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Spurious drugs claim 67 lives in Pakistan

really sad .RIP to the dead
Sad...RIP to the dead.
Epic moral decline :(
^^^ the people who were the cause of this dont deserve to live.
I think u will find more outrage from Pakistanis here if such an incident happened in India.:angry:
I think u will find more outrage from Pakistanis here if such an incident happened in India.:angry:

Sad but true comment.
Finally it happens. It was always bound to happen sometime. thanks to heaps of money involved in pharmaceutical business in the guise of hefty commissions given to doctors, quality of drug or its justified prescription is going to be low on the list of priorities. Sometimes its the immediate physian's fault but in a big teaching hospital like CIP, other 'bigger' players like hospital/ward management are more likely to be at fault. The investigation is yet to reach a conclusion and before that it would be immature to actually blame anyone. But from what i've seen, there is so much corruption these days in hospitals in one form or another, that im actually not surprised . Someone i know, a doctor, used to bring home thousands of Rs every night during that Dengue saga. He told that evryday hunderds of pt.s come to test for dengue. And he used to give each of them some injection which was actually the right drug for dengue, but overly priced . My doctor friend got to keep 50 Rs for every injection and the promoting sales man 20 rs. And i have heard of many doctors who prescribe sub standard treatment for such commission, which is very sad. Though i also some doctors who only prescribe quality drugs of foreign or reputed local pahrmaceuticals as these companies dont need such cheap tactics to promote their sales.

This corruption has been going on forever. But these ppl are smart enough to be careful that their substandard durgs dont actually kill ppl, as that would make headlines. This is the first time i've heard of so many ppl dying due to the issue of quality of drug, obviously it cant be some doctor messing up, cuz the death toll is too high. But as sad as it is, atleast FIA is in action. This drug mafia will keep low for a while, doctors will be more careful and hopefully some heads will roll, like the Chinese did in2008 melamine milk scandal.That should teach these greedy dogs a lesson.

Overall im happy with the way FIA deals with things. They are always quick to do their job. earlier in K&K scandal they actually brought those ppl behind bars until our corrupt govt. promoted and relieved the key officials from investigation and instilled their stooges . Now in this case they already have the owners of those pharma companies behind bars.

until the investigation is completed only then will the truth reveal itself. May be it was just a case of quality infarction due to some reason in only one batch of drugs, as only one hospital is involved. May be there was no mal-intent from the doctors or the manufacturers. Only time will tell.
High time Pakistan let Indian pharmaceutical companies get in and offer better, cheaper medicines.

Pakistan already has a robust pharma industry base, what it needs is only to expand on that by producing and processing the raw materials in house, improve quality control and definitly NOT import of finished medical products from India. Though any kind of trade in which both partners benefit is welcome. Like Indian and Pakistani firms doing joint ventures or stuff like that.`

may be fake drugs from china that are being dumped into pakistan.

Not killed by Zionists...

RIP ...

I think some people only commented on zardari because he is sindhi and shia.

And just what do they teach you in indian schools that even in the tragedy of human death you just cant help but find one way or another to insult Us Pakistanis. Such words of ridicule arent going to help anyone here. Now I know you guys dont have a life and i can understand what you have been through that made you so miserable that you just have to take it out on someone and spout words of hatred at every passing opportunity, but believe you me, whatever had happened to you that dark night or day or whatever, it wasnt because of Pakistan. You guys Must learn to grow up. You must learn to control this impulse to bark at every moving car on the road, Its embarrassing. Even i feel sorry for you.

I dont usually get into such flaming discussions, i read them and ignore them. But sometimes patience runs out. And xataxsata I am particularly offended by your post. It isnt hidden what you are trying to achieve here by posting such non sense. You are trying to highlight our differences and why ? a fight between 2 brothers and here comes the bunya, trying to tell us who is who, like this is some stupid show of Saas Baho and Beta. This just makes me so sick of your kind. Such is yours malicious intent towards us Pakistanis that even in a virtual world, a ******* webforum of all places, you would steep to any low just to try to damage Pakistan somehow.

Im reporting you for your above post. But i would suggest visiting a park or just going out for a while . Take a walk, take deep breaths and try to focus on beautiful things in life. This bitterness and hatred you have piled up inside of you, or it will burn your insides, trust me. Not to harbor pathological ill intent towards any one, this is what my religion and my parents taught me, . If you missed that lesson in school, try having a disscussion with your parents for a change, I hope they are a reasonable person.

When 24 people killed by NATO accidently. There were more than 5 thousand reply came and more than 10 thread made on that topic. But now more than 3 times people killed but still no pakistani replied. Such a shame

Common sense dude.... Do you know how many ppl are 'murdered' in India each year ? In 2007, according to India's National Crime Records Bureau, 32,318 people were murdered in India.
Thats over 100 ppl A DAY. Yet when some mental ******** allegedly came from over border and killed under 200 ppl, GoI was very quick to scramble its forces to crush Pakistan. GoI created a war hysteria and a danger of nuclear show down in SEA I still remember the video, something like Bharat le ga 10 qadam or Pakistan ho jai ga kahtam'. It was sad beacuse in general, Pakistani ppl or normal ppl anywhere in the world dont support mass murder but Hysterical Indian response actually put the lives of Millions of asian ppl in danger without even waiting for a proper invesitgation to complete and proceeding in an orderly way.

I think u will find more outrage from Pakistanis here if such an incident happened in India.:angry:

Sadly yes and such morbid thinking needs to be discouraged .
A province of 120 million, Punjab does not even have a health minister. Our very own super-man chief minister is keeping that ministry along with 12 others.

Who is to be blamed?
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