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Special Look at Pakistani Engineer Aga Waqar , water car Genius

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Sep 8, 2009
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Was very impressed with the Simple Design and method of generating fuel thru water and electrolysis, Technique he perfected.

In various debates he was countered by stubborn scientist, who accused him of being a fraud that he had a hidden fuel source , however the man proved clearly that he only uses "Water" and car battery to create fuel. And the battery gets recharged when the car runs

In various debates with Scientist (Critics paid by Petrol Mafia) , he clearly stated he does not uses "OIL" he does not uses expensive "fuel" imported from outside

Just uses car battery & water to make a car run.

Scientist (paid by petrol mafia) kept stating well battery runs the show where will you charge it ... overlooking the fact that , he only uses the batter initially to charge his fuel cylinder (then battery shuts off and when car runs the battery is recharged)

Abdul Qadeer Khan's remark after min 16:00

Even when he demonstrated the engine kit , he was rediculed by other scientist (beside honorable Qadeer Khan who supported him)

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Noble Prize nomination. ;)
The main argument against him is

a) Some scientist (sponsored by petrol Mafia) state , he uses a battery and that batter will loose charge , and thus he can't run the car + recharge the battery same time

b) He claims he can use his patented technique, to refuel the hydrogen collector unit by using minimum charge from the battery , and when the car moves it automatically charges up the battery.

Now , I don't know but look like the Car runs great in video !!! However some stubborn scientist argue that the don't think the idea is ideal for greater implementation and they prefer that we import oil from Saudi Arabia for Billion of dollars.

Note :
  • In first video the man commenting is Minister of Science and Technology in Pakistan
  • The second video has the man who helped create Nuclear Program for Pakistan

Aga has applied for Patent to technology/ idea with Government of Pakistan.

During the shows (they also discussed that 2 other people in history who tried to come up with this idea end up being murdered, and 1 was discredited by ridicule)

The man is not a Super Genius scientist , but a average man who used his head to solve a technical problem and some scientist can't absorb that easily and many have stated very harsh comments against him because they can't figure out how he is able to make a car run on water
The video is clear , he demonstrated the invention at an engineering council (video 1)

Very nice to see someone trying to solve a major issue with oil / fuel in Pakistan with simple ingenuity

I loved the remark by Abdul Qadeer Sahib , that people question him , but overlook the fact that bill gates was a drop out , or other inventors of world many of them don't necessarily have PHD etc or Steve Jobs , was a drop out from college!!

And its even funnier how they all change their tune after he talks (surprise guest)

Yet ... we see in video how certain "scientist" can't accept the fact someone with out a PHD can come up with a solution, some what shameful also how they call him a fraud , with out even seeing his invention on telephone while he had already shown it to other scientist

It makes me remember another great inventor

Shahid Khan (USA), Pakistani by birth, now a well known Billionaire
Who used his invention related to cars and now may be 99% of cars use his invention
He was also a Mechanic/bodyshop worker

I wonder if he also faced same type of ridicule in USA

Another TV channel critic astonished to see the car running
He demonstrated running the car provided by the tv analyst

Unhooked the CNG (Natural Gas) and made it run on external kit
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Hasnt this topic been discussed to death before? Not sure whats worth salvaging here??
and please spare the evil oil companies and their plots
Where did he vanish?

Media should have followed up on this topic...with Pervez Hoodbhoy and others doing critical experimentation on Agha waqar's car..and publishing result to the nation. Making everything clear.
Where did he vanish?

Media should have followed up on this topic...with Pervez Hoodbhoy and others doing critical experimentation on Agha waqar's car..and publishing result to the nation. Making everything clear.

Well I think when a inventor makes an invention, if his product sells and he pays taxes on income made what has GOVERNMENT of Pakistan have to complain about






Very difficult choice

Elimination of circular debt ...

He did not vanish he said he is looking for approval from Government to allow him to "sell" to customers!!


What good are PHD or scientist if they can't extract oil or coal or Minerals from Mountains or make inventions !!! sit and preach "THEORY' ZERO in practicality

The scientist & their 'Theories' would be valuable and their suits as well , if they actually did 1% for local people !!
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The main argument against him is

a) Some scientist (sponsored by petrol Mafia) state , he uses a battery and that batter will loose charge , and thus he can't run the car + recharge the battery same time

b) He claims he can use his patented technique, to refuel the hydrogen collector unit by using minimum charge from the battery , and when the car moves it automatically charges up the battery.

Now , I don't know but look like the Car runs great in video !!! However some stubborn scientist argue that the don't think the idea is ideal for greater implementation and they prefer that we import oil from Saudi Arabia for Billion of dollars.

Note :
  • In first video the man commenting is Minister of Science and Technology in Pakistan
  • The second video has the man who helped create Nuclear Program for Pakistan

Aga has applied for Patent to technology/ idea with Government of Pakistan.

During the shows (they also discussed that 2 other people in history who tried to come up with this idea end up being murdered, and 1 was discredited by ridicule)

The man is not a Super Genius scientist , but a average man who used his head to solve a technical problem and some scientist can't absorb that easily and many have stated very harsh comments against him because they can't figure out how he is able to make a car run on water


I am not a Ph.D, but a humble M.Sc. Chem. Eng’g and a senior member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers. I find it amazing that even though Pakistan is spending $16-billion per year on the import of petroleum products; I and other Pakistani scientists are accused of working for the ‘Petrol mafia’ and deliberately ignoring this genius! Do people think that the whole Pakistan Gov’t machinery is in on this conspiracy as well?

An average small car weighs between 1000 to 1500 KG. It generates about 60 -70 break horse power. This means you need to generate about 50 KJ per second access energy to run a small car.

The energy required to split water is 142J per gram. Also the energy produced when you combine when you combine Hydrogen with Oxygen thru burning to form water is also 142J/gram.

If you had a perfect system with no energy loss, energy generated by burning the hydrogen in the car engine is exactly the same as required to split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. In the real world, there is an energy loss and energy required to split one gram of water is more than what will be generated by burning the hydrogen thus produced. The loss is about 48.7 KJ/mol (One mole of water weighs 18.0152 grams).

Hence there is no way the 50KJ per second energy required to run the car is available thru the process described by Agha Waqar.

It appears to me that very few of my countrymen are aware of the ‘Basic’ laws of Thermodynamics and insist on believing what is contrary to the laws of Physics. If this in any way reflects general standard of education in Pakistan, then we are really doomed.

Why not send the invention of this genius to ‘Nobel’ Committee. Agha Waqar has invented a perpetual motion machine; he surely deserves a ‘Nobel Prize’.

For those who still choose to believe the fraudster Agha Waqar. I suggest that you beg, borrow or steal, but finance Agha Waqar. There are more than 1-billion motor vehicles in the world. Who would want to pay for petrol when he can fill up from any tap? Even if you sell the conversion kit for $100(Rs10, 000), you would be as rich as Bill Gates by selling conversion kits all over the world.
I am not a Ph.D, but a humble M.Sc. Chem. Eng’g and a senior member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers. I find it amazing that even though Pakistan is spending $16-billion per year on the import of petroleum products; I and other Pakistani scientists are accused of working for the ‘Petrol mafia’ and deliberately ignoring this genius! Do people think that the whole Pakistan Gov’t machinery is in on this conspiracy as well?

An average small car weighs between 1000 to 1500 KG. It generates about 60 -70 break horse power. This means you need to generate about 50 KJ per second access energy to run a small car.

The energy required to split water is 142J per gram. Also the energy produced when you combine when you combine Hydrogen with Oxygen thru burning to form water is also 142J/gram.

If you had a perfect system with no energy loss, energy generated by burning the hydrogen in the car engine is exactly the same as required to split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. In the real world, there is an energy loss and energy required to split one gram of water is more than what will be generated by burning the hydrogen thus produced. The loss is about 48.7 KJ/mol (One mole of water weighs 18.0152 grams).

Hence there is no way the 50KJ per second energy required to run the car is available thru the process described by Agha Waqar.

It appears to me that very few of my countrymen are aware of the ‘Basic’ laws of Thermodynamics and insist on believing what is contrary to the laws of Physics. If this in any way reflects general standard of education in Pakistan, then we are really doomed.

Why not send the invention of this genius to ‘Nobel’ Committee. Agha Waqar has invented a perpetual motion machine; he surely deserves a ‘Nobel Prize’.

For those who still choose to believe the fraudster Agha Waqar. I suggest that you beg, borrow or steal, but finance Agha Waqar. There are more than 1-billion motor vehicles in the world. Who would want to pay for petrol when he can fill up from any tap? Even if you sell the conversion kit for $100(Rs10, 000), you would be as rich as Bill Gates by selling conversion kits all over the world.

Brilliant post sir, i was keeping silent on this subject because this debate has also been sparked in the office and one of our very learned ex EME guys stated the same thing. But that is the problem with Pakistan, sensationalist to the core!
Brilliant post sir, i was keeping silent on this subject because this debate has also been sparked in the office and one of our very learned ex EME guys stated the same thing. But that is the problem with Pakistan, sensationalist to the core!

I am sorry, I thought this was the "Economy & Development" section, but I seem to have stumbled into the "Comedy & Fantasy" section by mistake. My apologies. :D
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