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Sri Lanka cremating Muslims who died of coronavirus: Please Respect The Wishes Of Muslims!

We have the power, brother. Don't underestimate the power of our Islamic brotherhood.
Muslims are being killed left, right and center, where is this power and brotherhood you speak of? You are more delusional than I had thought.
This is right. There is no medical evidence that cremation is superior to burial in terms of mitigating risk of infection from a dead body. Evidence may arise to the contrary but I don't think there is any at present.

Edit: regarding covid19 specifically I mean.

You think SARS-COV2 / COVID is fire proof? Cremation is safer, some virus like Smallpox can survive in a cadaver for years and contaminate ground water.

Viruses such as Ebola and Marburg are highly infectious and are readily transmitted by contact with infected blood, secretions, and organs. Most of the known outbreaks of these zoonotic viruses have started with individuals who acquired their infections from wildlife but have spread via healthcare facilities (when staff have unknowingly become infected from the index case(s) and have subsequently spread the infection to other communities where they live and work). Great care should be exercised when dealing with those who have died of such infections and staff should be trained in the handling of cadavers in these situations.

We have the power, brother. Don't underestimate the power of our Islamic brotherhood.
Muslim brotherhood is banned in many Muslim countries.
Wait and watch how Sri Lanka is going to cave in.
They destroyed well trained and well armed LTTE. Do you think have any chance? Forget the Buddhists, even Sri Lankan Christians attacked Muslims after Easter bombings.

We are not afraid of your low IQ Modi joker and his Modi toadies.
Tell that to your brothers in here. Fear of Modi had forced them to send their burqa clad women to protest while the men sat at home. What do you think about Muslim women being sent out to protest on the streets?
we are facing such a embarrassing situation through the world because we Muslims are scattered and most of them forget the Hadees of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Mohammed (S.A.W) that "Muslims are one nation"
Give citizenship to Afghans if your govt refuses fight the govt otherwise it's against what's you said above
Muslim brotherhood is banned in many Muslim countries.

Muslim brotherhood is core strength of Islam. Every Muslim is part of it and it is thriving.

They destroyed well trained and well armed LTTE. Do you think have any chance? Forget the Buddhists, even Sri Lankan Christians attacked Muslims after Easter bombings.

They will pay the price for this persecution.

Tell that to your brothers in here. Fear of Modi had forced them to send their burqa clad women to protest while the men sat at home. What do you think about Muslim women being sent out to protest on the streets?

How do you know who is behind the burqa? Man or Woman?
Muslim brotherhood is core strength of Islam. Every Muslim is part of it and it is thriving.

They will pay the price for this persecution.

How do you know who is behind the burqa? Man or Woman?
bro this situation not remains forever, its temporary situation, world will recover soon InshaAllah and all these ban will be lifted
Muslim brotherhood is banned in many Muslim countries.

They destroyed well trained and well armed LTTE. Do you think have any chance? Forget the Buddhists, even Sri Lankan Christians attacked Muslims after Easter bombings.

Tell that to your brothers in here. Fear of Modi had forced them to send their burqa clad women to protest while the men sat at home. What do you think about Muslim women being sent out to protest on the streets?


Pule, don't be naive ...

While the women were diverting national attention, their men were collecting swords, guns, bricks, and setting up highpoint fortified points with mobile and fixed metal frame catapults fashioned like in Syria and Lebanon and Palestine.
Muslim brotherhood is core strength of Islam. Every Muslim is part of it and it is thriving.

They will pay the price for this persecution.

How do you know who is behind the burqa? Man or Woman?
1. Go to Saudia Arabia and tell the police you are part of Muslim brotherhood.
2. So commence Ghazwa e Sri Lanka.
3. Fair enough.
You think SARS-COV2 / COVID is fire proof? Cremation is safer, some virus like Smallpox can survive in a cadaver for years and contaminate ground water.

I read your article carefully.

1) It mentions nothing of corona viruses and speaks of other families of viruses (e.g. Ebola and Marburg which are flaviviruses) and other microbe types.

2) Cremation still requires body handling. If a body is put into a leak proof bag and the external bag surface decontaminated, it is safe to handle thereafter with appropriate gloves etc. After that it can be either cremated or buried safely as far as I can ascertain. Leak proof bags stop theoretical contamination of the water table. Of course this is resource dependent. But if thousands of dead bodies start spilling onto our streets - which won't happen with this virus - at that point, any solution for disposal will have to do. We're not at that point and it's unlikely as the death rate is still around 5% on average.

Pule, don't be naive ...

While the women were diverting national attention, their men were collecting swords, guns, bricks, and setting up highpoint fortified points with mobile and fixed metal frame catapults fashioned like in Syria and Lebanon and Palestine.
You are right. I forgot that.
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