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Special Thanks to AfrazulMandal

Often these pajeets don't know what they are saying. They just say stuff to sound remotely intelligent, when all they really want to say is "kill all Muslims"

You rephrased all this self created confusion well...they will have a justification for everything, every lynching.
No problem with that. I have no business what Muslims do in other countries, let me be clear of that too.

SanghiNazi doesn't know how to respond, so merely agrees when confronted with big English words
You dont know anything boss...there were hundreds of attacks by muslims on hindus all across india before babri..
Ok lets say I dont know- Show me details- I dont buy into RSS/BJP narrative- That what they want, it will work with uneducated irrational people, not with educated people- I have done my research and have not seen anything bad before 1990- A few incidents just before elections in Bangalore and Hyderabad thats all- Never so much hate man- Are you saying an eye for an eye?

Truth hurts boy! I can see how hurt you are.
Indian Muslim (I repeat, who think India is not a dar al-islam) can leave this country or live under sujugation. Period.
Hindus who think that Indian Muslims who do not consider India as Dar-Al-Islam can leave India or live under the Subjugation of RSS/BJP.
Let me reverse the question, Why dont Muslims integrate with us? :lol:
We know they wont!

Sorry dude...I am not going to integrate and oppress dalits.

I am all game for "integrating" with your women though
Sorry dude...I am not going to integrate and oppress dalits.

I am all game for "integrating" with your women though

Madrassa chap is showing its color, I am having fun...btw Dont worry If they woman is willing.
Let me reverse the question, Why dont Muslims integrate with us? :lol:
We know they wont!
Yes they were slowly but surely- Until this disaster called RSS/BJP happened. You are the majority its your burden to make them feel wanted and loved not the other way around.
Let me put the record straight. Indians have faced tremendous trouble in areas where Muslim population has reached 30-35%. There are 2 ways, stop them reaching 30-35% put restrictions. Simple.

Asaduddin Owaisi of AIMIM must have triggered all the raw nerves there. At times he sounds like a Jihadi...

In one of the speech he said...we Muslims of India believed that Hazrat Adam come to the land, after evicted from Jannah...and that land was Hindustan...and Muslims have a 1000 to 1200 year old history with this country Hindustan...we own this country as much as anyone else, in fact more.
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Let me suggest a simple solution- Why dont you integrate with Muslims population or vice versa- And who are you to restrict - Man thats not right.
Muslims - at least of my town - are very different from Hindus. Racially, genetically and also by nature. Their appearance and behavior are so different that they seem to hail from outside the state. Wonder what is their history and origins?

SanghiNazi doesn't know how to respond, so merely agrees when confronted with big English words

I can write bigger English words than you can possibly fathom. Been writing here since 2009 as you can see. But a Madrassa chap talking about English is wired, new syllabus ?
Madrassa chap is showing its color, I am having fun...btw Dont worry If they woman is willing.

You must be in awe of Madrassas now. Such great logic and command of English. You got ripped off for what you got as education from your Kendra Vidyalay and the tuition you took from Guptaji.
Muslims - at least of my town - are very different from Hindus. Racially, genetically and also by nature. Their appearance and behavior are so different that they seem to hail from outside the state. Wonder what is their history and origins?

Whats your point- Maybe your town is so lazy and good for nothing that outsiders had to come in to support you guys- Thats the History-As far as origins go, you should ask them directly dont feel shy they are from your town.
Yes they were slowly but surely- Until this disaster called RSS/BJP happened. You are the majority its your burden to make them feel wanted and loved not the other way around.

Wow, they are sweet little babies with their ways lost!! Go look at a prison, they will outnumber Hindus. Go take a look at their % anywhere in national participation. And if they are not what they are, only they are to be blamed and their Mullas.

Dont blame us. Muslims didnt suddenly become what they are in last 6-7 years.

Asaduddin Owaisi of AIMIM must have triggered all the raw nerves there. At times he sounds like a Jihadi...

In one of the speech he said...we Muslims of India believed that Hazrat Adam come to the land , after evicted from Jannah...and that land was Hindustan...and Muslim has a 1000 to 1200 year old history with this country Hindustan...we own this country as much in fact more.

I have lot of respect for that guy. He may not be a nationalist, but he is a patriot. He does everything within the ambit of law. No need for worry about him. His brother has issues with us, so we have issues with him.
I can write bigger English words than you can possibly fathom. Been writing here since 2009 as you can see. But a Madrassa chap talking about English is wired, new syllabus ?
Now now- I guess you are one off the few RSS chaps left on PDF- By the way he is right about your English- its Weird not wired.

they will outnumber Hindus.
Why are you so insecure?
Wow, they are sweet little babies with their ways lost!! Go look at a prison, they will outnumber Hindus. Go take a look at their % anywhere in national participation. And if they are not what they are, only they are to be blamed and their Mullas.

Dont blame us. Muslims didnt suddenly become what they are in last 6-7 years.

SanghiNazi logic:
Oppress and discriminate against Muslims, and then blame them for their lack of "participation"

Basically, Sanghis are not going to hire Muslims, and then blame Muslims for being unemployed.

No wonder Modi gets you guys to bang thaalis and light fires so easily.
Now now- I guess you are one off the few RSS chaps left on PDF- By the way he is right about your English- its Weird not wired.

No problem. Please visit my posts in older section you will find ample examples my literary prowess in English. And yes, I am may be last RSS guy left here.

But I am the chief of the board. Liberal Hindus know me here ask them!
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