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Speech by Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah commemorating the Day of Resistance

may allah help u with that :) Go get 'em boy , wish u success .

Thank you Haman and may Allah (swt) help you as well. Success or not is not that important. It's better to be a good person or at least try to. I am honestly often disgusted by this new world where everything is about status, money etc. It's not that I want to live 1000 years ago or even 100 years ago but life is really hectic nowadays and a lot is at stake. No wonder that many people are stressed or depressed.

Anyway I have always had a huge respect for doctors. 1 of my elder sisters is a doctor and my mother has specialized herself in the dermatology sector as @ResurgentIran already knows since we have discussed this on many occasions. But what have always scared me is the responsibility you have and the fact that you are dealing with real life cases. One mistake can have fatal consequences. Also you are often surrounded by death, diseases etc. I imagine that it can be very fulfilling to help others and be a great satisfaction but at the same time it must be traumatic or can be when it ends wrong. My sister has told me, when we discussed it, that she is now used to it but I doubt that I could become used to it.

Well, I also have a phobia for needles so the medical area is Area 51 for me.:lol:
Thank you Haman and may Allah (swt) help you as well. Success or not is not that important. It's better to be a good person or at least try to. I am honestly often disgusted by this new world where everything is about status, money etc. It's not that I want to live 1000 years ago or even 100 years ago but life is really hectic nowadays and a lot is at stake. No wonder that many people are stressed or depressed.

Anyway I have always had a huge respect for doctors. 1 of my elder sisters is a doctor and my mother has specialized herself in the dermatology sector as @ResurgentIran already knows since we have discussed this on many occasions. But what have always scared me is the responsibility you have and the fact that you are dealing with real life cases. One mistake can have fatal consequences. Also you are often surrounded by death, diseases etc. I imagine that it can be very fulfilling to help others and be a great satisfaction but at the same time it must be traumatic or can be when it ends wrong. My sister has told me, when we discussed it, that she is now used to it but I doubt that I could become used to it.
yeah , i also think that i wont be able to adapt to these situations .

but seriously u have no idea how it feels when you bring peace to a little girls life who suffers from a simple (okey not that simple lol) disease like hyperthyroidism . i feels really really good man !! u feel like they have given u all the money in the world !

it has downsides too as u said ! make one mistake , then go on and live with guilt for the rest of your pathetic life lol

but this adabting thing , they say it happens to everyone . is it right @ResurgentIran? you're 4 years ahead of me :D

Well, I also have a phobia for needles so the medical area is Area 51 for me
in iran , doctors dont believe in such things :D

its called bache soosooli :D its an idiom . if he/she is a grown up he/she has two options if has phobia :

1- be strapped to a bed and force needled :D

2- close her/his eyes like a normal person and just let go :D :D

thats how we roll :lol: i know its brute , but we dont study medicine for 7 years to deal with phobic patients :D we've work to do .:D
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yeah , i also think that i wont be able to adapt to these situations .

but seriously u have no idea how it feels when you bring peace to a little girls life who suffers from a simple (okey not that simple lol) disease like hyperthyroidism . i feels really really good man !! u feel like they have given u all the money in the world !

it has downsides too as u said ! make one mistake , then go on and live with guilt for the rest of your pathetic life lol

but this adabting thing , they say it happens to everyone . is it right @ResurgentIran? you're 4 years ahead of me :D

Well, time will only tell that and humans have a remarkable ability to adapt even to the most difficult circumstances.

I can imagine that. I know how it feels when you do a simple favor to a family member, friend, or stranger. Hell even giving a few dollars to a homeless man begging for money at a train station or metro station.

Yes, but as long as you have tried everything you should not be too guilty with yourselve. Mistakes happen everywhere and sometimes you cannot safe people no matter how much you want to do that. The problem is if you make a grave mistake that could have been avoided. But that is thankfully not happening often anywhere in the world from what I know about.

It's just that I think that I would have a hard time dealing with death, diseases etc. on a regular basis or hospitals. It's just not my thing and add to that I have somewhat of a phobia of needles. Vaccines is somewhat of a struggle for me. Ironically I have no problem with watching operations, blood etc.

Anyway being a doctor is a honorable profession indeed and obviously a very useful on. But every position is useful to certain degree. Even the man collecting dirt on the streets.

@ResurgentIran is lucky because he studies in Denmark and might work in Denmark or Sweden where doctors have a less stressful life and where the equipment, hospitals etc. are top modern. Had he been a doctor in some major city in the US for instance he would be under a whole different pressure IMO.

I hear that private hospitals/clinics are less stressful. Is that the case in Iran as well?

Anyway it was nice talking to you two gentlemen but I have to make some food and study. Enough of time has been spent on PDF. So I have to leave at least for now.:)
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But that is thankfully not happening often anywhere in the world from what I know about.
nah mate , if you were in business you would know what i'm talking abt . medical mistakes are so often u cannot even imagine how often they're !! i know a very professional surgeon (one of the best in the world maybe) he left some of his surgery equipment in a patient's body and the poor guy died of sepsis . i mean he probably saved thousands of lives , but can he live normally with the guilt of that mistake ? at least i cant !! lol .

Anyway being a doctor is a honorable profession indeed and obviously a very useful on. But every position is useful to certain degrees. Even the man collecting dirt on the streets.
every job is honorable . engineers design our tech needed , make the chemicals needed for phamacists , invent new materials for different uses in medical care and ......

i dont see any profession superior to another one .

I hear that private hospitals/clinics are less stressful. Is that the case in Iran as well?
they might be , since u have less patients to visit :)
other than that , rules are the same every where .

Anyway it was nice talking to you two gentleman's but I have to make some food and study. Enough of time has been spent on PDF. So I have to leave at least for now.
good talk mate :)

good luck :)
nah mate , if you were in business you would know what i'm talking abt . medical mistakes are so often u cannot even imagine how often they're !! i know a very professional surgeon (one of the best in the world maybe) he left some of his surgery equipment in a patient's body and the poor guy died of sepsis . i mean he probably saved thousands of lives , but can he live normally with the guilt of that mistake ? at least i cant !! lol .

every job is honorable . engineers design our tech needed , make the chemicals needed for phamacists , invent new materials for different uses in medical care and ......

i dont see any profession superior to another one .

they might be , since u have less patients to visit :)
other than that , rules are the same every where .

good talk mate :)

good luck :)
Sorry, I was not very precise in my wording. I meant the very grave ones. But I might be wrong here since I am obviously not in the business. Of course grave mistakes happen - even for the best but they are not that frequent to be a real danger. Or am I wrong here? I mean wrong medication is common etc.

Yes, you are completely right. That has always been my philosophy as well. Your profession is a big part of you but it should not define your entire life.

Yes, you are completely right. Of course there is no difference other than the number of patients. Wrong wording from my side again. I even imagine that people coming to private hospitals are mostly rich people and often more sick. But I guess that it depends on the country, hospital etc.

Anyway I took my time to reply.:)

Greetings to both of you. @ResurgentIran

Held og lykke med den mundtlige eksamen. Jeg får brug for det også.:lol: My Danish has improved but I always liked languages.:)
Now you are contradicting yourself.
You said Hezbollah came popular after 2006 war against Israel, across the Arab world/Arab street.

In the next instance you say that Hezbollah started the war and are guilty for what happened.
Which one is it?

Nobody expected a dozen Israeli soldiers to die in one day. Hezbollah thought Israel would bombard some areas and maybe cause some casualties amongst their ranks. Israel wasn't prepared though so they sent some troops into Lebanon. They hit a mine and lost another four soldiers. Then they got in a firefight without air power, they had another five casualties. So they got very angry over those since they failed to cause deaths amongst Hezbollah's ranks.

Then they made a crazy decision for all out bombing and ground invasion.
Luckily I have two weeks vacation before that starts. So Im going back to Sweden to watch the World Cup games with my dad after exam. :)

You may have to change Your plan, since in Sweden:
  • "A World Cup, without Zlatan, is no World Cup"

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