Lankans are so used to fighting that they seem to be a little lost in this time of peace. Don't make it a short interlude, enjoy the peace & don't be in a hurry to search for a new enemy.

who says indian and SL gov are going through a rough patch? Ind and SL relationship is very good. It is just that propoganda media portray a different picture. Why should we have anything against Ind gov? They even watered down the resolution for us. Also it is not that we are having problems with other countries. For example US lifted its ban on arms sale to SL even after the resolution. And now SL military purchase arms from US. You dont see things in indian media, cos they are not that markettable . :)

I have nothing against india, but since u stated, "No one, neither China nor Pakistan can help if India decides to make you a target of her ire" we know how to retaliate. just in case. we are small i know but if we go we will take u with us.

It's just few corrupt Congress A-Holes who are supporting Sri lankans, rest of us are with tamil brothers.
Sri Lanka future is not very bright, they are showing us balls, WE need to cut em. :D

why are u so afraid of a small country in your neighbourhood? I bet if anyone farts in china u must be running to your mom thinking its an earthquake.
and then Tsunami Struck in 2004 and we sent 14 ships, 1000+ men, helicopters and airplanes to help SL in their relief work but hey who cares.

We are grateful for that too but Pakistani help is remembered strongly cuz the intensity of the situation

But atleast Admiral Karannakoda is thankful of Indian efforts and outlined what those were exactly

here we go... so why bother about it!

If you talk of LTTE propaganda, I remember seeing a LTTE video saying that India & RAW is behind the split of Karuna Group from LTTE ..It is true or false.

maybe who knows..?
who says indian and SL gov are going through a rough patch? Ind and SL relationship is very good. It is just that propoganda media portray a different picture. Why should we have anything against Ind gov? They even watered down the resolution for us. Also it is not that we are having problems with other countries. For example US lifted its ban on arms sale to SL even after the resolution. And now SL military purchase arms from US. You dont see things in indian media, cos they are not that markettable . :)

I have nothing against india, but since u stated, "No one, neither China nor Pakistan can help if India decides to make you a target of her ire" we know how to retaliate. just in case. we are small i know but if we go we will take u with us.

Mate - That would I say is a fanboy stuff. India is too big to be dragged down by SL in case you know. India has always been in a diplomatic dilemma wrt SL as they are torn between TN people's sentiments and SL's threat to host other countries(till 1980s it was U.S and recently the subtle threat about China). But if SL takes concrete steps in aligning with China and hosting China in SL, India's task is cut out. This is the situation which even your politicians identify and seek a balance.
poor tamilians..... don't even have backbone to carve out a country from India.... be cowards and continue lick North Indian rear... we Sri Lankans aren't like Tamils.. we have our own country even though we are small.. just like Israel!

Hey Ketchup!...FYI
Ceylon was under Madras presidency at one point of time. Many Sinhala Nationalist leaders (like JR, SWRD, Left leaders..)wanted Ceylon to become part of India for economic necessity. If Sinhalese wants it or not, Tamils cannot survive in the forced amalgamation of Tamil territory. When India was introducing State Reorganization act, Ceylon went on the opposition direction and declared that Tamils do not have linguistics parity. Since then all discrimination was institutionalized.
If a dog can kill a cat why can't a pig kill a dog. Such nonsense's are plenty in the Sri Lankan literature history culture and in everyday life. They are full of this. Learn to focus on the issue that is being discussed and argue to that point. If American could do this once upon a time is some country why can't we do it.. This kind of talk. If you go on this argument human race would be eating raw flesh up to now as many Sri Lankans do

ceylon was never a part of madras presidency, it was your neighbouring states like kerala, andhra... SL has never been fully occupied even in ancient times. Never ever sinhala leaders wanted a union with madras. Are u out of mind to come up with such a ridiculous idea. At independance SL was much ahead of Madras and do u think they wanted a union with u? even the Ceylon tamils didnt associate with Madrasis because they tend to look down on you. They went to meet the likes of Nehrus even for a discussion. :rofl:
Ha ha ceylon went to opposite direction? how can we go out of a union from which we were NEVER part of you idiot! seriously u guys are deluded. what do u know of SL literature? Idiot. Taking arguments from his a*se. ha ha

You are like "this kind of talk, that kind of talk" ha ha

And for a moment i thought you were sensible....:hitwall:
Mate - That would I say is a fanboy stuff. India is too big to be dragged down by SL in case you know. India has always been in a diplomatic dilemma wrt SL as they are torn between TN people's sentiments and SL's threat to host other countries(till 1980s it was U.S and recently the subtle threat about China). But if SL takes concrete steps in aligning with China and hosting China in SL, India's task is cut out. This is the situation which even your politicians identify and seek a balance.

cool down man SL never go to war with India...... unless Tamilnadu broke away as a separate nation
We are grateful for that too but Pakistani help is remembered strongly cuz the intensity of the situation

here we go... so why bother about it!

maybe who knows..?

I am least bothered about it except wonder whether common Lankans will be thankful of India's efforts in helping SL instead of still languishing in the 1980s history.

If people like me start to think of 1980s history and not move forward, I could see only the backstabbing done by both LTTE and SL government to IPKF. Ironically the topic at hand brings back these old memories and refreshes it.

cool down man SL never go to war with India...... unless Tamilnadu broke away as a separate nation

Sorry I do not lose cool in these kinds of arguments. Even for topics close at heart, I do not dish out fan boy stuff either. As for TN breaking away, I would not even respond to that stupid post.
very correct sir,here is the video by the United Nations Institute for Training and Reseach (UNITAR)

LTTE got inside the NFZ and fired at the army hiding behind tamil civilians which lead to civilian deaths. By UN conventions if an armed forces is being targetted from a civilian place they can retalliate. So again NO proof..:azn:
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I am least bothered about it except wonder whether common Lankans will be thankful of India's efforts in helping SL instead of still languishing in the 1980s history.

If people like me start to think of 1980s history and not move forward, I could see only the backstabbing done by both LTTE and SL government to IPKF. Ironically the topic at hand brings back these old memories and refreshes it.

Sorry I do not lose cool in these kinds of arguments. Even for topics close at heart, I do not dish out fan boy stuff either. As for TN breaking away, I would not even respond to that stupid post.

History should be consulted before making any moves with anything mate.......!

as for the Tamilnadu it is time for them to start a movement for a seperate nation!
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