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Sri Lanka buying Al-Khalid Tanks from Pakistan

I think this is the first time we are selling AK-1 or is that just AK?
there is nothing to be jealous about it friend, The Only thing is Sri Lankan The starter of this thread Did not keep up to his ethics while In cut Paste.... He while Posting this Article Cut the Most crucial part from the source to fool us all....

the below are the Lines which he Failed to Copy or did Knowingly to fool us all

This nothing to new or to hide as those who had been following these kinds of cooperation know well that it was finalised in 2008, and Pakistan had not only provided military hardware support to Sri Lanka against LTTE terrorists but also even took part physically ;)

The list includes many things of which Al-Khalid tanks have not yet been sold.

The list may expand during President's visit to Sri Lanka.

I may also go not yet confirmed but trying to.

This is a crucial visit and as Rajpakasa took oath again there would be more cooperation between Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

I think Pakistan should not seek monetary compensation for equipment provided, instead with a facility agreement was entered into, we may have a physical location to train soldiers, navy and airmen of the Lankan forces armed forces and they in turn could train us in what they have learned - PN crews can learn much from their Lankan counterparts and the Lankan navy gain experience on platforms they may want to order - the same with air force assets.

In this way the Pak and Lankan armed forces would be the instruments of forging deep relations between us and them and the neighbor ally, China.
This nothing to new or to hide as those who had been following these kinds of cooperation know well that it was finalised in 2008, and Pakistan had not only provided military hardware support to Sri Lanka against LTTE terrorists but also even took part physically ;)

What military hardware you provide to Srilanka ???? Nothing

And talking about list :woot:

If you claim this so can you provide any source??
Probably u dont know our defence exports which are almost triple then indias?
Starting frm AK to morocco,KRLS to bengladesh and gulf,APCs to iraq,ANZA sams to malaysia,Tank busters,grenades,small arms,tank ammo,UAVs,fuses,Mushak traniers,rec aircrafts,K-8(jointly built with china),Upgraded bangladeshi T-59s to alzarar status and other defence exports... etc etc....... in the start of this year alone we cancelled export orders of more then 500 million $$ due to financial crunch and same goes for ideas exibition.

Our defence exports last years were nearly 600 million$$

sorry to burst your bubble India exports much more that Pakistan. We serve not only the Sri Lankan military, but the various military's and defense agencies of Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Indonesia, Bhutan and various African nations. In fact HAL recently has even supplied the United States with equipment, something that was discussed in the forum sometime ago.

Please do not reference deals that do not exist like your $500 million cancelled order. For more information about Indian exports please have a look at this.


And Sri Lankan please dont be an attention hog and cut out parts of an old article and post it again. This is not only bad journalism but also straight forward lying.
Plese change the title of this thread. It is misleading.

SL has no plans to buy Khalid as of now. It is just a foolishly unsmart manipulation of the source of information by the poster to create propaganda.
We have had defence relations with Sri Lanka for 45 years but the cooperation has increased since the 80s. Indians do not have to on fire and start burning on this truth.
We have had defence relations with Sri Lanka for 45 years but the cooperation has increased since the 80s. Indians do not have to on fire and start burning on this truth.

We were only countering the statement saying pakistan hase triple the defense exports than India....
Plese change the title of this thread. It is misleading.

SL has no plans to buy Khalid as of now. It is just a foolishly unsmart manipulation of the source of information by the poster to create propaganda.

Hey choos lee, quote a source for me.
Thank You
I suspect its AL-Khalid 01 because AK (MBT-2000) assembly has moved to the new variant !

Lets give them simulators too :)

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